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About Entheogen

  • Birthday 07/10/1988

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  1. thank you hehe pozdrav i za tebe stari.
  2. thanks for the feedback! :-) regarding samples, well I was aiming to make a track dedicated to DMT (hence the ridiculous wordplay on track name Trip to Mine = Tryptamine) :Pp
  3. http://www.entheogen.me http://www.myspace.com/entheogenmusic
  4. http://www.entheogen.me/unreleased/entheogen-trip-to-mine/ Voice samples are Terence McKenna talking about DMT. A friend of mine did the video using clips from animatrix? Any comments? What should I do to improve my production? Thanks, Goran
  5. I gave up on low bitrate mp3 samples long time ago
  6. Thank you for your answers, I discovered Sonnox restauration VSTs and I will try them, and afterwards I'll try to mask any noise that is left with something.. @BlackStarrFinale: I didn't know that center channel is usually for voice. thank you for the tip
  7. Yeah but there are some voice samples that are not available on DVD or in high quality. Right now I am working on Terrence McKenna samples that I stumbled upon recently. I can make sample usable but it is far far away from quality that, for example, Simon Posford has on Shpongle tracks. I doubt that he had a DVD of McKenna's interviews
  8. Hi guys, I've been experimenting with voice samples from movies or other sources and I was wandering what is the best way to clear the sample? What effects do you recommend and what EQ parameters? I can EQ sample pretty well but I can still hear static (when I have lower quality sample), so what is the best way to mask this static noise?
  9. I thought the leads weren't loud enough so I took down volume of kick/bassline so maybe that made leads to high in volume, I'll try to bring that down too.. Anyway you meant all the leads are too high? Or just one at the end of track? As for the distortion on the bass line, I didn't put any external, just the a little on VST. Thank you for your comment.
  10. Hi, I just finished psytrance track and would love to hear some comments here's link:
  11. three more days...
  12. Etnica - Alien Protein?
  13. I haven't listen there remixes but I LOVE Another world... Great Track !
  14. this is just perfection... shpongle rocks. btw, is shpongle trance?
  15. Entheogen

    V/A - Goa Head 14

    zero barrier is nice track, others are crap (just my opinion)
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