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Divine Magic Theory

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Everything posted by Divine Magic Theory

  1. Divine Magic Theory presents: ♫ • AYMON Festival 2022 • ♫ 16 - 20 June 2022 Dear psy family, we are beyond excited to announce the new edition of Aymon Festival 2022! This year's theme is Chorus Perpetuum - Eternal Dance Dance is an eternal movement of the body. Frequency oscillations where energy is manifested through matter. This energy lasts forever and can transform itself in many ways! We are this eternal energy! Through our dance we can change the energy in the atmosphere in a space, through our intentions we can make oscillations! By dancing we train the ability to determine and manage energy and to rearrange our life path! Dance is also an inspiration! It is solely this feeling which makes us feel the impulse to share it with the whole world, once it strikes us. An action when the body and the soul synchronise completely. Dance is freedom. Freedom of thought and expression, a universal language for all of us! When one dances, one directs Divine energy to the Cosmos ~ when many people dance all together, they open up the space ... which can only be experienced within the heart You are all welcome to vortex together this beautiful dimension called - Chorus Perpetuum! ● MEGDAMON - the main stage with a colourful variety of psychedelic music: Progressive, Full on, Twilight, Forest, Dark, Hi-tech, Psybient, Ambient / Downtempo ... ● TECHNODOME – here you will be able to enjoy a quality selection of: Techno, Deep Techno, Progressive, IDM, Minimal, Ambient, Dub Techno, Glitch & Bass Music ● ZEN SPACE – a harmonious place with practices, sound meditation, lectures, ancient rituals ... For your well- being you will find also: ● Quality sound system ● Decoration art ● Colourful bar ● Fresh bar with refreshing drinks smoothies and sweet temptations ● Tasty vegetarian kitchen ● Natural spring water under the shadows of the forest ● Hand made accessories ● Worкshops ● Children activities ● Fire art tent ● Beauty area for hairstyles ● Shop area ● Camping area ● Parking ● Friendly security ● Showers ● Eco toilets TICKETS INFO: Presale tickets: 58€ At the gate (Thursday): 70€ At the gate (Friday): 64€ At the gate (Saturday): 50€ At the gate (Sunday): 25€ Tickets can only be purchased on the Bilet BG network: -Online: https://bilet.bg/bg/events/preview/3314?flush=1 - At a cash register convenient for you: https://bilet.bg/bg/pages/cash-desks You can find more info on our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/247441294030709/
  2. Dear festival souls, it's time again for unforgettable dances under the wide sky! Moments of emotions, journeys, gatherings around the fire and the aroma of fresh herbs! This year Aymon coincides with the day of the summer solstice again. In ancient Bulgarian times it is believed that before "going to winter", the sun bathes in the sea, springs and rivers, turning the water into healing water. The magical dew that the sun shakes off itself sprinkles all over the flowers and herbs and they become miraculous! Folklore says that on the morning of the feast, when the sun rises, it "vibrates" and "dances" and whoever sees this will be healthy all year round. Let's get together during these mystical and magical days to swirl and center the flow of pure and life-giving energy. The theme of this year's edition is Chaotic Symphony. The chaotic symphony presents the Cosmic Dance of life in all its nuances. All events in the world around us, no matter how separate and different in existence, form a whole! Just as the heartbeat and the frequency of the music create the perfect unity - this is the symbiosis that creates the sound of the heart. The powerful element of the endless and melodic symphony swirls in the great chaos. Just like in an orchestra, where each instrument enters at a certain time and sounds only in the register for which it is intended leading to