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Pihkal last won the day on August 11 2017

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  1. HI folks been at this track for awhile still a few final tweeks for the mix but any feed back on arrangement composition an energy would be ace, ,, still working on compressing the kick and bass to get it pumping without distorting to much :/ if the bass feels abit weak anywho Thanks for ya time and ears much love
  2. Done my eq ing on headphones still need to get it on my friends decent monitors,,, https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/esoteric-discipline-unmastered-clip Any tips or feedback welcome thanks all
  3. https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/nn-10th-aug-bouncedown-unmasterd Quite new to producing psychedelic music been about a year now any feed back would be ace cheers
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  4. Hi folks I'm jus wondering if the composition leads an bass,, flow in this track an its not FX overloaded,,, its still rather short and unmastered at this point but if anyones got any tips or advice before i carry on trying to progress it would be ace =D ..<< its of a forest dark psy nature>> thanks all have a good night https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/nn-4th-aug-unmastered-clip
  5. Hay thanks man really appreciated the feed back bro cheers ,, I'm trying to work on my percussion and little fiddly hats tucked away in the background at the moment just trying to get them sounding crisp been concentrating on synth an bass for so long now i have just always just sidetracked my hats an just got the most basic an easy and basic as possible pattern,, il try my hand at a few more risers also,, I'm just quick to scrap them off as i always feel they seem cheesy haha
  6. Any feed back would be ace thanks https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/causa-sui-unmasterd-clip
  7. https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/the-rabbit-hole-unmastered-clip next one hoping its abit more fuller still unmastered tho :/
  8. https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/dimensional-doorway-unmastered-sample-pihkal Any feedback would be great Thanks folks
  9. Thanks for the feedback matey =D been trying to work on my progression on the melodic side and also mastering an getting it louder iv got a new project here if u had 5 mins matey thanks man \ https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/dimensional-doorway-unmastered-sample-pihkal
  10. sorry if the tracks quite as its still unmastered and didn't want to bump the limiter to high hope you enjoy my groove thanks all https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/convosations-in-colour-unmasterd
  11. Hi guys new to psynews... been producing just under 2years and am starting to feel happy with my knowledge of the synth an structure of psychedelic music.. the track is a of a foresty dark nature...sorry if the tracks quite as its still unmastered and didn't want to bump the limiter to high hope you enjoy my groove thanks all https://soundcloud.com/pihkal909/convosations-in-colour-unmasterd
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