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Everything posted by G.O.A

  1. I'm still up for this if anyone is interested! Please let me know.
  2. Just want everyone to know that I'm still up for this if anyone wants to trade or make a deal!
  3. To anyone who lives in London or close, are there any places / shops you can recommend that sells goa & psy trance on CD & Vinyl? Would love to digging for some if there are any places that sells it!
  4. I just recently found a white label Dimension 5 record that didn't have anything written on it except for "Dimension 5 - D5.002". I tried looking it up but couldn't find any info on it, not even what the name of the songs are. Nothing on google or discogs. So any idea what this can be? Any more info on this?
  5. I think it's a great idea. Maybe even release some music that was only released digitally but never physically! But will the upcoming re-releases be with a physical CD? If yes, I might probably consider buying the whole catalogue.
  6. Haha, yeah same here. Always on a lookout for trance cd's in second hand shops here in Stockholm. It's very rare, even in stores that actually do sell Trance CD's... or some at least.
  7. I asked them in August if the shop was gonna open to get the physical copies as they are re-opening their label, and they said that it was gonna open as soon as possible. Still nothing...
  8. Oh My God! It's Finally Happening!... Hopefully!
  9. Would love to buy a copy of Hunab Ku - Magik Universe. I understand that the original release is very rare so would love the Amakusa Remaster if anyone has a copy they could sell me! Please contact me as soon as possible if you have one!
  10. In Stockholm, Sweden. That's what I thought! It's going to be great!
  11. I'm going to see them next month. If their set is like this one, then holy jesus will it be a hell of a party! Can't wait for the new album to be released!
  12. This is the same song. They uploaded it earlier this year and I just can't wait!
  13. Still waiting for this song to be released! Really, just waiting for the whole album to be released!
  14. Same Here! Along with Moonweed - Voice of Jupiter! Contact me as well! Interested in buying.
  15. Bump! If anyone is interested, i'm still up for this deal!
  16. I have a copy of Cosmic Trancer by Masaray in excellent condition and would love to trade it for a excellent copy of Blue Planet by Blue Planet Corporation.
  17. So they did sell physical copies? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Imperial-Project-Remote-Viewing-CD-1999-GOA-Psychedelic-Trance-Ultra-Rare-PROMO/142755197243?hash=item213cdf713b:g:~LMAAOSwAGZaz3~4
  18. Forgot this classic!
  19. Cosmosis - Gift To The Gods Darshan - Mind Merge Darshan - Ephemeral Power Source - Goaway Alienated - Fluff Factory
  20. Had an old vizual video laying around on my computer for a good while and can't figure out what the song is. The video was simply called "Clear Light" and nothing more. Wondering if anybody can identify what the name of the song & artist is? Video is my guess around the early 2000's.
  21. Saw the price & condition and bought it immediately about 2 weeks ago. So worth it.
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