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  1. i had the chance to see the Doctor 3 times so far ( Forgotten Ritual , Universo Paralello & in belgium recently) and i have to say his sets are as extreme as any DMT-trip or whatever out of body experiences you might remember - this man creates a force that is out of this world! *spot on* can only share the gratitude and fascination torwards Mr.Psykovsky and his work! personaly i put him on the same level as Beethoven,Bach and the likes and IRL he is also hell of a nice and shanti guy! next set is at psycrowdelica near Berlin in July? - anyone coming to this one?
  2. god damn hippies


    lol i took comments box's virginity

  3. wow Jellyheadz and Whicked Hayo , thats gonna be some sweet braincell massacre hehe soo wish i could be there ... have lots of fun pp!!
  4. i think thats Quivver ft. Nikki Mack - Not Givin Up (D-Nox & Beckers Remix) ... im not sure though!
  5. nice flyer! vanja is for sure one hell of a nice dude! have fuuuuuun
  6. that last night with Ocelot and Whicked Hayo was some propper madness hehe - nice they have some on the DVD ... so did u guys actually enjoy those dark nights at fullmoon? or was alternative floor on voov more fun?
  7. *raises hand*
  8. hehe ok so next gem is up for sale...i somehow feel that there is people out there who need/like this cd more then i do cd is used , but in really good conditions - no real scratches - nuthin.... and no trades , sorry ppl but im rather in need of cash PM offers!
  9. This is not a joke people One of the best melodic goa trance cd´s EVER, and the opportunity is here for you to own it Collectors all over the world are looking for this! The cd and both covers are in VERY GOOD conditions!! Im not gonna rip anyone off but you know this isn't going to be cheap.. PM me offers! Only really interested people pls .. and NO TRADES.
  10. Can only second this , my trade with Lotus went just Perfect!
  11. Recommended buyer too! sold him some cds and got paid within seconds.. and yeh smooth communication indeed!
  12. w0p


    *updated* they allready gone , sorry mate
  13. w0p


  14. w0p

    Goa Gil Live in Goa

    mm i guess there hundreds of these mixes - if youre talking about tapes... or is it a cd?
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