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  1. Hello Anoebis!! 

    It's a pleasure talking to you! I saw you playing at Lost Theory.. amazing!

    Could you do me a favor? I made a topic (in general psytrance area) about the "psytrance sub-genres", and would be really nice to have your vision about it!


  2. Hello Forum! Could you help with some information? I would appreciate it very much if you could give your views on this some people in Brazil have spread that this guide below shows the proper way to classify the psytrance sub-genres, and how its used in Europe. Could you give your thoughts about it, please? http://psytranceguide.com/
  3. I agree with your point. I love goa, but seems people here only talk about goa. theres so much more to talk I am new around here and thats something i noticed. Not much talk about Forest, the 20 years of Parvati, Fullon, Night, Suomi, Australian Psy, different festivals, etc..
  4. Have you ever heard of "fullon high tech"? Some people say Eskimo is fullon high tech. Is this a normal name/sub genre for you? Thanx!
  5. tjaal

    ZNA 2020

    Hello forum! Any dates already for the ZNA 2020? And Apsara? Thanks a lot!
  6. What do you guys of those kind of "Full on old school" sets that are beeing played in Brasil nowadays?
  7. Hello Forum! Could you recommend me some fullon groove? Which artists? Thanks!
  8. Any link to the line up?
  9. Hello fórum! Lets make an international whatsapp group to talk about psytrance? Festivals around the world, sounds that your listening (soundcloud, spotify, YouTube links), Dj stuff and music production, psychedelic art... https://chat.whatsapp.com/BsuQnxHXhjN6c6C6dQEZTf Thanks and hope to ser you there!
  10. Hello Forum!! I was doing some research, have you ever been to a brazilian festival? Wich was the best for you? Wich you would like to go? Could you share your experience :) Thanks a lot!
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