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Everything posted by Ananda

  1. Heya psypeope, check out my latest release: Peace, Ananda
  2. Hey psypeople, I remixed an old track i did and ended up changing a whole lot. Would like your opinion on it =)
  3. Hey psypeople, I'd love your opinion on my new track Peace Ananda
  4. I'd love Feedback on this one =)
  5. Hey Guys, I'd appreciate feedback https://soundcloud.com/anandapsy/levitation-preview peace Ananda
  6. Hey guys, I'd like your feedback on my latest one =) Love and Light, Ananda
  7. Hello Psypeople, I wanted to introduce to you my psychedelic chilltrance project Mitosis www.soundcloud.com/mitosismusic I'd love to hear what you have to say about it. All the best, Ananda
  8. Hi psypeople, let me know what you think =) Peace, Ananda
  9. Thanks, this is just a volume automation for soundcloud.
  10. I'd love your feedback on my new work https://soundcloud.com/anandapsy/pangea-snippet Peace, Ananda
  11. Enjoy my midtempo project Mitosis =) https://soundcloud.com/mitosismusic I am grateful for feedback =) Peace
  12. Hi, I just finished my track A new DAWn. Would love to hear what you guys have to say. I am still not sure if I do everything "right" at mixing ´ https://soundcloud.com/anandapsy/a-new-dawnpreview Peace Ananda
  13. Enjoy my latest track =) Feedback is appreciated Namaste Ananda​
  14. Hey psypeople. I want to do my live act with live vocals. Not MCing, just a few sounds I want to make with my mouth and send them through some FX. Here is my question: Does anyone have experience with that? What Microphone am i going to need, so that in the loud environment of a psy party only the signal of my voice gets through? Namaste, Ananda
  15. Thank you! I will try to look at this matters
  16. I just finished a track i have been working on quite a while now. It took a lot of rearrangements to get it to where its now. Finally =) Enjoy Ananda
  17. Hi Psypeople, I Just uploaded a new Track of my album Feedback is appreciated Namaste - 139 bpm Namaste, Ananda www.facebook.com/musicgovi
  18. Feedback Appreciated https://soundcloud.com/anandapsy/expanding-dimensions Namaste, Ananda
  19. Hey Psypeople, I just uploaded a new track for my album =) If you like my music, I am grateful for followers and likes on soundcloud
  20. Thank you for the input =) I'll give it a try with my next production Peace, Ananda
  21. New Psychedelic Trance Track uploaded - Desert is Calling Shanti, Ananda
  22. I just uploaded the final version of my new track: Chemical Element 33 Hope you like it =) I'd appreciate Feedback, likes and shares Peace, Ananda
  23. Added a new One Peace
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