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Everything posted by Klas

  1. Hello. Cleaning and updating... Here´s my for sale/trade list: 8 euro´s a piece. Dark psy: Vegetal - Free thinkers are dangerous Deja vu fabrique Electrypnose - Le tireur de ficelles Dark nebula - Dream fuel Psykovsky - debut Procs - The lonely land of Tada Artifakt - Artifakts Artifakt - Artifakts II Para halu - Space rock Various - Musica discordia Psy: Planum - Elaborate Prometheus - Robot-o-chan Four carry nuts - Mechanical age MFG - The message Pleiadians - 7even 7isters Paranormal attack - Phenomenon Sine Die - Life hack 1200 mics - The time machine GMS - Emergency broadcast system Chill: Bluetech - Sines and singularities Shulman - Random thoughts Astral waves - Mystique You have to buy at least two, I don´t ship less than that. (Unless you´re in Stockholm and we can meet). Shipping cost examples: Germany: 4 eur USA - 5.5 eur Varies a little bit depending on which country you live in... You pay the shipping. If you want to trade, I´m interrested in all kind´s of melodic Goa and Ambient with rhythm. Love and peace to you all!
  2. Klas

    Hol Baumann - Human

    We are analog. Can it get better than this?..
  3. I´m at the third track and so far this sounds really good. Interresting!
  4. Klas

    V/A People walk funny

    Ok, don´t mind my last sentence there. Have listened through it once again and some tracks are really great here. Jikkenteki - Automagic (Subra remix) - Love the bass and kick! A little too much twisted for my taste. Good track though! Liquid flow - Synergy - Great flow, great bass, good disposition, Like it! Artifact 303 - Levitation device - Energy deluxe as always with Artifact 303. Very hypnotizing, though there´s something I don´t like in this track that I can´t point my finger on, maybe it´s the plastic feeling... New born - Purity - Amanians - Fireworks - Artha - Sannjasin - Three pretty good Goatracks. Oh, and the hidden track actually IS funny in contrast to the last compilation "freshly cut tomato". (I don´t know if that was the intention then though.) Now i´m gonna listen to Sugar shock on repeat! :posford:
  5. Klas

    V/A People walk funny

    Funny cover. Something makes me not want to listen to this CD. Strange because it sure has a ok line-up... The OOOD track is well-produced. I think OOOD puts alot of effort on technique - it´s the same on like 70% of their album-tracks, but not enough on the feeling. Gets repetitve. Looked forward to K.O.B but this just don´t do it for me. Aggressive, but it´s (synesthetically speaking ) as grey as the first one on this album. The Portamento track is great. Monster-Virus synths all the way through. Really like it! I will listen to it some more and see if my opinion about the album changes...
  6. I agree and think I follow you in what you explain. I think this "mind expansion"-thing is an interresting phenomenon! But the thing about being able to see auras around people... Is´nt that called love?? I mean, I have that kind of sensitivity to be able to see auras around people, but is it really because I listen to a special kind of music? Sounds strange to me... And about the drugs, i´m sure that they are "mind expanding" (if you want to call it that) in the short-run, in the moment you take them (and for a few hours), but I sometimes get the feeling that people here thinks the drugs "mind expands" them in the long run - for life... Am I wrong?
  7. I hope you did´nt take what I wrote in the wrong way and you think that I don´t appreciate this new label/music, or want to talk bad about your label. I know labels go through tough times right now and I have all the respect for people still releasing music in such a small genre as Goatrance. I´m not SO dissapointed as it may have sounded like, but still, as a consumer I would have liked it if the correct info, that it´s a CDR, was printed in Psyshop since i´m paying as much for it as for a real CD. . - Who said it is?? I expect that 99 percent of the CD´s sold on Psyshop are real CD´s, don´t you? Still, I still probably would have bought it! Anyway, I love the album and this did´nt really ruin my day - neither did it ruin the hour! Peace
  8. Now when I look closer it sure looks a little bit green on the "mirror-side"... There´s printed "RFD8OM-78019-80" backwards where I think you described. Same on yours?.. Damn good music, but not the best way to handle the start-up of a new label...
  9. Damn, hell and holy Dalai Lama!!! Primal source - Hidden world is so freaking suggestive! Pure energy!
  10. The prodigy - Experience, Music for the jilted generation Portishead - Dummy, Third Radiohead - The bends Sophie Zelmani - Time to kill Tori Amos - Under the pink Rammstein - Live aus Berlin Oh, did it have to be electronic... I guess there´s synths in everything...
  11. I´ve listen through it once, and this sound very promising. I kind of knew it when I first read about the compilation. So many tracks of one of my favourite-artists right now - E-mantra just can´t be wrong! I´ve had mixed feelings about Artifact 303 before. I thought his track "Feelings" on Opus iridium was great, but when I heard "Energy waves" on Sundrops - I became dissapointed. I´m not sure I liked "Trip to the sun" either. His tracks can sound a little bit too "plastic" for my taste. This indeed sounds better and i´m looking forward to getting to know this compilation better! In contrast to Anubis, i´m completely in love with breakbets in Goatrance.
  12. Don´t listen to what qa2pir says. He thinks EVERY album is badly mastered. Yeah, now we know you have the technical skills. Please teach us something else next time! Not everybody can have such great ears as you, not even Tim Schuldt!
  13. I bought it from Psyshop and to be honest i´m not sure if it´s a CDR or a "real CD"... The booklet is made of another kind of paper than other CD´s I have bought and the jewelcase looks kind of different. It does´nt look like a CDR though. Mysterious...
  14. Klas

