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Everything posted by agia_igoumeni

  1. so far so good so what?
  2. wisest mars's quote ever...
  3. non psy-trance release in my year-list for once again.. * The Cinematic Orchestra - ma fleur * DHG - Supervilain Outkast * Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet * Lost Bodies - Osmosis * Burial - Untrue * Ulver - shadows of the SUN * Radiohead - in rainbows ''psy-kids'' ignore me plz..
  4. pantera - planet caravan
  5. except the parasense 1st album.. :wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:
  6. texas faggott - pilluminati cunt roll
  7. i think its reference to the '60s psychedelia' is the same reference thas has a typical full-on type of guy with old school goa-trance..just for the label of ''..60s psychedelia'',maybe to catch new-listeners from the ''non-psytrance'' side of music industry.. the true 60s psychedelia is around 'the amorphous androgynous'.. nevertheless, ''last days..'' is a very nice album to drink your morning coffee with while the smokes of a very smelly hash joint floats around in the room.. yup,bitches simon did it again 7/10
  8. Lapsed + NoNNoN - The Death of Convenience
  9. oh god..something is moving in the 'psy-trance' movement all the best
  10. of course its girly musik
  11. i'd prefer a cup of avant garde psychedelic electronic voodoo punk rock from PSY-HARMONICS finest blend plz..
  12. vaya con dios - dont cry for Louie
  13. ..the evil MARCHAOS thats haunts the streets of upsalla at night..
  14. nice tune..a little bit but yup i think its okey
  15. I'm one of your biggest and most loyal fan agia!

    *piis & løøv*

  16. the 75% of all the psychotic psychedelic trance that parasense/alla the russians/digital talk/psycho micro/azax syndrom made it a trend 3-4 years back from today... to name a few ingredients that ocelot cocktail sounds like :: fractal cowboys.jellyheadz and a little bit of xenomorph and i think we are ok.. your ocelot cocktail is ready!! cheerz!
  17. same same,all the same... blah
  18. the best black sabbath cover i've heard for ages.. ulver - solitude
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