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Wabax last won the day on December 4 2019

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  1. I love meat, I love the taste, I love the smell, I love the infinite variety of recipes around the world and I've been eating it since I was a kid. Despite all that I stopped eating it some time ago now for ecological reasons. With less and less deviation, not that easy. I can't do much on my own to fight the disaster but that I can. The ethical argument and the "cognitive dissonance", I dealt with quite well until then, but it's true that I feel more in tune now.
  2. Wabax


    Good if you found some. Psytance and reggae sounds like an impossible... improbable match to me. I was thinking of dub remixes like Vlastur's for Parvati. My try !
  3. Back to the topic. This is like a seasonal piece. How many threads in the vein "it was better before". I'm not saying this is wrong, but for me this is inevitable when your talk about art movement. Honestly this is the same tune with any music style electronic or not. 90's psyrance is awesome but it was 30 years ago... are we talking of music sensibility or youth nostagia... ? just kidding. But when you reach that point of intensity, maybe it is like if you have been as far as it was possible or intersting to go. An example : bebop in the 50's. The guys went as far as possible in rterms of velocity and complexity... and then, what else ? kind of blue, the perfect opposite. The only way. Psytrance, more than any other genre, is for me the music of the future and I personnally love and expect hearing new and unnerving sounds. Revolution rather than evolution then Remember, nothing lasts, but nothing is lost ! OK that was my 2 cts. I hope my english wasn't to laborious to read YES please !
  4. I wanted to take a look again, and check for news but... the blog seems to be down... is it ?
  5. Something special with ZNA, in comparison to Boom or Freedom for instance? same same... but different?
  6. Brillant indeed, thx
  7. Drifting from Aes Dana to Solar Fields I come across this dream collaboration I had never heard of. And surprisingly no trace on psynews apart from these "I ain't no fool" style comments :) For the moment, just listened to Ägget, it is so beautiful, beatless, mellow and trippy.
  8. Venetian Snares?
  9. It's been a long time since I bought a CD. I listen music on platforms and this is my "Alice in wonderland effect" as said before. So much music available on them, you can never stop exploring, you only have to know where to start (and for this matter Psynews is the unbeatable prescriber). Other reason is that my GF can't stand psytrance so I'm used to listen to it at work or in transportation. And I have unfortunately lost my discman. Note that I don't know precisely how artists are remunerated through these platforms... And I am not convinced by the audio quality argument of CD or vinyl... maybe I am wrong.
  10. Sounds good. Which one?
  11. Thanks for sharing fikatibud, this peafowl is very nice
  12. Thank you for these ones. Really dig the Decoy's sound. Somehow, I feel that the jazz parts are not omniprescent, rather like some subtle touches here and there, while the jazz background of the duo was clearly highlighted in the interview. Not responding... offers nice surprises! Best Ornette's nest, pio pio... avian interest? "Bird" : and there you have it And thanks Ake, for this shadow fx. "Shiny" intro, hypnotic tracks, great album for sure. Liquid Crop Duster, this is the one you were thinking about when referring to jazz/funk? Sounds familiar with Sensient and Decoy. Made me look further: Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution
  13. Browsing the forum I figured out psy+jazz was a recurrent request. Anyway, for the pleasure... Jazz parts fit so well in these 3 tracks. Read somewhere that Tromesa could be also a good candidate. Any clue?
  14. Thanks for the highlight. Gojja makes a good sound.
  15. What about Overdream? Beautiful Thinking for instance.
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