a harmonious symphony. Chaotic symphony represents the Cosmic dance of life disguising itself as chaos to break of an existent energetic structure for a higher purpose. Energy does not die, it transforms. It also is in a state of change. Chaos is an inherent attribute of order and order is an attribute of chaos. Within all chaos becomes a point in which powerful new order is adhered to. This is the Law of Order and Chaos. There can be no chaos without the presence of previous order and an order that follows. There similarly can be no order without previous chaos of some type and a following chaos of some type. All Chaos adheres to a new order. And where the stability and the variability meet, the magic happens! This year Aymon will captivate us for 5 days and 4 nights. Colourful moments in which to share the pure enjoyment of life! In this edition the concept of the festival is divided into three zones: MEGDAMON - the main stage with a colourful variety of psychedelic music: Progressive, Full on, Twilight, Forest, Dark, Hi-tech, Psybient, Ambient / Downtempo ... TECHNODOME – here you will be able to enjoy a quality selection of: Techno, Deep Techno, Progressive, IDM, Minimal, Ambient, Dub Techno, Glitch & Bass Music ZEN SPACE – a harmonious place with practices, lectures, ancient rituals ... For your well- being you will find also: ● quality sound system - DANLEY ● decoration art - LUNAR DECO ● colourful bar ● fresh bar with refreshing drinks smoothies and sweet temptations ● tasty vegetarian kitchen ● natural spring water under the shadows of the forest ● hand made accessories ● shop area ● camping area ● parking ● friendly security ● eco toilets ● showers ♫ LINE UP: ♫ ~MEGDAMON STAGE~ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ Anāhata (BG) https://soundcloud.com/anahataas... https://www.facebook.com/anahaatas ♫ Atomic / Enchanted Forests (BG) https://soundcloud.com/atomic-00 https://www.mixcloud.com/AurAtomic/ ♫ AuroraX LIVE / Altar Records; Microcosmos Records (BG) https://soundcloud.com/aurorax https://www.mixcloud.com/AuroraX/ https://www.facebook.com/AuroraX-148796815132229/ ♫ Cyberbars (BG) https://soundcloud.com/user-878655169 ♫ Diablero / Phrenetic Tales Records (GR) https://soundcloud.com/diableromusic https://www.facebook.com/Diablero/ ♫ DNAprocess / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/DNAprocess https://www.facebook.com/DNAprocess/ https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ♫ Dodecaedre / Artmospheric; Enchanted Forests (BG) https://soundcloud.com/dodecaedre http://artmospheric.org/ ♫ E.U.E.R.P.I. LIVE (BG) https://soundcloud.com/mirian-kolev https://www.facebook.com/EUERPI ♫ Forsythe (BG) https://soundcloud.com/nik-kolev/forsythe-i-am-on ♫ Giuseppe / Parvati Records (IT) https://www.facebook.com/pavati.dj https://parvati-records.com/ https://soundcloud.com/p-30 ♫ Kukep https://www.facebook.com/KykepArt https://soundcloud.com/kykepart/ https://www.instagram.com/kykepart/ ♫ LuquiD-ILLuSioN / Cosmodelica Records, Vertigo Records (NM) https://soundcloud.com/boro-liquid-illusion https://www.facebook.com/liquidillusion1988 ♫ Mokushi LIVE / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/simondotkov https://www.facebook.com/MokushiBG/ ♫ Moody Trixter / LMP (BG/UK) https://soundcloud.com/tom_bakka https://www.mixcloud.com/.../moody-trixter-lmp-dark-prog.../ ♫ Mysticophonia / Omnisonic Productions (BG) https://soundcloud.com/mysticophonia https://www.mixcloud.com/borislav-vasilev-mysticophonia/ https://www.facebook.com/mysticophonia/ ♫ Neolithic Vox (BG) https://soundcloud.com/neolithicvox https://www.mixcloud.com/neolithicvox/ https://www.facebook.com/Neolithic-Vox-aka-Modulated-Mind-171055759629542/ ♫ Nventorium (NM) https://soundcloud.com/zarko-taneski https://www.facebook.com/Morpherius ♫ Ogo Goa / Goa Galaxy (BG) https://soundcloud.com/ogo https://www.mixcloud.com/ogo-goa/ https://www.facebook.com/ogo.goa http://www.goagalaxy.com/people/ogo/ ♫ Once Upon a Time LIVE / Blue Hour Sounds (BG) https://soundcloud.com/once-upon-a-time-music https://www.facebook.com/onceuponatimepsy/ http://artmospheric.org/ ♫ PsyRitual (BG) ♫ SativX / Divine Magic Theory (PT) https://soundcloud.com/dj-sativex https://www.facebook.com/SativXtreme/ https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ♫ Slimec (BG) https://soundcloud.com/sleamec https://www.facebook.com/SlimecPsyPower ♫ SunMile / Goa SQUAD Hamburg (RU) https://soundcloud.com/dj-sunmile https://www.mixcloud.com/SuNMiLe/ https://www.facebook.com/SunmileMusic ♫ Solarhythm (BG) ♫ Soulful Bliss (BG) https://soundcloud.com/djsoulfulbliss https://www.facebook.com/OriginMoves ♫ SuXor / Global Sect Music / Genius of Art (NM) https://soundcloud.com/stefan-suxor ♫ Terpolar / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/terpolar https://www.facebook.com/djTerpolar/ https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ LINE UP: ♫ ~TECHNODOME STAGE~ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ AMY / КЛТRAN Crew (BG) https://soundcloud.com/amytechnologic https://www.mixcloud.com/amytechnologic/ https://www.facebook.com/amytechnologic https://www.facebook.com/katranevents/ ♫ Candelitta (BG) https://soundcloud.com/djanecandelitta https://www.facebook.com/djanecandelitta ♫ Cardioactive / Stamina (BG) https://soundcloud.com/yonkov https://www.mixcloud.com/dimitaryonkov/ https://www.facebook.com/Yonkovofficial/ ♫ Cinnamint / Artmospheric festival (BG) https://soundcloud.com/cinnamint http://artmospheric.org/ ♫ Damyan (BG) https://soundcloud.com/damyan-sardarev https://www.facebook.com/damyan.art ♫ Defragler (BG) https://www.facebook.com/djdefragler/ www.altermovement.com ♫ dreamdance (BG) https://soundcloud.com/dreamdance https://www.facebook.com/dreamdancemixes/ ♫ Hubry (BG) https://soundcloud.com/hubryofficial https://www.facebook.com/HubryOfficial ♫ Inferna (BG) https://soundcloud.com/djinferna https://www.mixcloud.com/djinferna/ https://www.facebook.com/Infernatechno/ ♫ Iveta Green / High Sounds (BG) https://soundcloud.com/ivetagreen https://www.mixcloud.com/iveta-green/ https://www.facebook.com/greeniveta/ https://www.facebook.com/HighSoundsMusic/ ♫ KANZ (BG) https://soundcloud.com/k-gavrilov https://www.facebookom/kanzdub/ ♫ Kliment LIVE / Zenon records (BG) https://soundcloud.com/kliment https://www.mixcloud.com/kliment/ https://www.facebook.com/klimentsound ♫ Lucyd LIVE / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/lucyd_official https://www.facebook.com/lucydlive https://lucydlive.bandcamp.com/ ♫ Markov / Stamina (BG) https://soundcloud.com/officialmarkov https://www.facebook.com/markov.official1/ ♫ Mewho (BG) https://soundcloud.com/mewhomusic ♫ Ness / The Gods Planet (IT) https://soundcloud.com/ness https://www.facebook.com/Ness8Live https://soundcloud.com/thegodsplanet ♫ Oleg (BG) https://soundcloud.com/user-692659427 ♫ qsenq / TExN (BG) https://soundcloud.com/qsenq/88-1a https://roboknob.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/TExN0 ♫ Quantum Suicide (BG) https://soundcloud.com/quantum_suicide ♫ Ruben Ganev / mold.audio (BG) https://www.facebook.com/rubenganev https://soundcloud.com/rbngnv ♫ SLLAV (BG) https://soundcloud.com/sllavofficial https://www.facebook.com/SllavOfficial ♫ SODEV (BG) https://soundcloud.com/user-786383758 https://www.mixcloud.com/SODEV/ https://www.facebook.com/SODEVTECHNO/ ♫ Sonnox (BG) https://soundcloud.com/sonnox https://www.facebook.com/sonnoxtechno https://soundcloud.com/matterseriespodcast ♫ Syderal / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/syderalsounds https://www.facebook.com/syderalsounds ♫ TEDKA (BG) https://www.facebook.com/tedkaofficial https://soundcloud.com/tedkaofficial ♫ Temporary Permanence (BG) https://www.facebook.com/temporarypermanencedj/ https://www.classic.beatport.com/.../temporary.../372749 https://www.soundcloud.com/gosh https://instagram.com/temporarypermanence ♫ Եҽɾɾα (BG) https://soundcloud.com/terrabalcanica... https://www.facebook.com/terrabalcanicadj/ https://soundcloud.com/matterseriespodcast ♫ Vasil Spasov (BG) https://soundcloud.com/va-seel/tracks ♫ YORY / Distance Music; Panterre Musique (BG) https://www.facebook.com/yoryofficial/ https://soundcloud.com/yoryyy ♫ Xander (BG) https://soundcloud.com/alexandernaydenov https://www.mixcloud.com/Xander_Musik/DJ ...More to be announced... ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ You can buy your ticket only in the network of Bilet BG: -Online: https://bilet.bg/bg/events/preview/2658 -At cash desks: https://bilet.bg/bg/pages/cash-desks? ... More information coming soon ... FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/700146540595536/
  3. Lucyd 'Trip' is OUT (new psychedelic techno EP) You can listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming platforms or get it on Bandcamp. https://lucydlive.bandcamp.com/album/trip
  4. First chill-out / downtempo album by DNAprocess As opposition to dark psytrance, 'Shamanic Frequencies' album is presenting downtempo / psybient tracks, perfect for chill out and meditation. Created in 2020 and designed to calm your mind, body and soul with deep, psychedelic frequencies. Get it now on Bandcamp. https://dnaprocess.bandcamp.com/album/shamanic-frequencies
  5. Hi, I want to present you Mokushi's new EP "Balkan Flow" It's his second hi-tech EP under Divine Magic Theory label. The EP contains 2 tracks with cutting edge sounds and unique melodies. It's out on Bandcamp, Soundcloud and soon on all streaming platforms : Bandcamp: https://divinemagictheory.bandcamp.com/album/balkan-flow Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/divinerec/sets/balkan-flow
  6. ♫ LINE UP: ♫ TECHNO WAVES ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ AMY / КЛТRAN Crew (BG) https://soundcloud.com/amytechnologic https://www.mixcloud.com/amytechnologic/ https://www.facebook.com/amytechnologic https://www.facebook.com/katranevents/ ♫ Birben / Stamina (BG) https://soundcloud.com/djbirben https://www.mixcloud.com/Birben/ https://www.facebook.com/djbirben.net/ ♫ Cardioactive / Stamina (BG) https://soundcloud.com/yonkov https://www.mixcloud.com/dimitaryonkov/ https://www.facebook.com/Yonkovofficial/ ♫ CINNAMINT / Artmospheric festival (BG) https://soundcloud.com/cinnamint http://artmospheric.org/ ♫ Damyan (BG) https://soundcloud.com/damyan-sardarev ♫ dreamdance (BG) https://soundcloud.com/dreamdance https://www.facebook.com/dreamdancemixes/ ♫ Iveta Green / High Sounds (BG) https://soundcloud.com/ivetagreen https://www.mixcloud.com/iveta-green/ https://www.facebook.com/greeniveta/ https://www.facebook.com/HighSoundsMusic/ ♫ Kliment LIVE / Zenon records (BG) https://soundcloud.com/kliment https://www.mixcloud.com/kliment/ https://www.facebook.com/klimentsound ♫ Lucyd LIVE (BG) https://soundcloud.com/lucyd_official https://www.facebook.com/lucydofficial/ ♫ Markov / Stamina (BG) https://soundcloud.com/officialmarkov https://www.facebook.com/markov.official1/ ♫ Oleg (BG) ♫ SODEV (BG) https://soundcloud.com/user-786383758 https://www.mixcloud.com/SODEV/ https://www.facebook.com/SODEVTECHNO/ ♫ Terpolar / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/terpolar https://www.facebook.com/djTerpolar/ ♫ YORY / Distance Music; Panterre Musique (BG) https://www.facebook.com/yoryofficial/ https://soundcloud.com/yoryyy ♫ YOZ (BG) https://soundcloud.com/yozofficial https://www.facebook.com/yozmusicjourney/ ~More information coming very S☀☀N ~ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ LINE UP: ♫ PSYCHEDELIC WAVES ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ ♫ Asoma / Satori tribe (BG) https://soundcloud.com/asoma https://www.facebook.com/asomamusic/ ♫ AtomiC / Enchanted Forests (BG) https://www.mixcloud.com/AurAtomic/ https://soundcloud.com/atomic-00 ♫ AuroraX LIVE / Altar Records; Microcosmos Records (BG) https://soundcloud.com/aurorax https://www.mixcloud.com/AuroraX/ https://www.facebook.com/AuroraX-148796815132229/ ♫ Cyberbars (BG) https://soundcloud.com/user-878655169 ♫ DNAprocess / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://www.facebook.com/DNAprocess/ https://soundcloud.com/DNAprocess https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ♫ Dodecaedre / Artmospheric; Enchanted Forests (BG) https://soundcloud.com/dodecaedre http://artmospheric.org/ ♫ Ghost Planet (BG) ♫ Hypnotica & Ralitsa / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/linche-linchen/journey-through-the-energy-portals https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ♫ Maharishi / Satori tribe (BG) https://soundcloud.com/maharishiasoma https://www.facebook.com/maharishimusic/ ♫ Mokushi LIVE / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/simondotkov https://www.facebook.com/MokushiBG/ ♫ Mysticophonia / Omnisonic Productions (BG) https://soundcloud.com/mysticophonia https://www.mixcloud.com/borislav-vasilev-mysticophonia/ https://www.facebook.com/mysticophonia/ ♫ Neolithic Vox (BG) https://soundcloud.com/neolithicvox https://www.mixcloud.com/neolithicvox/ https://www.facebook.com/Neolithic-Vox-aka-Modulated-Mind-171055759629542/ ♫ Ogo Goa / Goa Galaxy (BG) http://www.goagalaxy.com/people/ogo/ https://www.mixcloud.com/ogo-goa/ https://soundcloud.com/ogo https://www.facebook.com/ogo.goa ♫ Once Upon a Time LIVE / Blue Hour Sounds (BG) https://soundcloud.com/once-upon-a-time-music https://www.facebook.com/onceuponatimepsy/ ♫ Peyotes LIVE / Sangoma Records (GR) https://soundcloud.com/peyotes_live https://www.facebook.com/Peyotes1/ ♫ Resonant Warrior / Satori Tribe (BG) https://soundcloud.com/resonant-warrior https://www.facebook.com/ResonantWarrior/ ♫ SativX / Divine Magic Theory (PT) https://soundcloud.com/dj-sativex https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ ♫ Shrooms / Utaika Rec (BG) https://soundcloud.com/shroomslive https://www.facebook.com/shroomslive/ ♫ Soulful Bliss / Enchanted Forests (BG) https://soundcloud.com/djsoulfulbliss ♫ SunMile / Goa SQUAD Hamburg (RU) https://soundcloud.com/dj-sunmile https://www.mixcloud.com/SuNMiLe/ https://www.facebook.com/SunmileMusic ♫ Terpolar / Divine Magic Theory (BG) https://soundcloud.com/terpolar https://www.facebook.com/djTerpolar/ ♫ Trikoze / Enchanted Forests (BG) https://soundcloud.com/trikoze https://www.mixcloud.com/trikoze/ https://www.facebook.com/Trikoze/ ♫ Tripitale / Deep air (BG) https://soundcloud.com/tripitale ~More information coming very S☀☀N ~
  7. Ticket sales have started! For your convenience, we have decided to cooperate with the Going ticket store. The number of tickets is very limited, so hurry to catch them in the first phase! https://going.pl/rave-internat-open-air
  9. DNAprocess (Divine Magic Theory) on Psylicious Radio
  10. Rave Internat Open Air ~~ 135-180 BPM ~~ techno / zenonesque / psytrance HEADLINERS Kliment LIVE [Zenon Records] zenonesque / dark progressive Once Upon a Time LIVE [Blue Hour Sounds / Forestdelic records] psytrance DNAprocess LIVE [Divine Magic Theory] darkpsy / forest + TBA We present you a new place on the Polish music map and invite you to an outdoor rave telling a psychedelic story, starting with dark and psy techno, through a mixture of zenonesque / dark prog, finishing with fast psytrance. All this in the magical area of the former Baroque Palace (and later the boarding house - hence the name) in Twardogóra, only 50 km from Wrocław. The event is organized by the Divine Magic Theory label, Level Hype agency and the DuSZa collective from Wrocław. MUSIC Unforgettable shamanic tales will be provided by our guests from Bulgaria; the Zenon Records producer KLIMENT, creating from over 20 years, who will play two live sets for us, also presenting his fairy-tale project ONCE UPON A TIME, and already known from her great performances in Poland DNAPROCESS, who will expand your awareness by opening interdimensional portals with darkpsy / forest sounds. more TBA soon The quality of the frequencies reaching you is guaranteed by the unique FUNKTION-ONE sound system. DECO & LIGHTS TBA PLACE The stage will be located between the wings of the historic Baroque Palace in Twardogóra, and at our