    VA - Air

    I suppose you refer to my "review"... You´re right, I take it back. I LIKE Ra (maybe you can say even love). It´s just that that I miss some "edge" sometimes, it´s almost TOO divine and floating... I know people, i´m such a gourmet.
  15. That´s so true. Exactly how i´m thinking. I have loved drug-samples ever since I was a kid. I´ve had experiences with drugs later, but understood after a while that life can be quite interresting WITHOUT the use of any weird substances... I love to use my brain for thinking and fantasising. Psy-music (especially Goa) is a great engine for me, doing that. Word. ... And what about this mystery of "mind expansion"?.. I have never heard anyone explain exactly what they mean by that term. I listen to music I think sound good and have been taking drugs which maked me feel good and for no other reason! I would be happy if someone explained it (in an easy-to-understand kind of way) without sounding like the text in "mushroom magazine" is written...
  16. The energy in this album is fantastic. It has a "fuck it, I don´t care"-attitude that I really like. I get the feeling each track is made in a hurry. That is also this album´s weakness... As Jon says, this artist surely has the potential of making something great. I just wish he could in some way keep that energy, but still work more on details and diversity, since it gets a little bit too much sometimes. If that´s possible he could make the next album a classic! He sure has eyes for great Goatrance. After all, he compiled "Pyramidal trancendence". I still don´t understand why that album and Mindsphere´s "Inner cyclone" never got printed on CD though. And what´s up with the LSD-bullshit printed inside? You don´t have to take drugs to be crazy.
  17. PM:ed you too. Earlier!!!
  18. Klas

    VA - Air

    For me this album is more uneven then I thought it would be, but still well worth it. Sometimes I think that I listen to too much great music and in that way kind of raise my own standards too much if you know what I mean..? Anyway, I discovered Dj Zen on "Opus iridium" ( by the alias of Astral waves), loved his track there and because he "compiled" this, I thought this would be a sure buy. (Along with the great line-up of course). A little bit dissapointed in the way the CD is packaged - it comes in a cartonnage, which really does´nt look good in my record collection. (I´m a snob I know). I really think that if you are gonna make a compilation in this standard (music-wise), you should at least distribute it in digipack. I would gladly pay a little bit more for that! Now to the music. I will describe it in short terms: Zymosis - Zeta bieng flute mix - 6/10 (Nice opening, nothing more - nothing less. Nothing that gets stuck in my mind.) Aquascape & Skydan - Voice of the universe - 8/10 (You´re right Jon, this is a damn good track. Uplifting!) Dj Zen & Jace - Speak your mind (open air mix) - 7/10 (Nice). Tentura - Discover - 6/10 (Ok. Had to reduce one point from this one. This has a TRULY cheesy melody). Shakri - Aurora borealis - 7/10 (Nice). Chronos - Sacral meeting midnight storm - 8,5/10 (My favourite on this compilation. This is psychedelic at it´s best!) Asura - Dust and daffodils - 7,5/10 (This is a track to get lost in. The way the track is "pulsating" - I love the idea.) Aes Dana - Air conditioning - 6/10 (a little bit dissapointed here, I expected more from Aes Dana. Deep - yes, technical skills - yes, interresting - no.) Ra - Cloudwalker - 7,5/10 (Ra´s music is hard for me to describe in terms of liking or not liking. Their music is almost too perfect. I seldom listen to their CD [9th], but still i´m glad I bought it.) Solar fields - Air song (remix) - 8/10 (Solar fields best tracks are the bomb while his less good tracks can be kind of boring. This is stabile and progresses in a nice and firm way. I think of a smoke-filled bar, gangsters playing cards and a threatful, yet melancholic atmosphere.) This IS a quality compilation and i´m glad I bought it. Yet not Suntrip standard, but really - what is?
  19. Not my cup of tea. Charon the ferryman is ok I guess... I will give it a few more listens. Did´nt like the short story inside either. The cover and the rest of the pictures look good though.
  20. Great album! It was long time ago I heard such great trance. And dark too! I thought I hated all darkpsy... He makes Alot better music than albumcovers.
  21. Zygote is the bomb! Never getting tired of that track. Would´nt buy a new album from them though...
  22. Klas


    I think Prodigy lost it after "Music for the jilted generation". "Experience" was great too, but I have to vote Jilted for the best. Didn´t like "Firestarter" or "Smack my bitch up". In my opinion the only great track made since Jilted is "Medusas path" on "Always outnumbered". :clapping: Puh! Lots of namedropping there!
  23. Some thoughts... I think the concept of "cheese" has been highly overused and nowadays describes all kinds of music. In my opinion it´s often far away from what the term originally stood for. For me the "new" Talpa album is´nt cheesy, but silly and stupid in an intelligent kind of way, if you know what I mean? (Personally I liked "The art of being non" better). What I would call cheesy would be artists like Enrique Iglesias or ABBA. In the trance scene, artists like Tiesto, Yahel and Holymen are cheesy. People that obviously have learned the trick of making music for the masses. The interresting thing about Talpa is that he obviously have the technical skills to make music for the masses, but still makes crazy music like this. He could have done another album sounding like "The art of being non", and have a new great success, but did´nt. That´s not what I call cheesy, that´s what I call innovating and creative. Calling people like Talpa, who is as far from commercial nor seeing himself (of what I know) as a big rockstar, cheesy, is in my opinion kind of either lazy or ignorant. I just get REALLY tired of that expression in the Psy-scene. Probably because so many Psy-people are DEADLY afraid of being asscosiated with the expression and are so afraid of being labeled as "cheesy" that they almost crap in their pants, just to hear the word. In the really bad cases they can even be real cool, call themselves "hardcore" and start to make such uninspiring music like Kindzadza... Still, if someone would point a gun to my head, saying "choose listening to cheese like Holymen or to darkpsy like Kindzadza in your headphones for the rest of your life" - I would gladly choose Holymen!
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