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About Sideffect...

  • Birthday 11/20/1982

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    Belgium / Ghent
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    Music, Friends, Writing, Humor...

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  1. I want this guy in my living room, like a vending machine, when a put a coin in it, it starts singing for one minute
  2. I've posted yesterday that he must stopped acting like a cunt etc etc etc... That's all deleted too, and now his page is filled with "zen" and "respect" images I reported him to facebook several times, So it's probably not that he feels better but knowing continuing this behavior on the internet, he will be shut down, Or he just woke up with his third alter ego, who will he be tomorrow? Well I've made up my own mind, screw the guy, he's lost... He need some help "local"... And the support he gets is all Portuguese, and not actually support, my browser translated it... Maybe it's best to ignore him, people who are in this kind of state like attention from their actions. And if he gets personal again, racism etc..., report, report & report!
  3. It's seem like I'm gonna have to give "Drehkar" another try... There has been so much great stuff released back then
  4. Damn right! Great, album I'm gonna step on you, I'm gonna STEP STEP STEP, on you!!! I've listened to this, this afternoon... Getting high, with a little help from my friends
  5. True, If you get the password, your in, but imo that's the responsibility of the user, And everything has been deleted, nothing to report... I used to chat with him many times back in 2004-2005, and he was against drugs back then... Off course, things change...
  6. Is that the same who released drehkar in 1999? Or a new artist? I know I gave drehkar some time to grew on me, but I never got it
  7. Well what he wrote was kind of personal, information that he only knew, or very close, I understand you are shocked, but facebook is the most private internet website on the world. I don't think you can hack that easily, and if it happens, the facebook empire would totally crash, if this gets out in the open. Members would be dropping out 1000 a day... And if you can hack it, a goa page would be the most less interesting to hack compared to the legal consequences.
  8. That's not only drugs speaking, there is no drugs in the world that infects the brain/mind that much imo, There must be something mental, combined with the drugs that creates this kind of insanity... I would advise, - Incorporation/detox for at least 9 to 12 months. - No music or movies that create craving. So I guess no goa listening or producing. - First 3 months inside (no connection to the outer world including internet, cell phones (just family visit)) - Starting with 50 mg of Valium phasing in 3 months to zero. - Slowly one day at the time back to reality (only in the weekend) - no sleep overs. - The last 3 months open weekends with sleep over. - Back in society = Minimum 2 years of testing / weekly with psychological support. The Doctor has spoken
  9. Dimension 5 - TransStellar (2013) 1. Iron Sun Rmx 2. Temple of Chaos 3. Blue Pyramid 4. Ganymede 5. Phoenix 6. The Zarkon Principle 7. Intastella 8. Tribes of the moon This is a limited print (SUNCDLE02), only available on Suntrip website! http://www.suntriprecords.com/news/ Here we are again, with a new album of Dimension 5 between quotes. We already had "TransAddendum" just released with some great tracks. But "TransStellar" tops it imo. This release contains very good tracks but has a continue of quality from the first to the last minute just like "Transdimensional" and "Second Phaze". Compared to "TransAddendum" that had a longer build up, "TransStellar" provides direct full blown melodic tracks that inspire me and it keeps going on and on until the end. I really like the "uptempo" atmosphere of Dimension 5 baselines and fast spirals, 303 lines and floating melodies. This is music that will do it's work on parties but is also great for listening at home. I haven't found any dull moment until now and I don't think it's going to happen. "TransStellar" contains a lot off tracks from 1996 - 1997. Most of them rare, some of the track are remixes, and some have been released before on compilations, But I would prefer to review this release as an entire new release. I'll review track by track but try to only highlight what is good, different, remarkble. I'll try not to describe every sound if that's ok. 1. Iron Sun Rmx Iron Sun rmx is good start. We already know this track as the first track of "Transdimensional" and I like this rmx better. It's more serious, less fluffy, faster and filled with varied sounds. The uptempo atmosphere what I mentioned before is directly there and it won't go away. 2. Temple of Chaos Temple of Chaos has a great intro. A good mystic atmosphere coming together with a spiral that dominates the beginning off the track, shaped and reformed. Dimension 5 chooses for a full melody as next to come that grows bigger and bigger and strengthen along the track. Faster and more aggressive, euphoric. Certainly one of the best tracks on this release... 3. Blue Pyramid Blue pyramid is a pearl. This is defiantly in my top 5 best Dimension tracks all the time with the new remastering which is a gift. The 303 melodies is more then inspiring and has a little "psycho psychedelic" touch. Something which we are not familiar with an artist that has always endeavored for subtle, warm trance. It's just perfect and mind bending. You don't have to be a dimension 5 fan to love this track. Any goatrance listener could find this amazing (with some exceptions off course, but the rating will be much higher.) 4. Ganymede Is again not new but still does it's work fine. Lost of you guys probably know this track. The baseline is again uptempo but the melodies and spiral are bit slower compared to the previous track. A good break for a further journey. 5. Phoenix Is a regular Dimension 5 track as you can expect from Dimension 5, nothing special but it contains all the elements it should contain and you won't be disenchanted. it's again more uptempo in it's melodies and fit's perfectly in the uptempo atmosphere we are experiencing. 6. The Zarkon Principle. is the same as Phoenix imo, no need to repeat myself... 7. Intastella Has a more varied built up, more original melodies. I was kinda waiting for this, hoping the rest of the release won't all be regular tracks. I have this continue feeling something great is coming and I'm really hoping it does. And than it happens at exactly 4min 16sec. Excellent! What a warm melody, what a turn out of events. This nostalgic neverending feeling what attracted me so much to goatrance when I discovered raids me. Just in time 8. Tribes of the moon has a totally different baseline pattern but I'm glad it's not an ambient track they are closing with. Again a dominated melody creates bliss. Conclusion: This was one of the hardest reviews I ever written. Although I'm Dimension 5 fan I don't know all the tracks. Some I have in lousy mp3 because they are to rare to find, so it's like discovering a new track because I don't listen to low bitrate for years. This initiative is great that we can experience those rare tracks in perfect quality. Great job Suntrip,Dimension 5 & Tim Schuldt. If you are new to goatrance and you like morning trance this will be money well spent. If you are one of those lucky guys that already gathered it all through the years, and since I'm not one of those. I don't know, your call I have been listening to this release almost daily and never skipped a track or stopped halfway. Keep it coming Grtz Koen!
  10. Drugs or no drugs that's indeed very very excessive.
  11. The second track is a masterpiece imo, love it!
  12. Ah sorry mate, probably because he's on my facebook, when I searched I got him as first result...
  13. Nice post about the music, most off it, recognizable, red it very fast... Then again I would like to highlight that Goatrance was invented by hippies (especially from California) Who left America when LSD was banned and went to Goa to live in "freedom"... And started creating Goa, which became Goatrance later...
  14. The Ubar tmar 3CD release from 2012 maybe? Ubarpedia http://www.discogs.com/Ubar-Tmar-Ubarpedia/release/3718780
  15. He's on my facebook, but I don't know, facebook is private, you can just type his name in the search!!!!! + he's fan page is not private.
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