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SixZeroFou4 last won the day on January 1 2018

SixZeroFou4 had the most liked content!


103 Excellent

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  1. I ordered a box and plan to give them out to little kids who win science fairs. Thank you
  2. Only got 30 minutes in but this is on point. Great track selection and great samples. Kept me pimped for 30 minutes and I'm sure the whole mix is as on point. I'll be coming back to this many times. Thank you very much for this
  3. This is good. Consistent energy.. doesn't fizzle out. Nice
  4. Lol at this. How's that tin foil hat? I heard on the third month of the third Mayan calendar at 3:33 if you face northwest while wearing your tinfoil hat you can get secret messages. I hear the illuminati is really into playing barbie life in the dream house and a huge false flag will be staged behind most of the tactics in that game. Back in the real world.. trumps not dead, nor will he die. You know why? He's too smart. Anyone who has the capability to kill him is already faithfully and loyally working for him. The man is a gangster in every sense of the word. He is a work o holic who has severe sleeping issues which give the perception of sociopath. How it works in trump world; I do believe he has great ideas. You want to oppose him? Get crushed. You want to work with him? Smart move
  5. First off let me say hi! Second I hope you had a great holiday! Now to the mix.. usually not a fan of the constant time signature switches but my brother like your name is hyperstyles.. you made it work. 110% banging mix that kept me going and I didn't even realize over an hour had passed. The only thing I could say is next time state that there are curse words in the mix. Not so good if you are blasting at the gym or a public place and all of a sudden the F bomb drops repeatedly. Lol As always, thanks for this
  6. Just gets better every time. Thanks again When are you posting a new mix.. I need more!!!
  7. Another great mix. I personally like the fact you use soundcloud because I will not download files. Keep these mixes coming!
  8. You truly live up to your name. When I see a mix that is posted by you I immediately look forward to hearing it. So far this mix has been played 5 days in a row, for 2 hours each time. Thank you so much brother. Please don't stop!
  9. Finally! Thanks for this. Listened to the whole thing twice.
  10. SixZeroFou4


    Excellent response. This is why you are more successful than the others. #schoolisinsession
  11. SixZeroFou4


    It's truth. He wanted to keep going with it and he went low first. Why good does it do you to chime in with your own perception which is wrong anyways
  12. SixZeroFou4


    You can't understand. You come from an inferior country. Trump literally said tonight how he plans on extorting your country and you know what you're going to do about it.. take it. When you come from that vantage point, you embrace it.
  13. Well I'm a two time state champ, Jr Olympian, title belt holder with multiple certification in personal training. That's what separates mine, but so be it
  14. SixZeroFou4


    Listen I don't think it's true, and the Paul family is a notorious fear mongering (the repeated market crash predictions) - which were wrong, but they are known fear mongers. Addressing the post, I don't think it's true. If it were true then I'm glad I'm on the same side. Don't be a hater because you have no Cia Seriously though bro.. who cares. Put out great music. Throw awesome parties. Meet beautiful women and enjoy life
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