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Hasheeshian last won the day on June 1 2018

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    Dancing to loud music, enjoying herbs, reading, drinking craft beer, exploring nature.

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  1. Been taking some time to work on these two tracks lately, tell me what u think if u wanna! Scando forest mystery music Cheers! <3
  2. Hey folks Got down to do some weird stuff, I did. Feel free to comment what you think or what could be improved
  3. I believe the psytrance-community can be a great place to thrive for anyone with their hearts right, especially for those who feel "outside" or odd Anyone could produce a generic psy-song with the right amount of knowledge, but what's interesting is the tunes only you can make!! As long as you have a great time making the music and keep yourself motivated to continue you will grow and create amazing things And you'll have a helluva fun on the way too!! Skål (började skriva posten på engelska innan jag märkte att du var svensk så fick stå haha xD )
  4. Hello and welcome Listened to the tracks, and IMO they sounds really cool! Really nice melody work and interesting rhythms and sounds to back them up. And being odd ain't a bad thing! I think you got a distinct sound and it might come from your way of composing, it's kinda storytelling, living and energic rather than progressive and hypnotic or monotone.. But it's nice seeing people breaking the usual norms and patterns, much psy sounds quite the same these days Cool stuff, keep up the good work!
  5. Having a blast working in lower tempos, new sounds and emotions. This was made as a friday morning jam, bathing in the early rays of sun Made another one this morning, I'm feeling inspired now that spring finally has come to Sweden After many months of snow and freezing temperatures it has now been really nice for around two weeks! Feedback is always welcome, especially on the mixing.
  6. Welcome! You can post your tracks in this forum ("free music promotion"), and you can find some guidelines for posting in the pinned post:
  7. Really like the energy in this one! Beautiful atmosphere and synth work What DAW do you use?
  8. Nice man!! You keep putting up stuff faster than I can listen to it haha xD But I'll have to give your album a thorough listen soon This one was great, really fitting atmosphere for the name and I love the hypnotic patterns.. Good work!
  9. Really nice! Sounds oldschool yet fresh, love the lead that comes in @06:54
  10. Hey folks Tried to make some slower music, got pretty happy with the results but could probably use a bit of feedback on the mixing? ... anyway enjoy! spacey tech-trance psybient
  11. One of a kind Closest would probably be stuff from the sanaton-guys.. Derango, Purosurpo, Hallucinogenic Horses etc. Have you heard the collab-tracks between Taigan and Troglodytes? Each one is a masterpiece..
  12. Sanaton is usually more on the "mossy" (as Digitalys accurately expressed it), crazy side IMO. They have released a bit of oldschool goa-sounding stuff on their comps though, such as Zoon and Ka-sol
  13. I personally like a mix of familiar and unfamiliar tracks, if there's only music that I know well being played the "suprise-effect" disappears. Though if I'm too lost a recognizable song usually takes me down to the ground a bit, so it's all about balance! Classics often creates a burst of joy among the dancers, it's awesome hearing your favorite pieces on a dancefloor (but it's even better finding a new one right there ). As long as the transition is relatively smooth and doesn't take too long I don't complain, a bit of dissonance usually doesn't hurt (especially when it comes to forest/darkpsy where that's already a prominent element of the music). Other tricks (fx, etc) is secondary, it's cool when people can pull it off but I've never thought "man this set needs more DJ-tricks". About storytelling, I think it makes a difference. Though sometimes storytelling just means thinking about the relationship between the tracks and the order played, in terms of dynamics, mood and such. Which I guess every DJ do, but I love when someone can take it to a deeper level and create a real trip.
  14. I'd love a Schlab-vinyl but I'm in a really shitty financial situation xD Could probably donate a 10-15$ or so to support the project, the Schlabbaduerst-gang has done so much for the music that it would be a shame not to, but that's about it for the moment. About waiting time, I don't see it as that important. Give it the time that it would need. I suppose singles are a tad cheaper to produce? Would be really cool to have a Botfb - Ka-sol split single, of course a double vinyl would be awesome too. I live in Sweden so kinda hard to answer your last question, if it actually were pressed I'd buy it if I could afford it.
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