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InvolutionTrance last won the day on March 20 2023

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  1. Hello Psyfriends. Just mastered this album ( amateurly. I guess its done this way, maybe others can tell ^^) Feel free to have a listen or support it by purchasing it on bandcamp. (basically free) (6 swedish kronor i belive) If you like oldschool, dirty harsh sound maybe this is for you. It isnt well mixed, production wise i guess, but i hope you enjoy the melodies and sounds anyway. (also its kinda bass heavy)
  2. I will. feel free to check out my trax as well. ( if you like the darker old-school stuff ^^)
  3. Nice groovy sound mate! Reminds me of the notes and awesome old-school vibes of the album: DNA, virtual jungle
  4. Nice to hear some darker tracks. 😁 Awesome mix!
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Yep thats my vision hehe: dark and ominous. Anyway, good idea with an alt lead. I may do that soon. Would be cool to make an alt lead with more energy in just the notes. (on the kick) I'm heavily inspired by thoose old good compilations hehe. Awesome that you feel the dark vibes of it also.
  6. Hope you like it as it is. On the other hand feel free to tell me what could be changed or other opinions
  7. Hi friends. My self-realesed album has been launched at Bandcamp. This one is dark and with old-school vibes (imo) The "care instructions" theme from my previous realese on Goa Galaxy continues here : https://ollelofstrand.bandcamp.com/ Listen and/or support it. Tracklist: 1. Let's Meet 2. Acid Meadows 3. Bio Labs Audiolog 4. Static Labs Audiolog 5. Chem B 6. Blighted Area (2022 edit)
  8. Nice. will check out I really dig your synth-sounds very unique
  9. I'm planning on realesing some trax by myself. They were crafted after theese on the album. ( If your interested ) gonna keep the theme of this album by calling the next "Toxic content" also with a "warning label"
  10. Thanks for the kind words man! Really cheerful to get a positive comment by somone here.
  11. My debut album has been launched at Goa Galaxy. This album may be for you who enjoys oldschool vibes, and the darker side of goa-trance. Listen or support here: https://goagalaxy.bandcamp.com/album/keep-away-from-direct-sunlight https://www.discogs.com/master/2588666-Involution-Keep-Away-From-Direct-Sunlight Tracklist 1. Vibralicious 2. Escape Magma 3. Toy Box 4. Claptrap 5. One Of Us 6. Dawn On You
  12. Wonder when Anjunarecords.com is ready?

  13. Really love the psychedelic feel, and the sounds.! very good soundquality overall. maybe, more melody is needed?
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