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Jan Tracer

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About Jan Tracer

  • Birthday 09/03/1980

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  • Interests
    Listening and creating music (electronic, ambient, goa/psytrance, synth-pop 80s), photography & more :P
  1. Jan Tracer - NEED FOR HYPERSPEED released on Goa Records My next LP Album with 6 tracks including 5psytrance tracks and 6th last ambient/electronica track. Tracklist: 1. Dancing With Lightnings 08:22 2. Flight on Clouds 08:50 3. Joyful Tales 07:06 4. Need For Hyperspeed 06:06 5. Tears Over The Negev Desert 08:00 6. Flow Acceleration 06:36 credits releases: March 29, 2024 All tracks written and produced by Wiesław Małolepszy (Jan Tracer) Final Mastering : Goa Records Artwork : Goa Records Bandcamp: https://goarecords.bandcamp.com/album/jan-tracer-need-for-hyperspeed-goalp113-goa-records Various platforms: https://hypeddit.com/jantracer/needforhyperspeed Youtube channel with visualizations:
  2. a cisnę, cisnę. Następna EPka w końcowej fazie realizacji dla Goa Rec. 😇
  3. track The Milky Way out now on Youtube channel
  4. Jan Tracer - The Depth Of The Universe released on Goa Records My first Album EP with 4 tracks including 3 psytrance tracks and 4th last psybient track. Tracklist: 01 - Jan Tracer - The Milky Way [144 bpm] 08:24 02 - Jan Tracer - Cosmical Reality [144 bpm] 08:00 03 - Jan Tracer - Zero Gravity [144 bpm] 08:00 04 - Jan Tracer - The Depth Of The Universe [120 bpm] 05:36 credits releases: January 12, 2024 All tracks written and produced by Wiesław Małolepszy (Jan Tracer) Final Mastering : Goa Records Artwork : Goa Records Bandcamp: https://goarecords.bandcamp.com/album/jan-tracer-the-depth-ff-the-universe-goaep528-goa-records Various platforms: https://hypeddit.com/jantracer/thedepthoftheuniverse
  5. Hi! I invite liten to and watch my new progressive psytrance track with a videoclip. #psytrance #psychedelictrance #goatrance #trance
  6. Hi! I invite liten to and watch my new progressive psytrance track with a videoclip. #psytrance #psychedelictrance #goatrance #trance
  7. Hi! I invite liten to and watch my new psytrance track with a videoclip. #psytrance #psychedelictrance #goatrance #trance
  8. Hi! I invite liten to and watch my new psytrance track with a videoclip. #psytrance #psychedelictrance #goatrance #trance
  9. Hi! I invite to watch the my new psytrance track with a videoclip. #psychedelictrance #psychedelictrancemusic #psytrance #trance #trancemusic
  10. Hi! I invite to watch my new psytrance track, played on the last Live act on Moondalla Festival in Poland, with a videoclip. #psychedelictrance #psychedelictrancemusic #psytrance #trance #trancemusic
  11. Hi! I invite to listen to my Live act on Moondalla Festival in Poland #psychedelictrance #psychedelictrancemusic #psytrance #trance #trancemusic https://youtu.be/HlQ-0uglJEc
  12. Hi! I invite to watch the my next version psytrance track, played on the last Live act on Moondalla Festival in Poland, with a videoclip. #psychedelictrance #psychedelictrancemusic #psytrance #trance #trancemusic
  13. Hi! I invite to watch the my full version goatrance track, played on the last Live act on Moondalla Festival in Poland, with a videoclip. #psychedelictrance #psychedelictrancemusic #psytrance #trance #trancemusic
  14. Hi. I invite everyone to listen to my next psychedelic track officially released by Geomagnetic & Power House Records on: https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/6j25VNsyYV6NnwN91qWmY5 https://www.beatport.com/label/power-house-records/24629 https://powerhouserecords.bandcamp.com/album/jan-tracer-best-brain-pwrep363-power-house-records Thx & Cheers
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