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Everything posted by badboy

  1. Technossomy - Chameleon (Puddle Mix)
  2. thank you all for the quick answer @antic604 yes, I mean something like a slipcase. I have many dvd with digipak packge that usually come with that. it protect the all package thast you put it inside. @draeke I do have the booklet, nothing missing. thanks.
  3. I just got my copy of the live in athens and the i.f.o package, I love it so much. I stop buying cd about 15 years ago and when I heard this in your youtube channel I tell myself that I have to get this. thank you so much !! maybe you can do the same with Koxbox ‎– Live At Burning Man 1996, this is a rare record and very awosome. just a quick qusetion about the i.f.o package, is it come with a sleeve or not ? cuz I got it without and just want to know.
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