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Mahasamatman last won the day on March 27 2019

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  1. It has somehow evaded me for 5 years that AP have made music before they made goa. (Probably because I didn't listen much to frankfurt beat and other early techno until recently) It definitely is a very different kind of music than Dancing Galaxy et al., but no less good IMO. Absolutely love some of the tracks for that industrial, thick synthy vibe.
  2. I must say straight away that I agree with you guys on this compeletly. I also wrote up some of my thoughts on it, here they are: Even though it’s hard to put into words the pure divine power that this gem is, at least in any earthly language, I still feel obliged to give it a try. Before you ever get taste of the music the art already gives you this vibe of this dissonant world with brain-treees (-> Brainforests) and mirror-ladders warping the space to your perspective. I like it most of any Suntrip art I've seen in a while (Just as the music - not meant as a diss to their other releases obv.) The Great Light shines through the mysterious veil of spiraling melodies and softer beats in the long and calmly pacing buildup, some tension throughout with the constant breaky elements. A few elements keep being added, others subtracted, never overloading the sonic soundscape, accounting for a very old-school feel. As the tension rises the Great Light breaks the spiral veil and rises in climax up and up, for roughly a minute before calming down and padding out the sonic skies with some acid licks and going up into a final climax. Great start to the album, gives you a gentler, softer summary of how the entire thing is going to play out. Coming of the climax of the previous soundscape-shadow-world, we are introduced into the weird world of PsychoTherapy with a gentle melody and warm bassline, before the kickdrum and, subsequently, the first mad acidscreeches enter. The entire soundscape has a few calm ponds and a whole lot of howling acid hurricanes, where there really is no clear climax, no strongest storm and finality, just mad and cyclic acid all over. There could barely be a better name chosen for this piece, representing a sonic equivalent of a paranoiac trying to leave a forest as the light dies around him with the sun set. Directly following, we get a perfect encapsulation of sunrise, beginning with very mystic sounding speech samples and a PHAT kick, then some sweet hihats, and just behind it the sweet melody of the first rays awaits. Tranceologia definitely feels a little more crowded, but by no means overcrowded, it has the huge swath of melodies encoding the first, gentle, toned down sunbeams, the colors returning, the air, cold and moist yet, the stamped out ground, the wriggling mass of humans on and above it, and the ecstatic trance of the perfect Goa Sunrise. The breaks in the final build launch the following climax into Cloud nine (for me atleast, gotta have them breaks for Frühstück) Although I can’t really make any sense of the fourth tracks name, it does not in any way diminish the glory and splendor of “6EQJE5” It’s the first (and only?) one to pull no punches and enters almost immediately with a kickdrum and a bassline a few loops late, transitioning into hihats, a few screeching, tension-building acid screams and then abruptly and unexpectedly early, everything just EXPLODES in your face, as the melody flies off the handle into a nostalgic, bittersweet drama. This first climax is debatably the highest this track will go, but the following little melodic spirals and powerful energetic acid roars are still worth every second and round the track out nicely. Still, my soul is most encompassed by that first and most melodic climax. Concerta is introduced with some gentle acid and a warm bassy melody, with the kickoff then a few mysteries are posed in the language of melody. More unsettling albeit powerful melodies are introduced as the tension is conducted a pace above the previous suite’s each go. The track doesn’t stray much from it’s hypnotic core though and is, together with the following track, the most newschool-ish one on the album. Speaking if which – the live mix of Visiting Earth is a thing of beauty. I definitely see the comparison with Filteria and RA, Filteria contributing the mad acid that hits you as the curtain is drawn, RA the clean, classic cheese straight from the orient and Sykespico themselves the bombastic climax – the way it is gently teased and grows stronger and more solid about you is simply beautiful. Dance Float is introduced with some cheesy dramatic trance, lays then the foundation with a phat sounding kickbass, leers then into direction of some cheesy psy-style bells, before throwing that sideways and picking up full power, with lush leads and twirling acid and it doesn’t let up but once, till the end. Towards the end the synthlines seem to pick up some of the acids twist. Lovely. After all of the Realm-Warping adventures over the last hour, you arrive at Space Station, to chill for a few, and you hear the dissonance creeping up, and hear the breaks, and then weird shit hits the fan in zero gravity and there’s alien excrement allover, staining all of it with inherent, integral weirdness. From the bass and percussion to the weirdly placed breaks and the hectic as hell acid. Very energetic, weird and playful, even picking up some drama for the climax, all you need to carry out your diabolic interdimensional scheme. Rounding all this out into a ball of superheated plasma, the duo give us Perlimor Star – a beauty stricken through and through with a groovy hoovey breakbeat, melancholic melodies that just spiral out and out, and some well-placed piano and female vocal cheese. Have I already told you how much I love breaks? Well I do, so, so much. Especially when paired with melodies the both spiral outwards and look inwards. Beautiful piece of downtempo goa, the perfect age-old secret of ending on a downtempo note. Perspective reminds me, just as most of the ones who’ve said something here, a lot of oldschool – but it is not Pleidians I would associate most with this style – a lot of the tracks are, to me, in their playful insanity, very reminiscent of the old Denshi Danshi stuff, and that’s a good thing. Also, I just have to remark that I absolutely love how Sykespico play with the composition, not just layering everything on top of eachother, but creating lots of dynamics and power. Can’t wait to hear them play at Apsara, missed them last time unfortunately, had not a clue how awesome their stuff is till this came in, totally out of left field. Not as relevant, since I doubt many people nowadays have read it (not in Germany anyways), the album gives me the impression of Corwin walking and warping strange, chaotic shadow worlds (a Character from Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber, where powerful demigods can walk an infinity of universes by adjusting aspects of their surroundings with the help of their imagination) Edit: effed up a word.
