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About Damyfx

  • Birthday 08/05/1995

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  1. Also I would like to invite you to subscribe to my channel please,I would really appreciate it. I really like doing electronic music but of course I am curious to know what others think about my production.
  2. Hi ya! Check out my live performance on the Circuit.the track is mainly progressive with a little of psy vibe. Tell me what you think.thanks!
  3. Also I made another track very progressive but not psy.. https://soundcloud.com/damyxy/liquid-city
  4. What do you think about this track? What should I improve or change? thank you
  5. https://soundcloud.com/damyxy/augmented-world
  6. Dear friends here my last Goa track! https://soundcloud.com/damyxy/augmented-world
  7. Cheers mate!I really appreciated that you have listened my track carefully!
  8. Yep,this is the final version .I have listened it through different kind of speakers and headphones and I guess it sounds decent then I don't want to to the depth of mix/mastering that aren't really my cup of tea
  9. Thanks again for your feedback!well the first version was a very basic sketch as my idea was to record a live performance with an emulation of the Tb303,then seeing I have had lots of listens I worked for this studio version with more layers,Eqs,different sound modulations. It's funny how this track has changed lol
  10. Tell me if you can hear any improvement ,I mean this can be a forever work in progress lol
  11. VoilĂ .A fourth version! Completely changed mix,new kick\bass\drum kit\eq\,clear main melody.
  12. Nice one!Gift of the gods" it's my favourite of this album! It will get me long time to sound like that!
  13. Thanks for your listening! It could be out of sync as I did this track with 4 different applications and also the stereo delay in a synth can be disturbing. Definitely I will do another mix with a clean kick,less delay,change the main bass line.
  14. Thanks for your feedback! mmm yes the mix,lol,I just noticed sounds decent in stereo only. The structure,another of my weak points as I never composed soundtracks longer than 4 minutes.
  15. Hello boys and girls,I would like to know what do you think about my latest track Simple amateur track;I use 1 drum kit only,a bass line synth single osc,1 modular synth . Let me know if I got the psy! Thanks!
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