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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. I used to be a heavy metal fan. My first cd's I bought when I got at the age of buying cd's where Iron maiden and I still have those. Heavy metal is good but I couldn't resist the more aggressive metal released back then so I started listening very fast to heavier stuff like "Life of Agony", "Pantera", "Sepultura", "Biohazard", "Nirvana" etc... After that I even started enjoying symphonic black metal like "Cradle of Filth", "Dimmu Borgir", Amorphis". So nowdays It happens that I put on some "Slayer", "Black Sabbath", or "Iron maiden" but that's rare. I still prefer the more aggressive direction. Life of Agony, River runs red is always on my mp3 player. Considering the metal vs psy... Well it's great to hear guitars in goa like Sun project but I never liked the remixes. There is only one rmx that imo succeeded & that's the Metallica rmx and yes don't shoot me, Skazi did that! (IIRC) He was pretty good with combining psy with guitars in his first album, later on he sucked huge... There exist a documentary called "The seven ages of rock", very interesting if you would love too see more about the evolution of rock entirely and there good unreleased footage in it...
  2. My right ear always starts cracking at parties since my first party in puberty. It really hurts when that happens. I directly started using earplugs in my right ear. Sometimes I forgot them and used toilet paper, chewed on it, until it got wet and propped it in my ear. Better then nothing. I asked my ears specialist what the cracking is all about. And according to him those are the little bones in your ear that are overloaded and make that noise. Not good off course. But like I said I have been wearing wearing earplugs since my first parties so I did the right thing. And indeed the music is too loud, at concerts it's even worse imo. They deliberately increase the volume bit by bit trough the performance to increase the kick for the crowd I guess.
  3. Indeed, still got that on my youtube account http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkArxJfSJ4o
  4. Sorry mate, I don't know actually why I do it, My screen is wide and everytime my neck/head goes to go to right to type further, I press the "enter" button so the text stays in front of my eyes. I prefer it that way (less pain). I'll try to work on it but won't promise anything
  5. Ah good combination, The Blue Moon UK sampler is a velvet, And I'm hoping this will be too... http://www.psynews.o...c/#entry1004952 Np: There's a new 'Aes Dana' called "Pollen" http://www.psyshop.c.../inr1cd055.html
  6. February is still long but it's worth waiting, great news!
  7. Sideffect...

    MOS - Bug

    Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom - Bug (1999) I couldn't appreciate this album, the first time I got it. Only when I invested in a good soundsystem the detail and perfection of this masterpiece occurred to me. Is this still goatrance or should we refer it as psytrance. I don't care, it's good. Bug is trance, but not uptempo at all. The concept contains tiny little sounds that smoothly come along with the baseline and create a huge level off psychedelic. Like insects, probably why they called this release Bug. Nevertheless it's still melodic and positive and that's what makes it so unique imo... I don't know if this should work on the dance floor but it hell does work on quality headphones. An decent journey and special in it's kind. All tracks are good but "Speaker people" is certainly my favorite. Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...ug/master/36783
  8. This goes around on facebook and I like it
  9. You are making me very curious my friend
  10. Radi I don't know which planet you come from, but Goa/Psytrance already had it's top back in 2003 - 2009. Everybody wanted to visit a "Goa party" suddenly... It already entered the mainstream but as usual, the mainstream has a disposable attitude and now days Goa/Psy isn't "hip" anymore. I don't know if that's an international fact, probably not,but in Belgium it is... and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of Europe had the same trend like your country Germany (yes?)... And to be honest I'm glad the goa hype is over in Belgium, I didn't anyone me that it became more commercial, but I like it smaller, we got more problems with the cops, people from clubs came around, less respect, fights,etc... You are so from outer space Do you even know this website? http://www.goabase.net One of the first/oldest goa websites ever international (from Germany btw)
  11. I agree with healium, Goa is extreme music just like for example black metal and the mainstream people are not that into extreme music. Parties with extreme music are mostly to different and not that approachable. But that's what I like about it
  12. No, the only reason why they were interested is because it's something new, and probably because it has a baseline, that's all. that does not mean they will like it the second time. If they are really interested they will find their own way. It's not that there's not enough information about goa on the internet. But If you want to be the village idiot handing information flyers about goa in your town, be my guest, And please, please post some pictures doing it
