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Everything posted by Psycosmo

  1. Faithealers- New Breed
  2. What kind of idiot names themselves after a freakin' video card anyway?
  3. Blue is a fantastic track, really, really unique. The stuff on cinnamon is kindof Goaish acid or Acidish Goa. Penguin is also a very good track, more on the Goa side.
  4. Well I am anxious to hear what he comes out with! This is really excellent news.
  5. Does anyone remember an old project called "Donut Junkie"? They had a really great sound, I miss it. Anyone know what they do now? Recomend similar stuff?
  6. Well XP's response sure makes him sound like the kind of guy who would do this sort of thing. http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/...orum/1/start/45
  7. CBL-World of the Sleepers
  8. I highly reccomend http://www.resonantearth.com
  9. I miss the acid-didgeridoo sounds that are the hallmark of "Twisted" I miss the oddly timbred mysterious sounding melodies from the likes of Pleiadians, Technossomy, Man With No Name (Thankyou Filteria for doing some of this) I miss Goa melodies in progressive (like early Shiva Chandra) Intelligent use of sci-fi/mysical samples
  10. Green Nuns of the Revolution- Thunder Theighs
  11. I liked this when I first got it but then I kindof forgot about this one over the summer, but I listend to it on my headphones at work a couple weeks ago and it was even better than I remembered. Ive listened several times since then and loved it every time. A definate candidate for my fave artist album of the year.
  12. Gothica- Night Thoughts
  13. Audialize-Starship Earth 1) Starts of with some Persian or Arabian (I think) style samples, and then drops in a good, stout bassline, punctuated by sharp bursts of electronic riff (really nice ones too) and these lead in the meat and gravy of the track, a heavily distorted, LSD soaked bass melody. Later some mystical sounding atmospheres work their way in, and the bassline begins quivering weirdly. It just gets better and better, and at the end it opens like a flower, and then bounces around like a flower blowing in the wind while those mournful Persian strings come back. What a track to kick off an album with! 2) Starts of with some very smooth, spacy leads, and then starts into some funkier action. Extremely tasteful use if Indian vocals. Later on the track takes on a slightly harder edge, reminiscent of the South African twilight style. 3) Starts with my favorite waking life sample and some epic sounding lead ins and sweet, mournful vocal samples. I love how the chorus has a more atomospheric sweeping part and sharper, more dynamic part. The contrast really works. 4) This one has a really weird, twisted feel. Extremely creative. Solid fullon. 5) Soaring anthem, probably the most normal track on the album, but still very good, the use of anthem like builds and stuff is tasteful and not at all cloying. 6) Starts off with epic sounding chimes. More Waking Life samples. LSD soaked fullon, at moments somewhat reminiscent of Melicas first album, but with strange, slightly haunting, nonstandard ambiences and effects behind it. This track has a very Alice-in-Wonderland kind of feel to it. 7) Starts with some piano riffs that get progressively more distorted before the bassline drops in. Like the other tracks, lots of quirky distorted sounds and massive twilight melodies and atmospheres. 8) Starts off with some sad, mournful sounding melody lead. More psychedelic action, with some nice twists. Has more waking life samples. This is the only track here that I haven’t immediately fallen completely in love with, although it is a good enough track. Time will tell, but considering how fantastic the rest of the album is, I think it’s likely that this track will grow on me. 9) A chill out track. And a good one too. Very subtle, tasteful use of ethnic elements. The ethnic elements are skillfully integrated with, rather than simply layered with the electronic elements, and also these not the same played-out samples we are getting all too used to from a lot of the chillout these days. Wow, what album. Truly amazing stuff, for those who say fullon can’t be intelligent, I challenge them to listen to this CD and then tell me that!! So deep, so laden with feeling, so creative, so sonically diverse. Amazing mix of psychedelic sounds, uplifting moments, and moments of creeping darkness. Impeccably produced, rich soundscapes, use of many elements, but everything in place, ever shifting and morphing, but doing so quite seamlessly. I predict that “Starship Earth” will go down in the annals of trance history as among the very best of the best psytrance ever made. I will have to go back and get this guy’s earlier albums, I have a few track and knew I liked his music, but this CD is a total masterpiece. Is all of his stuff this good? Is this Vera Guerreiro part of the live act? Her vocals are probably the best use of vocals in trance that I have ever heard, they are integrated with such skill and subtlety. As I write this I am sad knowing that my words will never do the listening experience I’ve just had justice. While it remains to be seen how this CD will age, I expect it will be filed alongside Hallucinogen, Artifakt, Pleiadians, Vibrasphere, as the very best of the best of my music collection. 10/10, unspeakably awesome, a likely pick for CD of the year.
  14. Psycosmo

