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Everything posted by SixZeroFou4

  1. That a weird coincidence. They literally just created a track and quoted me. That's like plagiarism!!! how are you brother pad
  2. @good dance recordings - i just opened discussion on the issue. Whatever is fact or fiction is of zero concern to me because astral projection have determined the human form is best suited for their purposes they are aces
  3. Nice game plays brother! I like the tenacity to get those coins.. I'm proud of you
  4. SixZeroFou4


    If you're paranoid, press 1
  5. It's sad you guys and gals have made it come to that. What happened to a fun, friendly, productive forums that promoted open conversation without feeling pressured, Self conscious, bullied, provoked etc #MakePsynewsGreatAgain
  6. Starkraver. Good afternoon to you my good friend. I don't take, I accept. Through positive vibes, enhancement, enrichment and security - people are drawn to me. My daughter is half Trinidad and Tobago. I had a conversation with a racist man using the N word when I drank a full glass of moonshine. I uncovered his hate for black people, mentally guided him from ignorance and I feel I changed his life on racism. If that is what is considered taking over then I'm signing myself up for it. I only want the best for myself and those I interact with
  7. I would watch these but you haven't pledged your loyalty to me.
  8. SixZeroFou4


    Yes brother. We are all brilliant here. It doesn't have to be war of the super brains. Imagine if the super brains came together..
  9. SixZeroFou4


    I appreciate your level of intelligence. It takes someone who can clearly think on multiple levels to post that sheer level of clever. I thank you. Whoever gets this to page 10 gets a reward.
  10. Jk. I more than likely know close to the least on here. I figured what draws haters in better than a good old fashion "I'll prove I'm better than you on the internet". <- or saying that ensures a civil discussion? Anyways someone said 90s equipment or software or something was a reason for nilaya not having a bass punch Someone else said it's not true Discuss
  11. SixZeroFou4


    If I Don't See Page 9..
  12. SixZeroFou4


  13. SixZeroFou4


    Quitters never win and winners never quit. How do you expect to lead and inspire people to your digital reprint movement when you quit so easily. I cannot be more disappointed in your statement. In fact if your goal is to get great music out to great people you're doing us all a disservice with that attitude. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to think very hard about what you want, what you stand for, and how hard you're willing to fight for it. If you asked me I would tell you I would fight as hard as my body needs oxygen to be alive. Get down, give me 10 push-ups, then re-mutha-fuckin energize and get back in this thread. I WANT TO SEE PAGE 9
  14. SixZeroFou4


    Here's an astral projection dancing galaxy remix to the nasa Rover video. Notice the American flags https://youtu.be/ceq-MHsGJWE
  15. Not today. We're not going to get out our pocket calculators and argue sound theories. EVERYONE ON HERE IS BRILLIANT so reminding you of that, we can have a hotdog eating contest. Arm wrestling tournament. We can fight over equipment, but in the case of psynews - where we are all brilliant, it leads to ugly. Like I said, getting into it can be productive, but it seems people can't articulate differences in a way that doesn't lead to drama. Like nilaya is perfect, I ask you kindly to START YOUR OWN THREAD about 90s equipment and sound. I feel if you started your own thread on it, then we can preserve this thread plus promote another. Fair enough?
  16. SixZeroFou4


    @starkraver we are on level 8 and you haven't checked in.. are you ok fam? @anu Katarina can you write a poem dedicated to the number 8? @psychedelic chipmunk discord is not far off. North Korea will be bombing someone within 2 weeks! With that said, no matter who you are let's be safe if some conflict breaks out. Watch your spending. Save food by cutting portion sizes. Batteries and flashlights. Cases of water. @_________ <- that blank space could be you. I'm taking applications for a psynews friend. In 4 sentences or less tell me why you deserve to make psynews great again
  17. SixZeroFou4


    Ok 1) you wondered if I was eating 2) we both agree who the biggest clown on psynews is.. ;)
  18. Hello brother I hear you. Thanks for phrasing this in a respectful way. Usually someone is a moron and doesn't know anything, but in this case it's 90s equipment. I've at one point felt that way, but I like the bass punch as is because nilaya has so many epic buildup that after a breakdown you get to hear that bass as it fades into the sea of brilliant melodies that follow.
  19. SixZeroFou4


    I would like you to tell me two things. 1 of the 2 things you tell me must be a lie. I will tell you which of the two things you tell me is a lie. Here's an example.. 1) I'm eating right now 2) I'm thinking of the biggest clown on psynews Which is the lie.. Go!
  20. SixZeroFou4


    2,4,6,8 - who do we appreciate? USA USA USA
  21. SixZeroFou4


    I like what I had to read here. @pad.. ignorance is irrelevant when sometimes the obvious is obvious. @anu it's very true. Everyone has bad, everyone has good. Excellent explanation and female touch on things. @starkraver thanks for always supporting I think we're moving along fine with our patient MrAnarchy. Use this post as a review to help MrAnarchy with his issues. Being a rehab worker is hard. Oh and Padmapani, I need a word with you in my office.. The name MrAnarchy, I don't like it. Explain to him why it must be changed. Don't take the easy way out with the obviou defense, use that brain of yours and get his name changed. When that's complete he can have a chance to speak with me. Thanks for your time
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