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About Psykosis

  • Birthday 07/15/1988

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  • Location
    Gent, Belgium
  1. Before I downloaded this, I thought it was going to be psytrance. I was well disappointed. It's psycore, and extremely bad psycore too.
  2. One of your best tracks as of yet, I think it might just overtake "Planetary Consciousness" as my favourite Cybernetika track Keep up your godlike work, for the sake of humanity!
  3. Listened to the album, liked most of it, though not everything. It's a good album, though. Do release it
  4. Damn, why did I wait this long to check back with one of my favourite dark producers of the moment (as you have been for quite a while now, by the way)? Congratulations on the new album, man! Am torrenting it now, I'll listen to it as soon as I've got it, but already I'm sure I'll love it. If you ever bring it out on CD, let me know where I can buy it! Keep up the good work and the spirit
  5. I challenge you to make a track I don't like Keep it up!
  6. I'm not sure if the author is still active on these forums, but if you are, could I please use one of these mandalas as a background picture for a flyer for a Belgian dark goa-party?
  7. A nice track you've got there!
  8. I don't think you even intended to make a poll?
  9. I quite like it The only thing I dislike is the vocal going "Goa... goa.. goa...", it's rather redundant in my opinion. Apart from that, really nice track!
  10. Liked it even though it's not even my kind of music. Nice work!
  11. Holy shit, Cybernetika is on here? I came to the right forum! Man, I love your music, keep it up!
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