    V/A- Edge

    Cross posted with Isratrance 1.SLUG- How High 2.PERPLEX VS SHIFT- Retrobution 3.PITCH HIKERS Give The Order 4.ABOMINATION VS SLUG-Bleed 5.SHIFT Dead Meat 6.PAINKILLER VS BLISS- Ragga Time 7.MULTISTATE- Spoil 8.MANIFOLD- Faces 9.BRETHREN- More Power Here it goes with my new rating system 1) Slow-Fast: 6.5 Light-Heavy: 6.5 Smooth-Rough: 3.5 Arid-Wet: 6 Dark-Light: 4 Cold-Warm: 7 blurry – crisp: 7 clean –dirty: 3 Element: Fire Quality: 8, Solid 2) Slow-Fast: 6.5 Light-Heavy: 7 Smooth-Rough: 3 Arid-Wet: 5.5 Dark-Light: 4 Cold-Warm: 7.5 blurry – crisp: 6 clean –dirty: 3 Element: Air/water Quality: 7.5, very nice, especially towards the end! I like the 303-style acid in here. 3) Slow-Fast: 7 Light-Heavy: 5 Smooth-Rough: 2 Arid-Wet: 4 Dark-Light: 7 Cold-Warm: 3 (with some warm to hot parts in the middle). blurry – crisp: 3 clean –dirty: 4 Element: Air Quality: 8.5 4) Slow-Fast: 7 Light-Heavy: 7 Smooth-Rough: 3 Arid-Wet: 5.5 Dark-Light: 3 Cold-Warm: 7 blurry – crisp: 6 clean –dirty: 6 Element: Fire! Quality: 9 Wicked! The main synth melody is so damn catchy, I forgive its simplicity and repetition. 5)Slow-Fast: Light-Heavy: Smooth-Rough: 3 Arid-Wet: 3 Dark-Light: 6.5 Cold-Warm: 9 blurry – crisp: clean –dirty: 6, depending which part of the track Element: Air/Fire Quality: 8.5 Booty shakin athem, some will probably call it cheesy, but I think it’s a really fun track. We’ll see how it ages. 6)Slow-Fast: Light-Heavy:7 Smooth-Rough 4 Arid-Wet: 3 Dark-Light:6 Cold-Warm:7 blurry – crisp: 5 clean –dirty: 6 Element: Earth/Fire Quality: 5.5, I don’t see much in this track. 7) Slow-Fast: 7 Light-Heavy: 7 Smooth-Rough: 2.5 Arid-Wet: 6 Dark-Light: 5 Cold-Warm: 8 blurry – crisp: 3.5 clean –dirty: 6 Element: Air Quality: 5. Why isn’t this labeled as a remix? It has the exact same synth patterns as some stuff off MMD-twilight children. Nice track, but I cant respect it when its labeled as its own thing and it uses material so directly from other tracks that they did under a different name. I would give it an 8.5 if it was labeled as a remix. The end of the track is fucking HOT though. 8) Slow-Fast: 8 Light-Heavy: 7 Smooth-Rough: 4 Arid-Wet: 6 Dark-Light: 4 Cold-Warm: 9, hot! blurry – crisp: 5 clean –dirty: 6 Element: Earth Quality: 9, Like the melody that comes in around 00:40 sec. This track is even more of a booty shaker than track 5. 9) Slow-Fast: 7 Light-Heavy: 6.5 Smooth-Rough: 3 Arid-Wet: 7 Dark-Light: 4 Cold-Warm: 6 blurry – crisp: 6 clean –dirty: 7 Element: Earth Quality: 6.5, The first couple seconds suck!! Then it gets better, but it still isn’t my favorite. I like the opera/ghost sounds. Overall: This is a very good album, I like it a lot, although it won’t take the place of MMD’s v/a-Twilight Children (which is still always near the top of my cd stack). This one isn’t anything groundbreaking, but it does what it does quite well. It probably wont go down in the annals of trance as a classic, but if you like the style of Abomination and the newer Shift, you should definitely pick this one up. I give this one an overall 7.7/10, subject to revision depending on how well it ages.
  15. Slug- Elemental Alternative Control- Alt + Ctrl v/a-Edge v/a- Peakopath Mubali- Cats@Play Human Blue- Mysterious Experience v/a-Night 24 hours (came free with my order!) Should keep me busy for a while
