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Everything posted by Manuser

  1. Probably my favorite track here The whole compilation is very good, only track I don't like is track 2 (and to a lesser extent track 3 does not really appeal to me). Want more from Nebula Meltdown!
  2. Sirius Rising has two gems for me, tracks 2 and 3. Revolution Spaceship is less homogeneous but has Bay Hall Magic which is the killer track! A shame it does not include the original of My Revolution and Yours which is a killer track as well.
  3. Technossomy - Chug
  4. Space tribe - Mass hysteria? edit: sorry already posted by acid brain above.
  5. Yep Recursion Loop I heard the original a while ago, to be honest the first time I heard the trance version I knew it was not an original melody, no offense to Tiesto and the likes but looks like they can't create these kind of melodies, uplifting trance is full of remake (remember Gouryella for instance ) ... even Cafe del mar by Energy 52 is not an original melody! I knew about this not a very long time ago, always though that one sounded original.
  6. Now that's a good one! @ 0:40 (PPK - resurrection, not sure of the date, this is not the original probably released after the Etnica track) @ 2:00 (Etnica - Hell's kitchen) Exactly the same melody.
  7. Forgot to mention Messiah, excellent artist https://www.discogs.com/artist/48165-Messiah-2 Top quality tracks, this one for example:
  8. Yes very curious as well! I enjoyed Tulpa, even though a bit repetitive if you play it from start to finish. Hope the sound will be similar and most importantly will stay dark enough for my taste.
  9. Just realized I meant Sonic Algrebra, not The Grid, I mixed up the two... Did not really enjoy the latter.Sonic Algebra is very interesting and less conventional. Tranan - Restarter is also very good, not 100% full on though (like all LB albums actually).
  10. The first one is D'Eden Space, and the other track is Up Days. Both tracks were released in the album Technologic. https://youtu.be/4up3zimId3k
  11. U.F.Orb that is a superb track you posted, very melancholic indeed @HappyHorse, you asked for it, so may I? I am talking about the melody @ 2.35. I feel a potential in this melody, could make a very good track. Melancholy coupled with some darkish strange emotions, a good goa trance artist could remix this!.
  12. Listen to Logic bomb - The grid, very good!
  13. Etnica: Floating universe (original version) Pleiadians: Modulation.
  14. Thanks Artem. Looks like I got lazy to check the whole compilation! Nice track.
  15. Thanks staffan! Still no one able to identify the track starting @ 14:05?
  16. Maybe my favorite:
  17. Thanks vlnik. I am actually interested in knowing the name of the track starting at 14:05, it sounds pretty good. 53:30 is a classic, Anne Clark - Our darkness, Total eclipse remix. 1:02:00 is in a Shiva Space Technology compilation I think, where several Shiva Shidapu tracks are included (don't really care anyway, I know I have the track in my computer). 1:07:00 is Shakta + Ping Pong - Between the nothing.
  18. Lovely track, was in Cyber Trance 5 that I owned for years!
  19. Manuser

    V/A - Tantrance 8

    Definitely worth the money this one, a strong compilation with many interesting tracks, starting with the tribal one by Sonic Fusion. Searching for UFO's is not my favorite Astral Projection track and it sounds a bit out of place here... regardless this is a good comp to own, with indeed technoish tracks but melodies always present. Other favorites include the Cat on Mushroom track, Alien Nation 1, Drums don't stop, Pacemaker, Hypnotone (strange intro, creative I should say!).
  20. Manuser

    V/A - Goa Head 11

    It is a double CD so as expected there are fillers but still enough good tracks. Nice opening by Element, the second track has a catchy bassline, track 3 bores me to be honest. The SUN Project track is pretty cool, the Chi-A.D. remix definitely adds some maturity to the original, it sounds very different, housy, and much less tribal. Secret by M. Vivona is very beautiful, pure relaxing trance this is. Ending track is too dull for me. 2nd disc also has forgettable moments but some nice tracks as well. The Delta with a very dark theme as usual, on a slow tempo. The Masun track is...strange minimal, but Psychonaut delivers something more psychedelic. Biodegradable offers one of the best tracks here IMO, stunning work with interesting arrangements and percussion. The remix by M. Vivona of the Koxbox track differs a lot from the original, it is good as well with a more melodic approach. The last breakbeat track ends the compilation nicely on a mellow ad melancholic atmosphere, a very positive surprise for me. Indeed quite a few fillers in this compilation, but at the price of a single CD there is nothing wrong in buying this one second hand, if you are not allergic to the techy minimal sound of this era.
  21. Discogs says https://www.discogs.com/Eyal-Barkan-Holymen-Over-The-Sunrise/release/350555 Track 4 contains uncredited melodies from other Goa Trance tracks including - "Trancelestial Psychobabas" by Elysium, "Trance Africa Express" by Sheyba and "Teleport" by Man With No Name. I can also hear Yemaya from Elysium and Worm, and Malaka dance from Transwave.
  22. Cheers deus, I see there was a topic https://www.psynews.org/forums/topic/28170-eyal-barkan/?hl=misraand I even replied to it!! Totally forgot about it.
  23. The first 6 minutes of this clip, Strange (second track is Darshan - Duck) Edit: 18/02/2017 Tracks included: Revers psychology - Misra Darshan - Duck Luminus - Baby's fairytail Sonichaos - Feel Of Guitar Hyperion - Tribal Encore Quench - Dreams Shiva Shidapu - Area 51 Anne Clark - Our darkness, Total eclipse remix Shakta + Ping Pong - Between the nothing
  24. Forgot to mention this beauty (Re-Horakhty - Ravebros)
  25. Very nice one! Cute track, how is it forest though? The other tracks of the album are more forest to me. One my favorite, Mark Day - Us until the end (kind of experimental forest): + Tracks 2 and 3 of this album (starts at 7:30 and 15:30) Also I am assuming you know Derango - Poisonous square?
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