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  1. Its exactly what i do init presets on vsts and just go all out trying stuff, warping the sounds that i made on the synthetizer to modify even more and yes i went for psytrance because it gives me more freedom to express myself and my prodution. We can get stuck it happens alot with me because i dont want to do the same the others do i want my identity on it. For me psytrance production its like a painting. The canvas is its kick and bass, and then the painting well that is what ever i want the way i want a picture of myself of my fellings at the moment. Totally true i can only do music when it "clicks" for me in this song for example was the intro i was in the middle of it and ideias started to pop out from everywhere its amazing and overwhelming, in other words its a fantastic and beautiful experience. And when you get to play them live and the crowd enjoys it its even more crazy i just cant explain the feeling.
  2. I just want to thank you for the time expended, giving me your advices on this specific track and i do view the same things as you do. One thing that i forgot was to use headphones for 2nd reference and just did on the monitors. Its allways good to use other lines of reference. Thanks alot for your time and apreciation, got my follow on your soundcloud. Liked a lot of your sounds you have your own identity thats very important and good, thats what i thrive for to :). Once again ty my friend for the good advices
  3. New track that i made hope you like it and if not tell me what could i get better on it!
  4. New track that i made hope you like it and if not tell me what could i get better on it!
  5. This is one of my tracks that ive been working on for my "album" this is kinda just a squeetch not final because it can go on to changes. And that is why i posted it here so i could get some feedback about this :). Cumps.
  6. another track that i finished hope you like it
  7. Hasheeshian ty . i have one question since im new in this vast genre. In what kind of category would this type of style fit better?
  8. antic604 everyone that i know hates triplets xD but i ran out of ideas for that part. thanks for the feedback
  9. I have a couple of songs to be finished and this is the last one i did but still think i overdone the bass and kick XD hope you like and that you dont so i can learn more
  10. ty winterelegy i listen to your sounds to and liked it a lot hehe I follow you on SC Cumps
  11. Thanks HappyHorse your right ive been doing all inits in vsts and make my melodies from it and playing with samples morphing them sometimes the most irelevant sample can form a great sound.
  12. Youre right antic604 ive been producing for a while, just psytrance that its new for me as a mention in the post. My favorite is also "Consciousness" but the mix just dont gives me the fells , i never like my mixes probably thats the problem xD. That point that you mention, "your not in dark nor melodic" its because i like them both (blame a friend that produces dark and i have a collab project with him) and thats what i find amazing in psytrance i could transmit what its in the track. Really wanna thank you for the feedback im trying to finish some more songs that i have and fix the mixes i will upload them when done and put it for free download and try to improve more and more thats the real goal .
  13. Well i start producing "psytrance" (if you can call that to what i produce) for a almost a year and i don't know if this is good or bad in therms of psy. I know there are many different genres of psy but i dont know where does my production fits in. Hope you can say something about it i would apreciate a lot. this is the track i consider to be in the best shape in terms of mixing and quality from me:
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