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markkus last won the day on June 11 2022

markkus had the most liked content!


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  1. So, not really a 310 copies Limited Edition when it was released in 2020 from the Out of Orbit album. Whats the diference on this new press?
  2. Apparently we will have a hot Summer. Also at Diggers, Iboga Records artist, RITMO, will release 2 x 12" album, named "Roots", expected to be available in July. https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/289138/ritmo-roots Limited to 300 copies!
  3. A Diggers Exclusive from TIP Records on the way: "The Mystery Of The Yeti", 2 X 12", to be released in August. https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/278548/mystery-of-the-yeti-the-mystery-of-the-yeti
  4. Hello to all, Im selling a small part of my collection, please check my Discogs account and make your offers: https://www.discogs.com/user/_markkus_
  5. Im interested in buying this album if someone has a copy for sale.
  6. Im interested in buying this album if someone has a copy for sale.
  7. If someone is selling is copy, please let me know!
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