  3. The wonderful Psara played a great set at ZNA, and in that set one track stood out, but I can't get the name https://m.mixcloud.com/Psara/psara-zna-2019-goa-guardians-live-audience-recording/?fbclid=IwAR3CHOW0Yz8lCksY8s4l0PCqCzIBQi-NqmF5_E2UE3uFgVA6LXKObvavODA The track starts at around 2:03:00 Any help greatly appreciated, thank you
  4. Well most like it ironically precisely because of how unapologetically dumb it is. Not that anyone genuinely thinks it's good music.
  5. Well I don't know, in Berlin we have two almost pure oldschool Parties a year, and while Yeah, the rest of the psytrance Scene Mainly sucks here, we have an awesome acidtechno scene. And one of the oldest technoparties being revived regularly.
  6. Maybe a bit late, but still my two cents on the album: "Are you prepared to surge to sunlight speed?" Analog Visions, here it is, the first offering this year ripped from the old DAT tapes of some devoted collectors, and what a sweet piece of 90's candy it is. I'll be reviewing the digital order, because it's the complete one, and I'm used to it more. The album starts off with a live mix of Demention, and while the original is not fresh enough in my mind to compare, I enjoyed this rendition a lot. I love the percussion, the little touches with the hihats and the subtly building melodies. Most definitely a good opener. Then DAT treats us with a livemix of 'The Pyramid'. If you're as used as me to livemixes changing very little, just giving the tracks a little touchup if that, then this will take you on a surprisingly refreshing ride. Albeit slower than the original, the livemix still delivers power through it's significantly heavier kick/bass and kickass percussion - it's worth playing for that alone. The leads take you on a slowly evolving journey full of little trippy tweaks that convey a sense of disharmony and uncongruent perception, but still arrive at some nice melodic and hypnotic climaxes. Very nice track and I like more than the original, which while nice was never one of my absolute favorites Next Draeke opens the oven and hits us with some hot furnace wind. This livemix is exactly the touchup kind, but one still, that transforms the original in a significantly noticable way (not like the Green Room mixes lolol) With the more aggressive, distorted and acidic leads, this version takes the vibe in a slightly different direction, but is no less of a floorbuster. It's the heavy metal to the originals hard rock, and in this instance at least, I ever so slightly prefer heavy metal. A lot of people seem to dislike Quicksand, but to be honest I like it. I love the sense of dread and urgency the somewhat disrupted bassline evokes. Couple that with the disharmonic leads and you've got quite the alarming track. You can just sense the villain coming around the corner when this plays. Really reminiscent of Nervasystems 'Time Travel' album, which I happen to absolutely adore. The Conflict livemix, while not quite a completely new cut, got quite the touchup, and one that launched it from being amazing to being asymptotically close to perfection - as we know nothing can truly reach perfection. It has a somewhat longer intro, that qualifies it as an opener of a banging acid set, all of the vicious delicious acid of the original in an even more cutting and mad set of filters, a Ring-of-Fire-esque speech sample, providing that trademark Green Nuns silliness and comic relief and an awesome rework at about 8 minutes in, adding some new and awesome acid to launch the track over the finish line. All in all, this tracks limis is set to go against perfection. The Code S9 version is harder, faster, better and darker. It starts off in a darker place and the trademark morning melody takes a while to introduce itself. But the track escapes the tunnel at a running pace, and when it does step into the light, when that melody does introduce itself it's absolutely glorious. The climax melody just resonates with every moving bit of your soul and makes it absolutely impossible not to dance. One of my favorite Transwave tunes. The Vimana live mix is for me the only track I find a bit redundant. While still a good track in its own right, it doesn't hold a candle to neither the original nor the live in Athens mix. While it does have awesome sounddesign going for it, so does the Athens mix, and this Pleiadians version cuts out one of the most iconic melodic climaxes in the entire genre, where both the other versions get a clear head start over it, which they keep. Not to mention it sounds to my