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Everything posted by Hasheeshian

  1. Sounds cool, that's about 10 hours straight Schlabba-madness xD I'll have to check out Davids mix, and yeah that Ka-Sol track is epic....,
  2. Listened to CD 1 and 2, brilliant compilation so far. Loving the downtempo-stuff!! CD 2 is really nice too, obviously Fragletrollet stands out with a huge (!!) track, awesome... But this one is filled with epic tunes, Hutti & Uttu seems to be a dangerously groovy combination. So far, this compilation seems to deliver some high quality forest music, and while being on the dark side of the psy-spectrum it's not really "sinister" or "harsh" for the most parts, but rather odd, playful, quirky and mystical. Lovely!
  3. I stumbled upon this while googling "mid-side processing psytrance" and found it somewhat informative but also sometimes entertaining I liked the fact that the information was written instead of in a video, video-tutorials can be great but they're often pretty short and in many cases limited to a "do this and it will sound good"-approach. It's written by a the man behind the "synSUN"-project which I've never heard of, but cheers http://www.andivax.com/downloads/eng.pdf EDIT: Interestingly it starts off with "I would like to represent you the free video tutorial which is dedicated to secrets of mixing the dance music", is this a transcript for a video? EDIT2: did some detective work and found this, seems to be the video:
  4. Proper mix!! Storytelling is indeed top notch, and the style of music is right up my alley How was the night overall? I saw Ka-Sol 2 weeks earlier in Sweden and wow, quite a special morning...
  5. Haha yeah, stumbled upon the thread and for a second I thought I had missed a whole album of Taigan/Puro/Zoon-madness, but couldn't find anything about it once I started searching. We need more Taigan Sunset tracks in this universe... That Purosurpo-EP is awesome though, It's great seeing the Derango-guys releasing new music, anyone that hasn't checked out Ghostscent totally should. Silent Horror yay!
  6. Anyone knows what happened with that Purosurpo/Zoon/Taigan Sunset split? ...>.< Seems like it didn't get released but damn that would be such a good album
  7. Agreed, while I think there are some factors that simply makes kick+bass "better" (that is, serves it purpose better, especially on dance floors), many sub-genres in the psy-spectrum feels very limited when it comes to this part of the music. Something I've grown very fond of in the forest genre is the enthusiasm break these limitations, to some extent atleast. Still, I guess some consistency is needed! For me the very special thing with psytrance is that I can listen to it for such long periods, thanks to the in, in the best of cases, perfect balance between repetition and development. Chaos and (/in) order
  8. Taigan Sunset - Yes I am Creepy ...masterpiece
  9. Turned my speakers up and made myself comfortable on my porch in front of the swedish cold forests, blankets, coffee and my trustworthy pipe Halfway through and sound pretty nice. I'm not sure Simon and Raja ever will be able to top "Are you shpongled", but I've still enjoyed every release they've made so far. They are moving towards a very certain type of music though, which is cool but I sometimes feel it can be a bit to much of itself? I love the playful nature of Shpongle but wouldn't it be interesting if he were able to incorporate a bit more goa/psy-inspired techniques of repetition, groove and hypnotic structures? Would certainly make it more enjoyable for me as a whole. EDIT: Thinking about it, I probably just want another Hallucinogen album Will probably try to review this when I've heard it more times and find the time, don't think it'll be very groundbreaking but hopefully a nice ride (is so far, for the most part..)
  10. More lovecraftian goa I could totally imagine a Lovecraft-inspired goa/psy V/A, could have the perfect, haunting vibe for those dark hours! Kick+bass is really nice, strong and thumping. Good melody work and nice structure, the only thing I feel lack is that extra portion of maadness in the climax, could get even wilder for my personal taste Anyway sweet job, always impressive to hear your work
  11. Cool track The kick+bass is smooth and everything is well mixed. Love the atmospheres between 02:15 and 03:40. Though, as with your last track, I think some distinct leads could add some rhythms that would make the whole track more danceable. Finally, the bass in the end is very nice, powerful
  12. Hey folks, here's a track I've been working on the last days, not sure how to continue it but I'm getting pretty happy with the structure overall :-)
  13. Oh I see! didn't even know they had a name But yeah switching between them (and devices) by using the pads sounds very nice for workflow and jamming
  14. Oh sweet that it works for your controller too! What is "macro pages"?
  15. Haha, I thought about making an update this morning! So far I'm having lots of fun. Got it thursday but had to focus on studies whole last week so now I've finally gotten to sit with it for longer periods. I've hooked it up with both renoise and bitwig with very few issues, mainly been working bitwig. Haven't tried *every* possibility of mapping, but it surely got my creativity going again Right now I've got the 8 left knobs mapped to different parameters I change while on a single track, and the 8 right for more global stuff that can be modulated no matter what track is selected. Also I've realised how fun pitch bend is I'll probably be posting the results of my experiments in the promotional forum sooner or later !
  16. You could try to do some fine EQing in the low-mids, but you're working on a phone right ? So maybe depends on mixing-possibilities in the program you're using
  17. The synth that comes in at 2:40 does some awesome riffs after the buildup, well done! Sometimes when the acid leads are in their lowest filter-cutoff they produce some frequencies that is a biit muddy (not very much though) but as I said in my comment on your last track that isn't necessarily a bad thing,,
  18. Yeah it's quite off-tune though intentional I love the older swedish goa/forest music (schlabbaduerst rekkords) and get alot of inspiration from there - when I saw Ka-sol live a few weeks ago I was stunned by how well they use extreme amounts of detuning and off-key sounds to their advantage, so I tried kindof reaching for that twisted, uncomfortable vibe. I might have to work a bit on getting the sound to sit well in the song though, I want it like a "growing/bubbling/crawling" haunting detuned screechy saw-orchestra which quickly die back again. The song might evolve into something a bit darker (it will probably be 3-4 minutes longer in the end) but I still want to keep some of the light there. I'll have to look into various methods of keeping it from being too repetitive... (I hate breaks but will probably have to do a few xD). Thanks for the feedback
  19. Threw this together with headphones on my laptop and mixed it tonight once I got home to my monitors Feedback is always welcome, especially on the mixing
  20. Oooh wow, I haven't heard this song for so many years, suprised to stumble into it here of all places.... Nattramn is from my hometown, or close atleast - he was living in a mental hospital which I used to work in (though after he was there...) It's all quite the twisted story but the music is so special and emotionally intense, I used to love it when I was 17 I still do He has a electronic project called "Diagnose:Lebensgefahr" too! Nice to see some good metal being posted here, I haven't listened to metal much at all for many years, here's a few of the bands I still play once I do. Black metal is one of my favorite genres overall, though mostly I turn to the "depressive" spectrum of it these days. Also basically everything by Electric Wizard is amazing
  21. I guess it's alot up to preference and how used one is to regular keys, and of (course the quality of the pads/keys). Yeah I will, picking it up this thursday and can't wait to try it out The included software looks nice yeah, haven't looked much into it but it seems to have plenty of good sounds, maybe another way to find some inspiration
  22. Oh! That one looks fun, but I already ordered a Minilab Though apart from the X/Y-pad the Arturia seems more favorable to me, not sure how I feel about those "pad-keys". Have you tried playing on something similar? (I haven't)
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