  16. The following is cross-posted from isratrance: 01-Kopfjager- Pretty chilled out track. Very light beat, nice, but somewhat repetitive atmosphereics. The Kill Bill sample is a little out of step with the relaxed vibe of the track. 02-Anknipser: Energy level picks up some. Tasteful use of vocal samples, nice synth riff at 2:40. The main synth riff that keeps getting repeated is also nice. It goes good places. 03-Schichtwechsel: Lots of gentle ‘pretty” synth riffs. Is very beautiful, but also a little repetitive and boring. 04)Flickenteppich: I like the percussive use of the sitar sample… goes to show that innovation can still happen using Indian samples. The guitars add a bit of edge that the other tracks don’t have. A really nice track. 05) Klopfer: Good track, but not my favorite, too much repetition of good loops. 6) Klassiker: I love the melody that comes in at 1:24! It repeats too many times without changing before it finally does, but it’s good enough that it’s forgivable. Nice use of opearatic vocals, not too in your face, but enough to give it some flavor. As with the other tracks, really great selection of instruments, love the percussive sounds. 7)Verzerrer: Has a nice groove to it, but doesn’t change and evolve enough. Definatly not the most interesting track on the album. The last 2 minutes are good though. 8) Reiseführer: No words can do justice to the way this track makes me feel. This is one of those few tracks that actually gives me goosebumps sometimes, its that good. IMO this is by far the best track on the album. I found out about Flugbeleiter from someone playing this track and asking them what it was. This track is really a masterpiece, I wish more progressive were this massive, this vast and expansive sounding. A progressive psy anthem!! 9) Absacker: Not the best chillout track ever, but like every track here it has some very strong elements. General: I really like this album! If I had to pick one word to describe the overall sound of this CD it would be LUSH. The sounds are very thick and juicy, very saturated sounding, lots of watery sounds, so if you like your Psytrance more on the wet side, I definitely recommend getting this one. Maybe there isn’t much super groundbreaking here, but it is done very well, and with a unique touch. Excellent choices of loops and of instruments makes a CD that is perhaps unremarkable in terms of structure still interesting and pleasurable to listen to, but there is a little something that ought be in some of the tracks that isn’t. This release definitely deserves more attention, I’m very surprised it hasn’t been reviewed yet. It is a very nice album, there is some really great stuff here, nitpickings aside. I look forward to hearing more from this guy, I’m interested to see where he takes his sound. I would give this album an 7.5/10, I’d give the track Reisfurer an 10/10, track 4 and 6 get a 9/10, they are really great tracks but aren’t quite up to the level of track 8, the rest is pleasant enough but not particularly special.
  17. Psycosmo

    Artifakt - Artifakt II

    I liked this album when I first got it, it took me a couple weeks to get to love it, I still listen to it streight thru a couple times a week six months after buying it. It really is one of those albums that grows on me, all the little quirks were slightly annoying and disconcerting at first (even though I liked it overall), but the more I listen the more I come to appreciate the genius of them, how perfectly they are placed. Another great thing about this album is the way it flows as one complete train of thought, not just a bunch of tracks. I rarely ever listen to just 1 or 2 trax from this album, if I play anything from it I play the whole thing start to finish, its just too good to listen to a small piece of. Definatly among my top albums of all time, along with the likes of Hallucinogen-Twisted, Pleaidians-IFO, Infected Mushroom-The Gathering and Midi Miliz-Antistat
  18. I only discovered this one a few years ago but I love love love it. One of the best chillout albums in my collection, so mystical and magical.
  19. There is no best, but my personal favorite would have to be Hallucinogen-Solstice due to a particular experience I had while listening to it. To me this track is like the pulsing hearbeat of the universe.
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