trying to help here,
you don't like plain techno/industrail,
well the most "psychedelic trance" with techno/industrial influences is the "psytek" what is a subgenre but not
that represented,
names like midi milliz, the delta, are like that,
try tantrance 9 ssecond cd,
but it seems that is not what you are searching for ?
and not old skool too ?
or am I totally wrong,
well in case I'm not,
you're looking for new stuff,
well there is good stuff exactly,
like reger mentioned very well electric universe 2004, 2006 and vs space tribe compilation can be defined as
one of the quality releases,
morning fullon like lamat, lani, audiofreak and etc is euphoric,
more minimal fullon less melodic I would suggest panick, ultravoice,
fullon with progressive influences like etic - feedback, neelix (that is actually progressive, crossover), yotopia are nice too
you like fresh old skool maybe that then filteria, ethereal, ypsilon 5, khetzal, compilation - apsara will satisfy you perfect
other good recent releases that pop up,
liquid soul : imo best progressive album from 2006
digicult : more aggressive morning fullon (within the concept of morning fullon off couse)
furious: intilligent dark psychedelic trance
kindzadza : same as above
fhungus funk: melodic dark psychedelic trance (again within the concept of dark blablaba...)
antix: very nice minimal progressive
talpa : like infected...
principles of flight has some infected influences too (both great releases)
misted muppet if you like noisy nervous fullon
and on and on,
well there should be one thing I hope