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About Sonosphere

  • Birthday 06/17/1990

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    Musicproduction <3
  1. Hey Orthopteroid You know that was also what I was searching for a long time. In the end I tried to make it somehow myself. I don't know if it resembles what you are looking for. And I know also some tracks from Ocelot and others which you can find below. And also it might be kinda ehm... a "different" style of psytrance... I'm not perfectly happy with it (sometimes cheesy I think etc.) but it were my first few serious tracks. This one always sounds like a otherworldly gaming soundtrack.. reminds me kinda of crash bandicoot Ocelot Album is named Day & Night I believe: Ocelot has VERY otherworldly stuff! Check it out! This one is from Yata Garasu and another very experimental style: I think he kinda describes it as "anime-psy". Natural Life Essence: Here's my (maybe embarrassing) first track xD Which starts also with very positive major key and slowly goes from day to night which gets darker and darker. 18min... If I find more stuff, I'll post it. Hope it's useful! Have a nice day <3 Cheers
  2. omg thank you. very strange that it didn't work for me. but thank you <3
  3. Hey cool haha thank you! Thats a nice story. Well i dont want to break the rules of this forum. But if you ask you can look and listen etc here: Sonosphere Bandcamp btw do you know how i can make that soundcloud embedded player appear?
  4. Hey there! :-) I'm new to this cool forum, and I read the rules. Anyway if I do something wrong, just tell me. But actually I'm not selling anything so it should be alright ;D I want to share my EP with you guys. As I'm currently fighting a heavy depression, music was the only thing that saved my life so far. I produced 4 tracks and it might be a completely different style of Psytrance. Maybe most likely morning psytrance, but different. I think it's just my own style. I want to join Ambient and Psytrance... most of the time at least. But hear with your own ears But I'd be very happy to know how it sounds to others ears. It's a soundcloud link and you can just listen to it. hach.. I just love Psytrance.. the language of my soul. :-) Soundcloud - Spheres of Light <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/playlists/970019866&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe> Let me know what you think about it. I'd be happy to know. Cheeers & peace Eray aka Sonosphere
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