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Everything posted by Klas

  1. Klas

    V/A - Fire

    Zymosis - Summer twilight! - one of my alltime favourite tracks! So colourful and beautiful! And the rhythm, when it explodes in pure enjoyment I feel like i´m flying! And yes, i´m competing for the cheesiest comment of the year! Sue me.
  2. Looking forward to some more crazy spirals! Love the artwork. And a Nitzo-track from E-mantra! Wow!
  3. File corrupt in some way... Have tried to download twice.
  4. Klas

    Deja Vu Fabrique

    Fantastic album! Top label secret, Sadhana, Mosgorsvet, Drops mashines... If you are gonna buy ONE darkpsy album, buy this! It has it all.
  5. Haha! Thanks.
  6. ... But where can I download it? Loved "She rains" on V/A - "Sundaze"!
  7. I thought I was alone...
  8. Ka-sol - Greenbutskunk. One of the most relentless kick drums I´ve ever heard.
  9. Unnececcary with the cigarette. Unnececcary with drugs. Nice picture of Afgin, even though it looks like it´s from the 50´s and does´nt fit well with the music. Beautiful music.
  10. Klas

    Aes Dana - Perimeters

    Bra recension, Usling. Think my album´s got stuck in the mail... Looking so much forward to this one. If anyone makes music that LASTS, it´s Aes Dana.
  11. Hehe, old thread...
  12. "The file you requested is not available"...
  13. I love the cover. The theme is simple, but works every time. Nice font and nice colours! I will dig deeper into this album!
  14. Thanks for a wonderful review! Enjoyed it much. I bought Kiriyama´s album earlier, because someone were talking about that it would sound like Goatrance... It sounded like a rolling bassline with a lot of noises. (I will let that last sentence speak for itself). Earlier than that, I bought Ocelot´s "You live in a zoo". Same thing there, rolling bassline with noises. It´s a shame because his downtempo album was a favourite. It´s interresting how these artists throw away such obvious technical talent on something that sounds that boring. Well, I guess it´s just made for dancing, but if I dance I would rather dance to Filteria. I´m so freakin´ tired of being curious of darkpsy right now.
  15. Top notch stuff - and for free! Love the last three tracks; especially the new version of Mindsphere´s track, since it seems "cleaner" and not as straggling as the original. Blackstarrfinale just does´nt make bad tracks it seems, and Perfect blind´s track is magnificent! But there are more treats on this album! Astrancer, Screw loose and Antares tracks are really good too. Astrancer has some wicked melodies there... And I definitly have to look up Psilocybian project. A little bit dissapointed with Sky technology. I loved his track on "Goatronika", but "Cosmic space" does´nt seem to lead anywhere. There´s too much gating and some lack in flow... Arronax/Somnesia and PharaOm´s tracks are OK, but nothing more than that for me. It seems like they miss that extra "sparkle" that makes a track shiny and rememberable. Nice compiling Richpa! This is like a Suntrip collection of tracks - only two or three tracks that I don´t find pleasing. Makes me actually looking forward to listening to this again and again. Nice cover btw
  16. What happened to this one? Have been waiting for this a long time now!
  17. This will be something for me! I hope the tracks sound like "Secret prophecy" on Opus iridium. That´s one of the better downtempo tracks I´ve heard. ... And there will be one more downtempo track of him on Various artists - "Ether", released soon. Rubbing my hands, satisfied.
  18. Coolers! Good luck to Frozen dream with your new net-label! Exelization is really good. Love the energy in his track! There should be more Goa with them positive, uplifting vibes! ...And E-mantra!
  19. Here´s my contribution. I´m not a photoshop-pro as you can see (but an old graffiti-writer...) Feel free to edit it if you like!
  20. +1 to reprinting Anima mundi!
  21. Too much beauty... Can´t stand it!
  22. Klas

    Aes Dana - Leylines

    Nice background music for reading/studying. Signs is amazing. Unfortunally it gets, just a bit, boring sometimes... Grey album with dots of colour.
  23. After listening through this once: I like Astrix. I like the colours of the cover. I like his sense of creating intense, exciting soundscapes. I don´t like the picture above of him. It makes me laugh. I like the flow of the tracks. I like the tracknames and I like this album. I have a small issue with them looong buildups sometimes, but I can live with them! This album is not a classic, but it´s as good as I´ve expected from Astrix.
  24. After first listen - sounds great! (especially the Blackstarrfinale track). Why for heaven´s sake do you guys release this great music for free, I mean, i´m ok with it but WHY...!??
  25. Downtempo-electrypnose is something to look forward to! But can it get as good as Subliminal melancholies twice?.. Anyway, it´s a blind-buy. I like the cover. As Amithaba_Buddha were saying, it may be the simplest which is the most beautiful! (and it´s fitting because his music is kind of cold and minimalistic too...)
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