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Everything posted by SixZeroFou4

  1. I can. Much like Bruce Lee created the way of the intercepting fist, in which he utilized everything the world had to offer - his post is describing why limit yourself on music, and if you decide to deprive yourself, why word it in such a demeaning way? I like everything. There are things I don't prefer and of course I avoid those. For a Goa Web site, negative vibes far surpass positive. "Albums you dislike" "Worst goa track" just to name two of the top topics that focus on the negative If Bruce Lee thought something was negative, he would have never found the positive. People who can achieve a level far beyond average understand the value in searching for beauty in even the most obscure circumstances. So ultimately he was saying, why bother making a post about drawing the line? I'm sure you can word it differently, but the trend on here is the negative vibes, so much so it could make you miss what an open mind might have enjoyed.
  2. SixZeroFou4


    China currently in second place in the olympics.
  3. Who did you give it to?
  4. That was a spot on track selection to describe the moment. Brilliant
  5. SixZeroFou4


    Team USA is playing team China in Olympic basketball. #RIPChina
  6. I know and agree with your words. However my version of breaking down barrier is goa on mainstream radio in the USA. Rome wasn't built in a day. Lu Bu was the fiercest warrior. Who would like to build a dynasty? Emperor and strategists apply.
  7. Lol at this!
  8. They are musicians with a creative vision. They use their musical talent and creative genius to explore new territory. Very catchy music. They could potentially break down barriers. However - the gathering is where I draw the line. That's just me though
  9. Is that your fault for not being gangster enough or his fault for not knowing how to do it?
  10. Very well said. As it should be. However that doesn't seem to be the case for everyone
  11. If you prefer I can delete my post and stop visiting your site. I feel that was very unfriendly of you of to say.
  12. Thank you. I appreciate that. You are looking very well yourself.
  13. After you watch this video - is this guy the troll or the trolled. Also add your reason why.
  14. Who here goes back so deep on psynews there was an epic troll named Penial, but he had another name before that. What if it was the same troll who was torturing psynews is behind a masterminded plan to truly drop fire goa and than this person would disappear to troll you a little harder. Evil genius
  15. Yes. You thought you were slick. However, good dance recordings, I saw what you did with the peaceful revolut-i-on spelling with that last compilation released on 8-5-2016 available https://gooddancerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/peaceful-revolutions-a-space-adventure-somewhere-in-a-goan-planetoid The -i- in the title stands for iWin. Your music is brilliant as are you. If you are ever feeling depressed you got a warrior to chat with. It's Lu Bu!!!@@ ::people frantically run.. screaming:: Calm down for I have become reborn from the power of Goa. I learned about the name Nilaya from goa and astral projection. The song was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard - of course that will be my daughters name. Kids are powerful, stronger than my fighting ability. At this point I could survive a war to be 100% unscathed. However, I put my time in fighting.. I got what I needed. Now we have a beautiful girl who has shown that it is 2016 and this label no longer exist.. Lover not a fighter - 1960s time period Fighter who has learned how to love - 2016 Lu Bu Felipe Santos I'm glad God has blessed you with that beautiful child. No one knows the fight more than me. If you need to talk to a warrior.. - Lu Bu 2016 PS - JK about that thread title. Seemed catchy?
  16. You're only blind once you've lost the ability to create anything out of nothing. Darkness consists of vision less people waiting for someone to show them the way.
  17. Optism creates excellentism That's how I would describe oldschoolgoa new peaceful revolution. Good work you silly bastard
  18. I know brother I know. !!!!
  19. Oh man.. how exciting. The real winners will those who stay safe and don't get sick. Looks like USA just took first gold in air rifle. Who are you going for?
  20. Seems to be the common theme. "Worst reviews". "Albums you dislike". Etc I always had this feeling that this forum is filled with brilliant people filled with optimism. Pessimism is the winner.. ?
  21. Hopefully we stay away from naming and shaming. I only know positive vibes; I seem to agree with josephchembri.. on almost everything. As far as funny I'm going to paraphrase myself - not out of vanity but simply because there seems to be very little reviews on discogs My review is under cosmosis - cosmology I said when this CD was created, they could have turned water into wine
  22. I listened to the entire mix. I've been listening to electronic music for over 20 years and the intro to this mix sums up how you feel about the entire package from track selection, to mixing, to flow. 10/10. Absolutely loved it. I will be using this as my go to mix for my workouts for a bit. Thank you my brother. You need to take a minute and say to yourself you are there.
  23. This is cool. Thanks for sharing. Eating of the mold was a fact I didn't know, and I'm thankful to have learned this through you sharing.
  24. No matter where you go, there will always be the in crowd - forums no different. I think these forums would be different as we are all superheroes in some form.. I mean we like goa/psy/prog. Knowing our common bond.. Do you feel when someone posts a gif or meme of eating popcorn in lieu of drama, that person is a cyber agitator? I can see this as degrading in a way, definitely means or provocation, but also I see the humor. What are your thoughts when you are trying to have an elevated discussion and the popcorn jokes come in? Cyber bullying? Agitation? Provocation? Fun?
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