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Everything posted by yohankiwi

  1. Perfect stranger- perfect ace is top of my list for best bassline atm. sends shivers down my spine
  2. hahahahaha. great
  3. Now get science of the gods. that one for me is even more psychedelic than declassified, not quite as ´get up and rave your tits off´ as declassified, but definately more of a mindfuck, which is always good And yeah, for sure agree with the title post, but as someone said before aphex twin definately deserves to be on there as well, perhaps more so than juno reactor I also think tricky should be added to the list, even if his newer stuff has been rather shite. Maxinquaye, nearly god and especially pre millennium tension ( ) are also masterpieces.
  4. Couldn't agree more. Some artists that i love that are either relatively new or have released great stuff over the past 3 years: Atmos Eat Static Prometheus Aes Dana Solar Fields OOOD AMD Perfect Stranger Human Blue Filteria Phutureprimitive Broken Toy Carbon Based Lifeforms Ace Ventura Slackbaba Vibrasphere That's not too bad now is it?
  5. yes.. even I have been reger'ed

  6. and drink shnapps
  7. That was over a year ago though. And there's nothing in the pipelines for any albums to be released in the future that doesnt involve simon, benji or ott... Having said that, their backroom beats sub lable has been putting out some good stuff. Flexitones was awesome and i've heard electroslide is v good too
  8. +1. This is why I'd prefer Simon to focus on the first metal sharon album. You can't really go wrong with simon posford and merv pepler (well, one would HOPE not ) Simon also keeps saying in interviews and stuff how he's more interested in working with new people who can provide him with anything that he can't do in the studio (mentioned people like Bjork and Rodrigo y Gabriela before), as opposed to just working with other psy trance producers. I think this would be so cool if he actually got off his arse and started trying to set up working with people like that, as opposed to just working with the same kind of people from the same label over and over again... On a similar note, does it seem to anyone else that twisted has been getting annoyingly incestuous lately? It seems that they are incapable of releasing any albums that dont include simon p, benji or ott, with people like merv occasionally contributing. Just look at the last unusual suspects album, or the line up for the proposed next twisted party (It's as if they consider themselves too good a record label to go out hunting for some new artists... All i can say is that if they continue that way then the record label's gonna be fucked when simon p decides to stop making music!
  9. I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's definately right up there with arcadia magic With he'd combine more of those sick breaks with his music...
  10. Apparently the first metal sharon one is underway. Much more excited about this than the prospect of a new shpongle/YB album (even if balloon dance did suck a little...) I remember reading an interview with simon where he said the MS stuff is a lot weirder and more out there than any of the hallucinogen stuff he's put out before, which can only be a good thing
  11. wow, im seriously impressed. those are really, really good. you have a great eye for photography ii especially like the fireworks one, the tree bathed in red light and the one of the boating pond. have you taken a course or anything before?
  12. Absolutely fantastic album. I don't think i own a CD in my psy collection that makes me want to get up and dance as much as this one does. So energetic, so crazy, so funky. There's not a dud in here but if i was gonna have to go for favourites then I'd go for: thunder thighs, ring of fire, klunk (especially the crazy bit with the voices in the middle ) and octofunk. The green nuns of the revolution are the led zeppelins of the psy scene, and they rock my socks off. 10/10
  13. I havent listened to the new version yet but really liked the old one. Did you get rid of all the ambient stuff? I agree with the others that it was a bit too excessive (ie a bit too much of it) but i really like your idea of creating a post-apocalyptic world in the music, and the ambient worked well for this. Its quite cool as well, listening to the ambience and then suddenly getting blasted by the crazy beats, that's an effect i think you definately don't want to lose. Maybe you could experiment a bit more with ambient drone/industrial music to put in the ambience, these can be VERY post apocalyptic and also very (rather frighteningly) psychedelic. In order to make the ambient bits more listenable you could also throw in other stuff, like fragmented beats occasionally coming inand then darting away here and there; build up the ambience so it feels like somthing's going to happen, but then bring it back down again etc. you know just to keep the listener on their toes a bit
  14. Myspace link with new tunes Merv says its already been finished and is in the mixing stages. The new songs are absolutely wicked. Can't wait for this one. More psychedelic breakbeat, woohooo
  15. dammit, how can someone do a 16 hour set of JUST dark psy???!!
  16. *bump* So..... goa gil is playing in BA this saturday. I am tempted to go as its the first psy trance night i've got wind of since i've been here and it looks like its in an absolutely beautiful setting. I've never heard any of goa gil (either his own work or any of his sets), however, i fucking hate dark psy and goa gil is djing for something like 12 hours. Is that ALL he plays during his set, or will i get just an iny bit of some nice melodic stuff? I dont think my brain can handle 12 hours straight of dark psy, no matter how much my body is craving to dance to psychedelic music... And on a side note: if (can't remember who said this) he still sees music as a 'spiritual experience' why the hell does he play dark psy?? dark psy is about as unspiritual as psy trance gets....
  17. Bollocks. I thought they came out with wide angle which was released in 2000 *goes and stands in the corner*
  18. Ok, here goes my list (in no particular order) Shpongle: Around the world in a tea daze or A new way to say hooray Hybrid: Finished Symphony or If i survive Venetian Snares: Hajnal or Szerencsetln BT: The Antikythera Mechanism or the Internal Locus Younger Brother: All i want or Ribbon on a branch Trentemoller: Take me into your skin or Evil dub Four tet: she moves she Nitin Sawhney: (not sure what track to put here as they're all too varied...) Prometheus: Arcadia Magic or 9th Atmos: Scent of a tunnel Aes Dana: Opalin Perfect Stranger: Ode ae sol Boards of Canada: Dayvan Cowboy Gotan Project: Mi Confession Massive Attack: Live with me Nicola Hitchcock: Heart or I forgive me Thievery Corporation: Amerimacka Weekend Players: walking into the sun Cinematic Orchestra (not sure if they count as electronica though): Burn out or evolution Bollocks, i've gone way over 10 as well. oh well
  19. I swear you said you've already seen eat static live?!
  20. Amen to that :posford:
  21. Aren't most of those 20th century?! Some good choices though nonetheless!
  22. Psy: Atmos Doof Hallucinogen (still havent managed to get my ass to one of his set's...) Human Blue Perfect Stranger (get to see him and Atmos at universo paralello though, yay ) Aes Dana Ozric Tentacles Chi A.D. (hopefully some shows with this new album we've been promised) AMD Non Psy: The Cinematic Orchestra (been one of my all time favourite bands for a good while now and STILL haven't seen them in concert ) BT (wanna hear this binary universe stuff played live, with as many musicians as possible ) Aphex Twin Venetian Snares (on ketamine... hehe) Amon Tobin
  23. +1 I guess it depends on the person. I know many people who only listen to music to go out 'clubbing' to, only own a few CDs and generally dont consider music a big part of their life. For other people (like me and just about everyone on this board ) music is a big part of who we are, how we act and what we like to do with our time, what kind of friends we make (i'd say about 70-80% of my friends have similar music tastes to me) etc etc. So yeah i'd definately say music can change lives, it's certainly changed mine
  24. mate, theres already a thread ON THIS PAGE asking the exact same question. do you even look before posting?!!
  25. Tribe of frog are awesome, always put LOADS of effort into their decor. Check out the decor they did for this evening Sadly i wasnt there
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