disposal will be its courtyard and a beautiful park, separating the area from the city with dense greenery. HOW TO GET THERE The event will take place in the former Baroque Palace, in the very center of Twardogóra, 50 km from Wrocław: https://goo.gl/maps/ptYKkyUQHQofTNP88 40 minutes by car from Wrocław 4 hours by car from Berlin 4 hours by car from Prague Access by train from Wrocław: PKP Intercity train Wrocław Główny - Twardogóra, departing 15:37, arriving 16:33 Train Polregio train Wrocław Główny - Twardogóra, departing 16:14, arriving 17:26 PKP Intercity train Wrocław Główny - Twardogóra, departing 19:10, arriving 20:01 Access by train from Warsaw: Train PKP Intercity Warszawa Centralna - Twardogóra, departing 13:15, arriving 17:43 ACCOMMODATION http://gosir.twardogora.pl/index.php/oferta/noclegi hotel next to the sports and entertainment arena, ul. Wrocławska 39, Twardogóra accommodation in the community center, Moszyce 55 a, Twardogóra accommodation in Centrum Inicjatyw Wiejskich, Chełstów 42, Twardogóra For people who want to stay the whole weekend and discover beautiful tourist routes around Twardogóra we recommend: Campus Domasławice domaslawice.pl ATTENTION Out of concern for the health and safety of you, artists, staff and local residents, the event will be held in accordance with the current restrictions and requirements related to the threat of coronavirus. On site it is obligatory to cover the nose and mouth, to disinfect hands regularly and keep a social distance of min. 1,5m. If you feel unwell, suspect you may be sick, or have had contact with someone exposed to COVID-19, stay home and take care of yourself! There will be many more opportunities to have fun together. Number of tickets is limited! TICKETS 1st tier: PLN 80 2nd tier: PLN 100 You can find more info on our facebook event: Facebook event
  11. Mokushi is a producer with many years of experience in creating different genres of hardcore music from Hardcore Techno, Drum & Bass to Psychedelic trance. "The Andromeda Mixtapes" is Mokushi's hi-tech debut EP under Divine Magic Theory label. The EP contains 4 tracks with cutting edge sounds combining powerful basslines and unique melodies. https://divinemagictheory.bandcamp.com/album/the-andromeda-mixtapes Follow Divine Magic Theory: https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ https://www.instagram.com/divinemagictheory/ https://twitter.com/divinerec https://divinemagictheory.bandcamp.com/releases Follow the artist: https://www.facebook.com/MokushiBG https://www.instagram.com/mokushi.official/ https://www.youtube.com/user/AyanamisSlave
  12. NEW PODCAST DNAPROCESS | Sound of Relevation | Divine Magic Theory | Podcast #9
  13. New podcast by DNAprocess DNAPROCESS | Sound of Relevation | Divine Magic Theory | Podcast #9
  14. DNAprocess DJ Set @ Sonic Wave (Sofia, Bulgaria) DNAprocess Soundcloud DNAprocess Bandcamp DNAprocess Youtube DNAprocess Spotify DNAprocess Facebook DNAprocess Instagram 150-155 bpm Tracklist: 1. Praheya - Earth Mother 2. MPF - Soo Simple feat. Mendrion 3. Insane Creatures - Hydromedusa 4. Sequoya, Cosinus - Like A Sloth 5. Cryptophonix - Reconnection 6. Mechanical Species - Intellectual Captivity 7. Purist - Yuxibu 8. Ugammi - Jesus 9. Kabayun, Antonymous - Clusters and Constellations 10. Nargun - Nowhere Riders 11. Freakplanet, Ohminside - Supernatural 12. Drury Nevil - Spectral Pitch 13. Mark Day, Noein - The Implicate Order 14. Via Axis, Purist - Unfolding Hypercubes Powered by Divine Magic Theory
  15. Hi, Recently one of our artist- Lucyd released a very interesting EP. Check it out on Bandcamp or Spotify
