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  1. Hey all! Hope you are doing well. Last night I finally finished, and put the cherry on top of, compiling my full discography from back when I started releasing tracks and albums. The tracks are all free to download; however, I would recommend starting with Hypnotica in the Keeping The Faith Collection--as it is both one of my favorites and a pretty cool/fun goa/psy track. Come one, come all, and enjoy :). https://www.psyberscenic.com/ Take it easy!
  2. Hi all! Hope you're doing well :). Finally able to start working on the merch side of things for my project "Psyberscenic" and am looking for a graphic designer who would like to tag along for at least the first t-shirt design. (I'm three albums behind so there's lots of work to get through). What I am looking for specifically, with this project, is a design for the front of the shirt as well as a "Psyberscenic" text-logo for the upper-neck part of the back side of the shirt. I have a design for the front that I crafted a while ago but it is not set in stone that that need be the final design. If you have any interest in working on this project I would love to speak with you. Let me know :).
  3. Ye, I hear ya. I posted the unmastered track above. The one I posted was an attempt of mine to master the track on my own. If you want to take a listen to the unmastered version, that would be great; if not, I'll post the final version at some point once I have the money to get it completed. Thanks for taking a listen! Much appreciated .
  4. Haha, ye man. I made 7 of them xD--four years of my life . I actually forgot that I made a post in this thread to be honest. That version that I shared was an attempt at mine to master the track myself--before I kind of just came to the conclusion that I want somebody else to do that work lol. Here's the unmastered version: https://soundcloud.com/allthingsflow/hypnotica-premaster My headphones are quite old and the track is always sounding different to me each time I play it but that is what it is without the mastering. Haha! I'm super glad you like the album on Bandcamp. That was the first album I ever made back before I got into the dedication bender . If you want to let me know what you think of the unmastered version that would be great. Like I said, I have 6 more--well 5 actually (I lost one in a file transfer)--on their way so if you want to follow me on sc or get in touch with me via email, I would be happy to add you to the list of people that get free copies of the 6 final tracks once their mastered. Let me know! Thanks again for the reply!
  5. Hey all! Just finished working on this track and was wondering if I could get some feedback on it. Specifically how it sounds on your setup. I mastered it on my monitors and I've had some issues with how it sounds on people's headphones. Thanks! Hope you have a great rest of your day!
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