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LeLotusBleu last won the day on November 26 2018

LeLotusBleu had the most liked content!


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    Above the clouds
  • Interests
    From Goa to Ambient-Chill
    The Twilight Zone
    Galaxy Express 999

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  1. Some of your tunes remember me japanese artist Tri-Force work, soft harmonies & very melodic production .
  2. Very true, nice come-back from the DAT crew . Hoping same quality releases for the future !
  3. There's the quite famous Electrotête (band with Stephan Holweck) - I Love you which contains also your sample.
  4. Maybe Artifakt - Artifakts II (Timecode) , Trold - Once Upon A Time ... (Apoxina) , Mauxuam - Vice Versa (Interchill) , Ozmali - Forest Fusion => for the live jam recording spirit of the release , & also Ian Ion - Gringolocomotion (Chilltribe).
  5. Hello, I just found that Chi-A.D is still in the Psytrance game with some new tracks from 2020 (Arcadian Dreams & Into The light), btw you will find new & old stuffs from the artist on the dedicated bancamp page => https://bandcamp.chi-ad.com/ Enjoy
  6. Great tune from Opale - Welcome To The Real World, thanks to UnreleasedGoaRecords for releasing it ! https://unreleasedgoarecords.bandcamp.com/track/welcome-to-the-real-world-2
  7. I'll go with Tantrance 2 too https://www.discogs.com/Various-Tantrance-2-A-Trip-To-Psychedelic-Trance/release/28456
  8. Great news , congrats to the the team
  9. I prefer the version appearing on Tantrance 3, already psychedelic by itself =>
  10. I just discover 2 interesting Bandcamp pages that i want to share with you: - First one the bandcamp page from Tromesa => https://tromesa.bandcamp.com/ I discovered this good Goa band thanks to Dat Rec releases , i mean Nowina on Mind Rewind & Bonanza on ZNA Retro Futuristic Compilation II. I found this band to be pretty well underated & producing quite unique emotionnal Goa tunes, on their bandcamp page you'll find their 2 first albums (in digital only) . - My second recent discovery on bandcamp is actually , a quite old page outhere but just found it randomly, it's about the Sub-Terranean label compilations. You'll find on it, nearly all their compilation in digital format only which means mainly for our purpose here, The Tantrance , Pulse & Goa Classix compilation series. If you're fan , there's also all their Trance & Rave compilations (Rave Mission, Cosmis Cubes, History of Trance...) =>https://subterraneanrecords.bandcamp.com/
  11. Thumbs up for Medicine Drum, Masa, Tromesa, Technosommy & Ubar Tmar tracks !
  12. I'd like to mention that Ree.K is one of the very few woman among the goa pionneer producers along with famous Miranda & also ManMadeMan (which is indeed a duo not a solo woman). And just for that, this release should get some support,respect and a least one attentive listen .
  13. I'm sure this release will interest some here Words taken from the Bandcamp page: The first work of best track collection "Early Tracks" including unreleased works and centering on REE.K tracks from 1995 to 1998 at the time of dawn of trance music. Existing the everything that the main tone that pass through all the works of REE.K in this album.Each tracks is like a noble crystal body, and It is a palace the beauty of structure.
 In the process of its long evolution, REE.K is concious in the self depth= Always conscious of something universal.
 Something is surely it is magical truth called Trance. Beyond the spacetime of over 20 years, please be acceptable this wave now! Tracklisting: 1.Trinoids 09:07 2.Subconscious Mind 09:10 3.Far East Frequency 10:10 4.UT001 08:28 5.Psyence 08:52 6.Haneru to Odoru 09:26 7.Wiggle Peanut 09:48 8.Glycogen 07:25 9.Apollo 04:37 Samples at : https://arabdigital-hypnodisk.bandcamp.com/album/early-tracks-1 https://hypnodisk.bandcamp.com/album/early-tracks-1
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