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Everything posted by shurita

  1. Hey guys! Here is my remix of this legendary track by Technical Hitch. You can free download it. Let me know your feedbacks! Enjoy: Soundcloud Link
  2. Here is my latest track! 127bpm I'm creating this kind of tracks in order to fill up my dj sets bpm gaps.
  3. 131 Bpm https://soundcloud.com/arkohn/sungaze
  4. Nice man, really cool. Very smooth vibe.
  5. Hey! Thanks for the feedback, Pinz! =D
  6. Here is something a bit experimental. I'm not quite sure what genre it is. Let me know your feedback!
  7. Hello! Here I'm dropping my latest track. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think!
  8. Very original and professional. A pleasure to listen to.
  9. I think that the speed is not a problem at all. I think that the vibe is great and I like the overall sound but I also think that there is a lack variation that makes it boring for the later parts. I have only a few years into psytrance so I'm not sure if it's a matter of style or what. Take a look at this masterpiece for a well done hyper speed track: https://youtu.be/xEsIkXk5hmo
  10. Nice! I loved how the whole things builds up.
  11. Strong baselines indeed! Powerful track.
  12. Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I tried to keep the intro simple but maybe I went a bit too simple and "raw". I'll get my hands on that plugin =) All the best!
  13. Lol "art" and "finished" are two terms that are not as compatible as one would think. Great track!
  14. Somewhere between Psytrance and Trance, maybe commercial psytrance? I don't really know. In any case I hope you enjoy it:
  15. Whatever genre it is it sure does sounds good. I love those heavily distorted, industrial sounds.
  16. Yes! I'm loving this! Cohesive variety. Great track!
  17. Hello everyone! Here is something a bit experimental. Fastest song so far.
  18. Thank you antic =D I'm very glad that you enjoyed this one. This one took a lot of trial and error until the interesting parts started to show up. The concept behind this one is a mystic, hooded wise man, is wandering in a sand storm and finds a hidden temple. He opens the gates and enters and at that very moment the kick drops in and his minds starts to travel through other dimensions where he encounters and has dialogues with other entities. =D I'm taking notes on the first bass and further evolving the offbeat melody. I find it difficult to reach that sweet spot where the melody is well developed but not too long where it starts to bore. Thank you for your feedback!
  19. Long intro ahead =D I'm still learning the basics. What do you think? https://soundcloud.com/arkohn/forgotten-temple
  20. Hey! Thank you for the feedback. Yes, the kick was not properly sidechained and one of the basses was absorbing some of the kicks sounds. Here is a better version:
  21. Hey! I've just finished a new track. Serum all the way. I'd appreciate your feedback. Enjoy!
  22. Hello everyone! I'm still far from the tidy and pro sound and eq a lot of people showcase here so if you have any feedback that could help further improve my sound quality I would appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this one =D
  23. Nice! I loved that gated Aum at the start and that drop at 2:13 makes me wanna dance.
  24. Hello Everyone! Here is one of my latest tracks. I'd gladly hear any of your constructive feedbacks =D Cheers! https://soundcloud.com/user-548689380/mago-nekro-1
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