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Nirmãtã Music

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  1. Hello everyone 🙂 In which countries do you think fullon is most listened to? Follow us 😉
  2. If you mean bandcamp, yes it's a good site. They're generally cheaper than other
  3. Check out our first compilation and all our releases on BANDCAMP!
  4. We are very happy to announce Yzera is back with his new EP "Online game" His catchy music, full of twists and turns with typical video game sounds, blends nostalgic memories of virtual worlds with a driving trance groove. You cannot stop the game ! You cannot stop the trip ! You keep on dancing all long Listen and download! Master by 7Art Studio Mastering
  5. We are very proud to announce the release of our first Label's compilation STORYTELLERS 10 edge sounds artists have been invited to create their music following the whispers of a shamanic spirit...they are our storytellers : ALIENN, Thalamus, BIONIX, N'GwA , Tetuna, Lyli J , Lymphocyte, Auraform, Sonic Waves, and Joe Wake. 10 brand-new tracks have born from their experience. Follow their vibes and get hight Available on all Platforms Free listening here
  6. Hello everyone, While we wait for the official release on September 30th, here's a promo mix of Lymphocyte's new EP =) Listen here : The Feeling Inside Me - Promo Mix
  7. First set of our "4 seasons" series, which comes to celebrate the beginning of summer with good melodies and good vibes. X-Side - Space Reality Spectra Sonics - No Light Theory Amplify & Mono Sapiens - Allahu Volcano - Processing Information Relativ & Morsei - Waves of Emotion Regressive & Modular - Quantum Nightmare Sonic Entity & Alurian - Reality Technology Transient Disorder & Spiritual Mode - Lost Spirits (Lexxus Rmx) Nomad Aliens - Zohar Spectra Sonics - Human Freedom Ephemeris - Checkpoint Tetuna - Rounding Origin
  8. Hi psytrance lovers We are happy to present you our second release "Everybody is a know-how" of Sonic Waves is released today, and is available on all Platforms Free listening : https://on.soundcloud.com/YSywp https://youtu.be/lCrY6-wOkJQ
  9. Welcome in mushrooms world <3
  10. Hello, I'm Julien, co-manager of the French label Nirmãtã Music with Tetuna (french producer). A label oriented morning and melodic Full On. I introduise you our 1st track released few weeks ago. SOUNDCLOUD / BEATPORT The next one will come at the beginning of May... Contact : nirmata.music@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/NirmataMusic https://www.instagram.com/nirmata_music_label See U soon on the dancefloor
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