ears identical to the Pleiadians version on the I.F.O. live CD. So yeah, while still ten times better than the Dickster remix or any other shitty fullon remix, it's a bit of a miss for me. The Angelic Particles desk mix is another one where I don't get the bad rep. I'm a bit torn on it - but not because I don't like it musically, I do, I love the mysterious, melancholic and subtle vibe of it. I'm torn because it sits at 150 bpm and since I wouldn't play it without the intro, and I'm not sure about kicking off sth. at 150 bpm, I don't know if it will get played over the original, which has more power to boast. But, as I said, musically I like it And as the last track fades in, it starts you on some funk right off the bat. And then the acid hits you... And then it just keeps getting better and better and better. The Insomnie live mix is IT. It changes the original and takes it in a completely new direction, to another dimension not visible from the plane of the orignal. It breaks the limis and actually reaches perfection. It is the absolute rock-n-roll masterpiece of Goatrance, a lot of it even sounds like a guitar solo. It's just flawless; so rocking, energetic and joyfull, without a trace of melancholy and sadness. My new favorite cut of Jaia. Thanks Draeke for making this available to hear outside his livesets. Overall, this CD/album is definitely worth it and, with all the other sweet releases coming, kicks off 2019 to be a great year for our niche within a niche within a niche. Favorite tracks: Insomnie, Conflict, Code S9, Pyramid Least favorite: Only Vimana, and only because it feels redundant P.S. This is my first review and I don't really like to give hard ratings like 7/10 or 5/7, but I would definitely recommend anyone who likes mad acid psychedelia to get this one.
  7. Well I think there's quite a few who've at least heard the name Astral Projection, but barely anyone actually knows any oldschool tracks (except for maybe LSD) Aber ja wenn du dich nach dem alten sound sehnst, gibt's in Berlin in so ca. 3 wochen (am 12 April) die nächste return of the sun. Ist lokal und Klein aber echt schön.
  8. Ja dikka lass mal ne Goa gönnen - dann gehst du hin und es is ne scheiß proggyproll veranstaltung In Germany there's exactly 2 crews that play oldschool somewhat regularly (Return Of The Sun in Berlin and Kandizucker Kollektiv in Karlsruhe) Other than that oldschool parties are a rare beast, but sometimes crews that generally don't do oldschool make an exception for a retro party. Also this calling everything "Goa" is why I try to not say Goa anymore - because everyone instantly thinks proggy and most of the techno scene rightly despise it - while if I show them some oldschool they generally tend to think it's Acid.
  9. Thanks man, and yeah all his stuff is awesome IMO, the ones I like most change on a weekly basis - except for Catharsis, that track is exactly what its name tells you.
  10. 3 is just impossible... I'll give you 5 in no particular order (except Deviant Electronics, Mr.Walsh takes the cake for me) Deviant Electronics 1. Catharsis 2. Viral Spiral 3. Phenomenon Anon Marcello Bonifacii (so, Ominus/Encens/Aeternum) 1. Ensanity [Aeternum] 2. Spiritual Transgression [Encens] 3. Mindbender [Ominus] Green Nuns of the Revolution 1. Two Vindaloos & An Onion Bhagee (most insane climax ever) 2. Magellanic Cloud (just about as mad as Two Vindaloos) 3. Thunder Thighs/Fire (those two essentially tie for me - Fire is also a mad escalation and Thunder Thighs is the most fun and funky goa track I've heard) Extra I - Psychaos 1. Dense Dawn - no need to say anything... 2. Spatial Distortion - very phat and eeeeevil 3. Science Fiction/S.E.T.I. both are timeless classics, can't just pick one Extra II - Nervasystem 1. Initiation 2. Rotating Rama - that bassline is just....no words 3. Cybermat/Dimension Expansion Nervasystem is just generally great with the long, building tracks
  11. I was not there unfortunately but I've heard a lot of good things ^^
  12. Hey kvd, I wanted to ask if there's gonna be a Lost in Summer Time in 2019?
  13. Title says it essentially. Acid-drenched would be the cherry on top bit mainly looking for breakbeats. I know the oldschool Boris Blenn stuff has some, and shakta also has some IIRC, bit are there some more unknown breakbeat-goa gems I'm missing out on? Thanks for your time and knowledge! ^^
  14. Yes Hedningarna is amazing Trä is probably my favorite folk album. Tina Vieri is just so beautiful and ominous.
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