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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. shouldn't we lock this topic kidding on topic: still no complains what so ever, even better, I like more structure then the superchoas that it was before (and still is a bit but doens't bother me), just like istratrance that's good imo, some people need more structure then others , I think I'm one of those and I'm not alone I guess, so for the good health of all users good work
  2. silicon sound - nexus
  3. horror place is for me one of the best dark psy releases in 2006, very good bass line, intilligent sounds, together with furious, great album too... it's getting better and better dark psychedelic trance
  4. yƩps same over here, IM has prooved many times to have huge talent, why not use that out the psy trance world, in an intervieuw they said that will still make psytrance but also do something else, why is a side project of an goa artist that is not goa so critized, many people like it, there are videos over the internet where people go wild... why wouldn't we grant this people that joy, if some don't like it, np we are all different, but indeed I had another idea of their side project in my mind then this true...
  5. filteria - lunar civilization (fitleria's higher rmx)
  6. indeed...
  7. good , infected mushroom - never ever land for the third time this week... long time agoo
  8. sorry was busy, talking in dutch @ the other screen and switching laugauges from screen 1 to screen 2 preciously gives brainerrors should be freaky for you to read the artist names are the same, they'll understand
  9. amazing, I should better lay down
  10. cosmic tone - the cosmic story
  11. 4th track of pleiadians - seven sisters
  12. many of them to be honest Laughing Buddha - Debut Album - Nano Records - 2007 well heared some tracks of him and seems promising Goasia - TBC - Kagdila Records - 2007 2006 release goasia & omeghahertz was very nice so let's hope it stays that way 1200 Micrograms - Magic Numbers - TIP World - 2007 well yeah we keep on trying, the first 1200 mic's is a perfect example of good fullon, the others were not good, we'll see Skulptor - Natural - Wired Music - Jan. 2007 I already heard and posted in review section Para Halu - Space Rock - Zaikadelic Records - 2007 is good, very strong bass line, first impression ok... Mechanix - One Man Game - Yage Records - 2007 very motivating and detailed bassline and a continue of non fluffy fullon sounds, keeps you busy Infected Mushroom - Vicious Delicious - BNE/Yo Yo - Mar. 2007 who knows Dino Psaras - Where Words Fail Music Speaks - TBC - 2007 his album in 2003 was very mature fullon and detailed, just like his second nothing superspecial but wurth checking Astral Projection - Open Society - BNE/Yo Yo - 2007 I have too Talpa - Cinderella - Sundance Records - 2007 debut album rocked, second hopefully will too Transwave - TBC - Frontfire -Twisted records - 2007 I have too Yahel - Super Set 2 - FTP Music - 2007 liked the first one a lot, second not.... Logic Bomb - TBC - Solstice Music - Mar. 2007 high expectations, this should be "psychedelic trance @ it's best Chi-a.d - late summer - 2007 don't know, heared some stuff what was good, loved virtual sprit and other tracks like 'biocandy" but never liked his newer stuff so we'll see. Beat Hackers - Notes Junky - Agitato Records - 2007 typical fullon but always crystal clear and very correct, nice ! Electro Sun - TBC - Trancelucent Productions - 2007 second album of pure morning fullon defined artist, audiotec, vibe tribe their second was better, maybe we will experience here the same
  13. very nice album, I like artist who use different elements from categories, this is progressive that uses some very motivating fullon basslines and plays with using it or not what enojable, the melodies are indeed good and atmosphere is very strong, one of the best considering progressive in 2006
  14. I'll give a listen, thanx
  15. no way my belgian friend after all this time, a perfect original of the track flamicogyren, and there's an error in it... don't want to be negative but it sucks right now !
  16. well this one took me some time to appreciate, but I wanted it too, and endconclusion is this is very very good fullon... melodic and euphorical but a continue of it, up and down surfing on the fullon waves, it's totally not typical waiting for the climax psytrance, actaully the entire cd is just one song with some pauzes, indeed if you don't like the concept at all you're screwed big time, but if you like the concept you can't get enough of it but you will, pleiadians gives you what you want, the bassline is prefectly present but totally not the most important, in the beginning it's a bit uncomfortable because their's like no hard bass layer... The kick is perftly done and well present but makes the bass line not that macho or hard. The motivating kick is there and that's good, without that it would be boring, the drive the so called rolling part of the bassline is compared to other morining fullon withing the morning concept much darker (I said compared, it's not dark), it's not fluffy and rather repetitive, it goes sometimes faster and slower with melodic sounds and a bit up and down but less then electro sun, vibe tribe, audiotec. Their sound is good, it's euphorical but very detailed, not pure synths but a crackling tinckling sound that creates the feeling it lives, just like we experienced with the new sound of electric universe in 2004. The advancements are pretty go but at the other hand because it's more a continue of melodic psy sounds to climax you never have the feeling where we actually are in the advancment. This scores on the dancefloor a 1000%, the reason why I discoverd it's genius, is listening by headphones over and over, then you notice directly what is perfect for on the dancefloor and what it misses for homelistening. the way they play with their sound is controlled and subtle, off course these guys are no noobs in the contrary so again proved old skool artist who make present morning fullon preciously create better. Well it's not trancy @ all like other artist who their sound is is more fat layered like astrix, protoculture, pop stream etc... only the sample in the beginning indeed is trancy (dance with me), but that's only time it happens... they have an eye for entroducing melodies and balancing them out, it never stops directly but always goes very smooth, a continue like I said before... Best track : track 2 "I believe", very good advancement, melodic but psychedelic melodic in the beginning, the climax comes fast and the sounds are hypnotizing, sometimes one but strong represent, the climax appears very early, this is " a feel good song", mystical atmosphere, spacey concept, The break with the sample is major old skool tinted and I like it, it's like gods of the sun... I like it, within the melodic morning fullon concept one of the best of 2006, to bad it's winter here in belgium, let's save some for the summer
  17. already red this one but not enough info imo, that's why this thread but thanx
  18. thanx, reading as we speak
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