  16. ✦ 5 years Divine Magic Theory ✦ ♫ Subaquatic Whirl ♫ ♥ 24.10.2020 ♥ ♥ YUDHISTHIRA ♥ ♥ MICRO ♥ SOFIA, BULGARIA ¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫ It's time to celebrate our birthday properly - with music and dancing! Divine Magic Theory has been uniting psychedelic trance devotees for 5 years now! Thank You for the trust and the unwavering support that you are giving us unconditionally! The most precious thing that remains after every union, party, festival are the happy faces of everyone gathered! To see and feel this happiness again and again is the flame that burns in our hearts and charges us to move on! シ Welcome to celebrate this anniversary with unforgettable rhythms, crazy fun and sweet temptations! With Divine magic theory, you can master your mood, release trapped emotions, manifest new levels of consciousness, and attract wonderful opportunities in your life! And let the magic come true! ♥ ☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫☀♫❤♫ LINE UP: ♫ Yudhisthira LIVE (Forestdelic records / MK) ONLINE TICKETS Organized by Divine Magic Theory crew. Facebook event
  17. Set deep in the majestic hills around Sofia at the heart of Bulgaria. AYMON festival is an electronic music and arts festival which lies in one of the most beautiful mountain valleys in the country. Totally contained amongst the mountain creating a safe haven where hedonism can flourish and thrive. AYMON festival will be host to some of the most exciting musical talents from the country and abroad, along with interesting performances, innovative installations and mind blowing visual arts. You can expect to hear an extremely diverse collection of music; ranging from Psychedelic trance, techno and ambient music. Whilst rooted in the electronic music scenes, AYMON festival is a holistic environment which feeds the mind, body and soul. It’s a celebration of psychedelic art and culture in a society which is increasingly looking within for happiness and fulfilment. We have an amazing, receptive and intelligent community of people who we aim to mobilise through transformational experience and creative expression. By inspiring personal growth and social responsibility via the medium of art, music and healing, we hope to empower the individual to affect real positive change in the world. Our journey was inspired by sacred rhythms and healing frequencies. Join us and we will lead you to unexplored corners of the YOUniverse. Divine Magic Theory presents: ♫ • AYMON Festival 2020 • ♫ ☀ 04 - 06 September 2020 ☀ ☯ MEGDAMON - the main stage with a colourful variety of psychedelic music -Progressive, Full on, Twilight, Forest, Dark, Hi-tech, Psybient, Ambient/Downtempo ☯ ZEN SPACE - yoga, lectures, shamanic wisdom sharing, ancient rituals... For your well- being you will find also: ✮ Quality sound systems ✮ Decoration art by Lunar Deco https://www.facebook.com/Lunar-Deco-410406372393215/ ✮ Hand made accessories ✮ Friendly bar ✮ Vedic kitchen ✮ Natural spring water under the shadows of the forest ✮ Camping area ✮ Parking ✮ Friendly security ૐ●•٠··٠•●ૐ●•٠··٠•●ૐ●•٠··٠•●ૐ●•٠··٠•●ૐ●•٠··٠•●ૐ ~More information coming very S☀☀N ~ Organized by Divine Magic Theory crew. https://www.facebook.com/divine.rec/ Facebook page Facebook event:
  18. Hello space travellers, We are Divine Magic Theory, a psychedelic trance music label and event organisation based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our journey started in 2015 and it was inspired by sacred rhythms and healing frequencies. Join us and we will lead you to unexplored corners of the YOUniverse. Divine Magic Theory - follow us on Facebook Divine Magic Theory is happy to present a forest psychedelic trance EP "Ancient Codes" by our artist DNAprocess. With this dark and tribal sounds you will feel how the unconscious becomes conscious and activates your mind to a higher potential. Let these deep psychedelic grooves enable you to enter the altered states of your mind. Expect a mixture of influences, from groovy basslines and unpredictable leads to deep shamanic storytelling and otherworldly atmospheres. You can listen online on Spotify, iTunes and other streaming platforms: DNAprocess - Ancient Codes You can support the artist on Bandcamp: DNAprocess Bandcamp Follow DNAprocess for more dark psychedelic music: DNAprocess Facebook DNAprocess Soundcloud
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