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    sex drugz n PUNK ROCK

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  1. girl no1.. [CENSORED] come on psynewszzz,we must continue here the most famous psynewz topic of all dayz..because some ppl here simply CAN'T live,dream,fuck or they're married (its a real pity)..
  2. burn the healers,burn the squalers,burn the punxxx and the skunxxx burn your fuckin house.. mandala-punk 2008..
  3. nice grimes.. off topic ::: have u heard amon tobin's kitchen sink remixes?? tha clark version is rather divine..
  4. u sell your myspace and your msn..??!! OMG what an offer..run ppl run
  5. funki porcini - fast asleep
  6. delta - minusman ingredients::: *50% berlin hard-techno *10% dark/freaky atmosphres *10% chris clark/richard devine rythms *10% extrawelt influences *10% x-dreams sounds *10% downhill all those mixed with the best sound production u can imagine for a dance techno/trance release @ our dayZ.. for once more TOTAL massive..markus is our man
  7. psy-harmonics+mushrooms + coil = mimesis conclusion:: australia's top trippy ambient..
  8. g/R/E/e/n,BUTT,skunk
  9. ..by far one of the best 'trance' cd of the last 2-3 yearz..the faggots made it again.. breaks..samples..real twisted sounds not the super-market of the posford guy..punk attitude THE MASTERS OF SPUGEDELIK SOUND.. the faggottz evolve..
  10. Glitch
  11. :posford: :posford:
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