  13. That's often with underground music radi Goa is not alone with that effect, and especially with teenagers You have much to learn
  14. VA - Dimensional Gateway III - (2012) A decent goatrance or should I say Negoa (bah) trance release. I like the first tracks. They are a good built up with a humble drive, spirals, 303's etc not moving to fast, relaxing and waiting for more. The baseline of the second is imo the most interesting, not being influenced by today's fullon pattern but created as we know it from goatrance dated in the 90's. Further on the release is pure melody. Giant waves, synths over and over. It doesn't stop. It's gets stronger and harder by the minute in baselines and melody and ends in pure euphoria... "Future of mankind" has got a psycho end climax which I adore. I like the space atmosphere in track 8. One of my favorites. Like mentioned above, strange that this is free cause it would be money well spent if not. The production quality is ok but could be a bit more professional to my ears. Sometimes It sounds a tiny tiny bit cheap but that doesn't bother me. The melodies are often one huge layer and that's it. Direct satisfaction which will do it's work on the dance floor but for home listening I prefer a little bit more detail... Then again lot's of goatrance has this element so I don't mean it in a negative way. Loved it, thanx for the gift Discogs: (not added yet)
  15. Like I said indeed, the Spain/Belgium comparison. It's the contrast of the weather that I'm referring to, not the fact that it is actually getting warmer. Because it's not, over here in Belgium. The effects of global warming are not just that it is getting warmer. Sometimes on the contrary, It's not that simple...
  16. I'm pretty sure your hart rhythm does not get influenced by that, the body is a bit stronger then that. There are already studies about that subject. Light can't that I know, For music you'll have to Google yourself
  17. The spiral in 'mount menu' is amazing, psychedelic at it's best!
  18. Your right, In Belgium that's also meant in a more negative way, "the guy should be more opeminded, think outside the box etc...) It's not easy, but interesting imo
  19. E-Mantra ‎– Pathfinder (2011) This is imo of of Suntrip finest. My favorite trance is subtle, warm and gentle trance. And that's what's Pathfinder is all about. This second album of E-mantra is better to my ears then it's first. All is soft, the baseline, it's drive, the melodies, the tiny 303 spiral, the long stretched waves. This gets me into trance easily to be goatrance. Just one thing anoyes me and that is track 4. "Valley of the kings" is a decent track but it doesn't fit in the entire concept of the album. That wouldn't be a problem if E-mantra didn't put it at number 4 but maybe at the end. The baseline is kinda nithzonot and the entire track is more stronger and less subtle. It breaks the release. Then again the "next track button" is never far away so it's doable. http://www.discogs.c...release/3219764
  20. I'm feeling Goatrance today, let's hope it'll last, It's 10 in the morning, got a good night sleep, but moods can still suddenly change, Let's have another coffee that's enough melodic goatrance for today...
  21. For instance, probably you haven't visited that much variated parties I guess Radi (don't know), If you put the volume very loud the baseline effect is not only in your ears but also in your body. Your body trembles each time the base comes along and I can assure you that increases the effect off trance (getting into trance). I love it when the music overwhelms my entire body. In the past (and I was high, no shame for that), I enclasped the speakers sometimes for a minute and BAM BAM my body went wild, loved it. (not good for the ears though) That's a kick many people want. I agree 100% with the distortion, I hate it when that happens, and I also do prefer open air parties. I went to open air parties where instead of using giant speakers, they built 'walls' off smaller speakers together combined, and the detail of the music was perfect and the distortion was pretty low. Great effect, but more expensive I guess... + don't forget people make a lot of noise on parties, they talk/shout, and you will be amazed how much volume that creates on the dancefloor. You don't want to hear the conversation of your neighbor dancing so I guess the volume has to be at least high enough for that.
  22. English is not my nature language and while reviewing releases I miss that sometimes. It's pretty hard to express emotions, music in a foreign language. So are there people that speak english as a mother language and would feel free to share some (one is also good)? I've tried Google but most of them are so common. Like: I'm broke = I have no money... A black eye = We say in Belgium 'a blue eye' etc... Those one I can't use, and most of the common one I already know from watching television (In Belgium everything is subtitled). We don't dub like the French or other which is great. So English expression that can be used to express emotions (maybe music related) Exotic posted a good one today in the Shiva Chandra (2012) review, it's not music related, but it's a good example. In Belgium we say: If you look further then the length of your noise. I'll see how it goes, got nothing to lose
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