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Widar last won the day on September 24 2024

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  1. Two new vinyl releases on Nebulosa; Entheogenic – Dreamtime Physics https://nebulosarecords.com/product/entheogenic-dreamtime-physics/ Argaman – My Little Forest https://nebulosarecords.com/product/argaman-my-little-forest/
  2. Globular got a kickstarter for latest album up; https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/globular/globular-ltcotgga-on-snazzy-vinyl
  3. I understand you. I'm not buying anything that releases only on CD.
  4. From Twisted newsletter; "We are also delighted to announce what will surely be a welcome surprise for Twisted fans: a new mini-album by Simon Posford and Raja Ram! Improvisations for Piano & Flute is a collection of eight tracks that are… well, improvisations for piano and flute featuring the two master musicians! It has just this week been mastered at Abbey Road Studios and will soon be available - watch this space!" According to Simon this will be vinyl only at first. "And for those waiting with bated breath, we will soon be announcing pre-sales of the long-awaited 2nd vinyl volume of The Complete Hallucinogen, a five-LP set featuring all of the released solo original Hallucinogen compositions that were not on the two albums. Stay tuned!"
  5. Shpongle MoC Deluxe https://shponglemusic.bandcamp.com/album/museum-of-conciousness
  6. Was about to post about this too, looking forward to his shenanigans! Missed Charade vinyl when it dropped, anyone got an extra copy, let me know, got lots of fun stuff to trade.
  7. For me any info is valuable. How many pressed, where etc. Poly lined inner sleeves, gatefold and on and on those who are interested will read, those who aren't won't Wish you best of luck with the release. So fun to see more Psy vinyls!
  8. Twisted newsletter https://mailchi.mp/shpongle/newsletter-15844036 "Attention all Twisted Vinylnauts: This is your pre-boarding announcement for the upcoming limited-time sale of the Super-Deluxe edition of Shpongle’s Museum of Consciousness vinyl Box Set - beginning Friday April 5! This new edition continues our Twisted tradition of high-end design elements that have made all our other deluxe vinyl sets so desirable all over the planet and beyond: a luxurious velvet-lined casing with elegantly crafted colourful sleeves for each of the three records, the third record bearing a holographic design on the disc itself. All of these are enclosed in a beautiful magnetic closing box that houses these pristine 180g vinyls. This set is yet another feast for the eyes and hands as well as the ear, so be sure to get yours as soon as they go on sale on April 5: orders will only be open for a limited time and we will only produce as many copies as are sold during this time frame, so act soon to add this treasure to your collection. THESE WILL GO ON PRE SALE VIA BANDCAMP 5TH APRIL from 9AM PST - 12PM EST - 5PM GMT FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY. Put April 5 in your calendar and stay tuned for an update announcement. In the meantime, stay Shpongled and Twisted!"
  9. That would be amazing, but judging from the newsletter "2nd and final Hallucinogen vinyl set" But that could also mean that they could come but not as sets.
  10. I also interpret that as first time on vinyl. We'll see
  11. Super juicy. Twisted will get a lot of my money coming months Link to newsletter with pictures: https://mailchi.mp/shpongle/newsletter-15844028
  12. Thanks for the explanation! Very interesting to know about this option for super short vinyl runs. Yes, I can understand him wanting his album on vinyl completely!
  13. Interesting. Thanks for the update. How is the quality compared to pressed vinyl?
  14. very curious about this, please tell us more about it! Lathe cut?
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