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Everything posted by Portizeins

  1. Cell - Magic Karma I can`t put this cd away... ahhhh....I`m addicted.. weird..
  2. I agree with you here.. I actually only listen to the 5 first songs on this album, and then change album or song. don`t know why. But the first five are really great.
  3. Bluetech - White Magnesia
  4. Jairamji - Heal Phutureprimitive - Spanish Fly (Flamenco Dub Pt.1) Gaudi - Babylon Flamenco All good
  5. oh.. there was water and food, but I just didn`t get any... I was young and naiv. NP: Carbon based lifeforms - MOS 6581
  6. np: Sigur Ros - Svefn-G-Englar After drinking for a couple of days in a festival, I managed to pass out to this song... not becuase it`s so good, (it is), But a lot of beer + no food and no water... and a lot of herbs --> bad combo So I`m not doing that again....
  7. No one mentioned Cell? Cell - Phonic peace This cd is my fav chill at the moment. I don`t know what it is with this cd, but it makes me travel to a whole different world. A beautiful world! It has influence by ethnic rythms and instruments. And has some killer vocals. Even some groovy beats Every song on this cd is good... ahhh... Perfect!
  8. This compilation is beautiful imo. And it`s even a Norwegian record company, not many of those. The Jong remix of Nadas "Earthgarden" has been playing my stereo all the time the last week. sooo good
  9. When I got home from school today I found in the mail: Abakus - that much closer to the sun (my second cd of this album, since the other one was scratched to hell) Arcana - Interchill Compilation So now... som herbs and float to a different world while playing these cds.... ahhhh.
  10. My last concert was in Norway. A norwegian blackmetal band called Satyricon, and it was crazy. I listened to this kind of music when I was younger, don`t listen to it nowadays, but it still kicks ass live! Here are the crazy fuckers.. http://www.satyricon.no/gallery/galleryshow.asp?galleryID=25 It would be cool with some neon on those spikes right?
  11. Cell - Orange (Phonic peace) Man, some beautiful vocals in this track...
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