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About Hems

  • Birthday July 4

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  1. No response yet and I suspect I may never get one. In the mean time, i've gone on a bit of a shopping spree at Bandcamp and Beatspace. I needed the therapy . LOL! I just hope that Psyshop does not leave artists and labels out of pocket, which appears to be the case based on some of the posts I've seen.
  2. https://www.eclipmusic.com/post/the-end-of-psyshop-the-end-of-the-underground-music?fbclid=IwAR35f1NiO1QLiBn4ZicQBVfX0IZa_HUgnPM7qQGHjAlYJ6SyMf2GnFhzwSc
  3. finding some posts on facebook....
  4. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1277482642674116&id=437692603319795&m_entstream_source=timeline&__tn__=*s*s-R
  5. Some serious detective work here. Im liking it. Based on the awesome sleuthing above, i mailed geomagnetic. Le’s see if they respond. .
  6. Artifact303 : Back to space
  7. My last two psyshop orders arrived last week so this is sad news indeed :(
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