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Everything posted by agia_igoumeni

  1. xmmm old parasense to me was some kind of twisted dark full on tunes...new parasense is TOTAL CRAP!!!
  2. mr.peculiar first CD...some neuromotor tracks...ESXS...old parasense tracks like matrix & arizona dream...
  3. hey pepe! nice coffee indeed man..
  4. hey full_on u 've made a detoX interview and u havent got a summer picture of mike drinkinG his milk-shake on the beach...WHY??????? hey mike im waiting from now to meet your secretary...heh...many tricky greetings mate...still hoping from u to see someday the texas faggott guys LIVE!
  5. one of their best tracks for sure,about sungiRl now...xmmmm a very skinny but cute girl which she likes the very classic and noizY russian sound L..
  6. luckily,a surprise for me.. hypnotic ambient soundscapes from the north..nice indeed!
  7. an all time classic summertune 2 me...the kings of DESERT ROCK...ladies & gentlemen we proudly presents....KYUSS!!! psychedelia with elephant ballz..let the others critisize the new tip world compilation...
  8. sunshine spugedelia tunes
  9. the complete HallucinoGen in Dub tracklist...but if i have to choose a trancey tune i'd definitely choose: mi-loony-Um!
  10. spugedelik trance
  11. hey guys...r u all BLIND? this is one of the most shitty covers in the history of music... about the music..2 much shpongle/liquid sound sounds..nothing new.. just one of the 233654534354 psyambient cdZ...
  12. 6 X-Dream Rain (7:55) 7 X-Dream Eleven (PM Mix) (8:33) One of the reasons i luv the Xguys...
  13. OMG upliftinG is alive...
  14. blah blah blah... when im drunk i enjoy RAMONES music! one of the best bands to listen whan u re drunk! geia mas!
  15. conversation over! enjoy the summer
  16. SPLIFF RICHARD - Funny Funk
  17. so fuckin what? some guys spend 5454654654654564 pages and 4654564564564 of their life about shpongles 'nothing lasts...' and i believe that psyfactor guy is not a satanist...i believe even he hasnt read a book of mr.crowly or stuff... only the evil marchaos has the right to speak about those subjects... conversation over!
  18. i listened the cd many times and i simply dont found anything unique in this sound...i found it a very nice mix of xenomorph soundz with the old russian sounds that many many many guys from russia were doing so well in the pasT liek old parasense,cpc,fungus etc... (and only in the pasT!) so mr.psyfacTor u tell us that u r a satanist? im wondering,whats your religious beliefs?
  19. new xeno track...thats all folks...need to say more?.?
  20. the future sound of tech-trance
  21. underground defined...as lower album or live promotion...or some less number of ppl that heards this kind of music...their lives instead with big ´´psy´´ parties & more... yup thats true...but if u will ever see massive attack live, u will understand the difference... i dont like full-on at all,i prefer to hear punk rock...about the trippy subject u r right
  22. hahahah u rave boyz u r so funny... first of all,it is music industry rather MFG or some grindcore bands (and to say the whole truth grindcore is more underground than MFG or CHI-AD...) the whole magic & the hard chapter of being a good musician is one : PLAYING LIVE!.... which psy-trance artist is playing 100% live??? and i dont believe that the soundz of black sabbath,metallica,pantera,sepultura,tool even some death-hardcore-black metal bands are gay...especially more gay than the full on soundz that u guys hear...
  23. the first non-upsalla artists? wow what a fuckin movement from u guyz...when i heard the title of duck off i thought hey its the ashes of lardfish (the best schlab track for me) in co-operation with the cyber computer technology (firefox...).as u said mr.dave im wrong,what a pity... still wait for the Döda Hundens and the "dead dog barking" feeling in this compilation as messieh markus told us in athens...and as gnome said he is lazy and we like him! (the antidote of krister? buh!) SCHLAB 09 WILL BE PINK! FUCK YEAH...it will be a chick-friendly compilation,im sure!
  24. duck off - mozart firefox hey dave,what a fucking title mate...i believe its born from the ashes of "kedves utasunk" or im wrong??
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