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Everything posted by Soth

  1. no more comments ?
  2. thx man !! i just dont really the second sentence i will try to work over it a gain and heed your advice ! b00m Soth
  3. no more comments .... ?!?
  4. hi mike .... yeah i remember you i think, we met in the MOOD club and then later went to a flat above the club ? didnt see you since then, you still in linz ? anyway, i'd appreciate all comments and critics ! b00m, Soth
  5. @NJOHYENNRO .... well ... good luck with your music !
  6. Hey Friends, I wrote this little track today and, beeing the nice person i am , i want to share it ! Here's the link for a 9:20 mins mp3 File @ 320 kbs: Soth - The Maat http://www.bestsharing.com/f/CIL1cQ333075 Please post comments ! Have Fun, Soth
  7. they are the digital psionic ccompilations ! (digital psionics is from australia, though)
  8. Liveacts: Bit Pulse (Headroom Productions) (DE) Delysid (Noise Conspiracy Records) (ESP/MEX) Ianuaria (Hardboiled Records / Klangbewusstsein) (AT) Goe (Psychodelic System Records) (CH) presents his new album "Jupiter Beach" Manju (Klangbewusstsein) (AT) Sensual Squeek (Psychodelic System Records) CH Soth (VISU Records / Music for Kobolds) (AT) DJs Chuha (Rudraksh Records) (DE) Delysid (Noise Conspiracy) (ESP/MEX) Fugly (YesMen / Music for Kobolds) (AUS) Fohat (Amaris Records) (DE) DJane Gaby (Ajuca Records) (SLO) Krisae (Headroom Productions / Pixan E.T Records) (DE) P_Mac (Ketuh Records) (PT) RAX (Spontaneous Aerobics) (DE) Shamane (Headroom Productions) (DE) Swabedoodah (Spontaneous Aerobics / Polyeidos) (DE) 8zack (Final Fantasy) (AT) Astrolar (Druidencircus) (AT) Atreyu (batusim.com) (AT) Crystalizer (Free Day Tribe) (AT) Gaukler (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Guggi (Independent) (AT) Energizer (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Malawi (Malawi Project) (AT) Magenius (Final Fantasy) (AT) Mood Influenza (Trance World) (AT) Mythzo (Independent) (AT) Para Muscaria (Free Day Tribe) (AT) Psycobold (Music for Kobolds) (AT) RuckZuck (L.C.D) (AT) Satyros (Independent) (AT) Sinjah (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Sonne (Music for Kobolds) (AT) SunExperience (Spirit Sun) (AT) Stephuno (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Teroknoar (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Wolle (Music for Kobolds) (AT) Lineup is closed for now, but there is some space left during the day. So _iff_ you're able to play, bring your cds. Deco Team Psytopia Location Castle Waldenfels Locationpix: http://www.burgenkunde.at/oberoesterreich/.../waldenfels.htm How to get threre : from Vienna / Salzburg: Switch to A7 in Linz Pass Gallneukirchen Take B310 direction Prag / Freistadt / Zwettl Pass Loibersdorf Drive through Freistadt and then turn left and take B38 Turn Right You're in Reichenthal Follow the Signs Hotline +436645095454 or +43676849425632 or +436606544254 Organizer Psytopia & Music for Kobolds Infos Armin's, Bogi's, Darius' and Soth's Birthdayparty 2-year anniversary of Music for Kobolds A Friggly Cooperation between Team Psytopia and Music for Kobolds Just a nice time to be together As some of you may know, DJ Chuha got into Jail in India with charges of Drug Selling. I can assure you, however, that this is not true. In case he doesnt get back in time for his set, Djane Shima (Mind Funk Music) from Munich will take his place. There is also a clothes shop, called "Druidenshop". We would be delighted if you bring your juggling stuff, pois, kiwidos, etc with u ! Email musicforkobolds at gmx dot at psytopia at gmx dot at
  9. Soth


    tracklist looks wicked, downloading now !!
  10. yeah man ... its less than a month till "temple of b00m" http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=46963 !!! did u see the location pix already ?
  11. hehe i'd love to see that video too !! i will record a new mix as soon as i have cdplayers again ... mine are at a friends place for ages but now i have at least some motivation to get it back, hehe b00m !
  12. hey guys, i'm very glad that some of you listen to this mix again ! *blushes* makes me proud ! b00mb00m from Austria, Soth
  13. but apparently you got version 1 of the track ... pm me to get v3.2
  14. thanx man for mixing mine and fuglys track
  15. yo thx man ! it was my intention to create a twisted mix, and apparently it worked lookout out for future "wackjobs" :D nice greets from Austria, Soth
  16. hehe thx for the replies ... i made this track to cope with some of the recent happenings in my life ... so i guess the parts fit glad u more or less like it edit: @zuvaya, as it looks, i play in lithuania in this summer ! met some really nice latvians there last summer, at shambala festival.
  17. Hey there, please give me some Reviews on my newest Track ... You can download it here: http://www.bestsharing.com/f/qfWuPb218807 It's still not 100 % as i want it, but i guess you can get the picture. Nice greets from Austria, Soth
  18. .ogg is a free music format with better compression rate that mp3. most players should be able to play it once you download the codec.
  19. hehe thanks for your nice words the best track form killer buds is in my opion is biogenese, from ketuh - hyperspatial chrisalis. there a couple of nice tracks on their album too. I'd love to see their liveset !! I'm gonna record a new mix once i get my cdplayers back, and bring you another twisted mix
  20. hehe thx k-ban as you well may guess. sa psy is my favourite too yeah menog is from portugal, but its basically the same style i think. for example, killer buds is from brasil but music wise its sa psy too
  21. hey there, i think the artwork is quite nice, but the bio seems a bit too overconfident and I'd recommend you put some music of yours on there. b00m, Soth
  22. Here's the tracklisting: Abomination - Lost Digital Psionics - Psionic Temple Phyx - Spectre Timecode - Trojan Hydraglyph - Breach Nexus Media - Midnight Storm 2 Phyx - The Wall Timecode - Phyx - Kiss the Blade Shift - The Face Nexus Media - Midnight Storm 1 Twisted System - Razor Timecode - Twisted System - Core Shift - This Pain Nexus Media - Source Twisted System - A.I. Timecode - Twisted System - The Dealers Shift - Corrosion Digital Psionics - Psionic Circus Phyx - Sonic Sorceror Digital Psionics - Psionic Storm Xtra Unit - Mutant Rebellion Timecode - Sonic Solutions Phatmatix - Vertigo Yabai Recs - Phatmatix - Sorcery
  23. For me its basically like this: When I'm bored I open a new Project and fiddle around with bass & kick so the foundation of the track is really smooth. Then, another time, when I'm in the right mood, I make a rough sketch of the track with synths and melody lines. This usually takes about 2-3 days. Thats when the track is "finished" arrangement wise. Then i can spend weeks, or even months, playing with the track, like adding automation, putting in fx and stuff. b00m !
  24. *blushes* thanx man !!! Well South African Style is those guys like Shift, Phyx, Slug, Artifakt, Menog etc. that get released on, for example, Timecode or Nexus Media. In general its more Industrial influenced Nightmusic. I hope i offense noone with that description
  25. Come on Guys, is it really that bad ? 35 views and no comment ...
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