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  1. da fuck is dat dragon ball fucking kamehameha??? fuckk offff thats lame... hahaha my covers? i dont give two shits mate. i aint fuckin putting myself in it or is that what you want you superficial bastard? LOL Celaripo is a mommas boy LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL She bringing you all the meals to your desk and all that shit to you? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL You're a pussy mate piss off.
  2. aye dye your hair and all this fucking self absorbed sons of bitches LOOOOOOOOOOOOL so fuckin lame Oh , look at me im so gracious and gorgeous... fackkk offffffffffffffffff
  3. Here's Afgin doin a fuckin blonde madonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL yea that's all explained. fuck yea you're so pretty... shiiittttt.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL
  4. hm hm ... yeah man whatever turns you on sick fucker
  5. Get away from me you fuckin stink!

  6. No Mercy for the Goashitheads

  7. conquer you all motherfukaz

  8. yours is pretty cool HAHA!
  9. Technosomy the loser and Celaripo the crybaby
  10. Where did you come from? The Dark pit? Bubye ! ^_^

  11. congratulations , you hate it! good on you mate! I love it You must have a problem with birds or something. What? You hate it because you can't fly?? Sorry man ... you're wingless. Would you rather have this instead you cheap show off? Celaripo the Basher , the ol' Good Dance Recordings suntripfan hater... let the games begin!! Even Afgin's logo looks like the fucking Akai Professional LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL And btw nice try ain't working here mate... maybe next time . Now please insert your coin. Oh that's right you just another jealous pip. pip pip pip bohooo who cares about you anyways. 'Please make sure you are wearing your seatbelt before takeoff' - Thank you for your co-operation . Enjoy shit airlines... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa watch them seagulls mate they'll shit on your head big time.
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