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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. Game Of Thrones season 3 has begun Have a good journey
  2. I'am preciously , forgot that... But I was thinking afterwards, if everybody is posting his or hers opinion, I don't know... doesn't matter to me... I prefer to do when the contest is closed... My personal choice... What about ambient tracks?, this is an uptempo compilation yes? So one will do maybe for the end? or? They are a lot good track available, this will take time, but I like it... I'm just separating at this moment which one can be in the top 10 and which are not. And I have already 6 "score" and I'm at 1/3th of the list Ranking them will be the toughest... I like to many different sub genres I guess
  3. Can we post comments on the tracks on soundcloud page or rather not? EDIT: not a good idea, delete post or ignore...
  4. Professional, complete in design and many more... Even the newsletter is always well done.
  5. It's different, but good different indeed, I always liked the 3th minute of "Tifzoret"... That sound inspires me...
  6. Allright, and euhm 350 (what is more then I expected) but is that by Tim Sch... It such a great cd, when it was released I downloaded it, and bought it directly after a first listen. (it never happened so fast ) But the quality was the same Edit: I also checked and it's still available for buying. I was kinda hoping it was not...
  7. That's in russia
  8. Just start an simon posford or boris blenn debate, he can't resist it Or reply on the 101 already existing by him and say it's entirely not true.
  9. Maybe just try TesseracTstudio, Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/label/TesseracTstudio
  10. Zyce - Alignment you might like, I haven't checked it properly... Although it's kinda fullon but it's different like Lyctum, Sideform etc... http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/tes/tes1cd018.html Never heard about Nerso until now, will check this... Then again, euhm , there are some suomi, forest experts on this forum, Maybe they can help you out... But not formulaic? You are still looking for trance? Or more experimental?
  11. It's already been 10 years since this melodic psytrance release was released, A very good one to my ears, but the mastering is not even mediocre, but it's lousy, there's no EQ, soundsystem that has the power to make it right after all this years. It's just unbalanced, it doesn't work, I've tried everything, it's thud, it doesn't fit etc... Anyone heard of any developments, considering Rastaliens at all? Is it even possible to pay for the mastering yourself? How much is that 150 euro????? As a free download or just for myself , if it's not available on the internet, with the agreement of the artist? I don't want to wait another 10 years http://www.discogs.com/Rastaliens-Freestyle/master/180788
  12. I watched it yesterday, and it's indeed a very slow movie. Worth the 8 gig, I don't know according the "special effects" that I have seen a proper dvd would do, I have seen much better. There is a story but one that's so simple that anyone could have invented. The fact that it "should" be psychedelic is the atmosphere, the music, and that's pretty ok. But I guess I have never seen a movie that is so not original. To be released in 2010 they have used almost any "psychedelic" symbol that has been ever related to as psychedelic between quotes in the last 40 years . The prism used by pink floyd, the cube, the design of Stanley kubrick in clockworck etc etc... There is no originality in the concept at all. A 14 years old kid could like this movie not knowing it's a rip off, based on history, yes... But If you are older, they fail on the spur of the moment.... If you have seen the trailer, you almost have seen the movie I experienced it as a collection off everything that has already been made in one giant movie with no story at all... I did not fall a sleep, but I won't watch it again that's for sure... Did I waste my time? I don't know, I could not sleep anyway... But I did pretty well after this movie Well my imo...
  13. Actually no, but it is always better to do, you might never know I think it depends on how far people know your humor around here
  14. I've got the flew for 9 days now , This is the first day I'm feeling a bit better, 9 days is long, wow, But I'm looking forward to tomorrow...
  15. 20 the April seems fine, 1 may should work, I'm on board... I won't I will succeed properly, it's a bit short, maybe we should have a vote about the vote ps: or 2 months
  16. Seems like a good strategy
  17. Yes, to be honest, 1 month with so many tracks, what's the rush... I'll go for 3 and do this right imo This is imo not voting best of 2012 about albums you have listened too a year long and know by head. This is all new stuff + listening to all this tracks in a row is imo not ok, for me it isn't, The first tracks get more points in my head. After track 60, I'm like , skip skip skip Some people only log in / once a month. We should give them a chance too, the more people, the more accurate.... The best compilations weren't built in one month I guess... And If voting for your self is ok to give 10 points, Maybe it's best to mention it in the opening topic in bold or very noticeable, So every artist now and can't say later, I haven't voted for myself one time... Just some fast thoughts Looking forward to my new track each 3 days, to analyze, headphones, no headphones etc... Lapsus seems cool at first listen....
  18. Thanx Jos, you didn't have too , but still thanx! A lot off tunes sounds similar but considering this one I had from youth, And probably never heard since back then I started sort of linking it in my mind... That's what I like, analyzing music Never promised it would be correct all the time
  19. Probably it can be more the choice off sounds I guess, combined by my youth memories, printed that way. So I hear it differently, or want to hear it that way... I'm glad somebody responded, thanx for that
  20. I'm curious, you go mate
  21. Indeed the bpm plugin I downloaded in 2005-2006 +/- was then already outdated and had an had a very old layout, so if it's not been updated since then. That could be the problem... Would you exercise at around 140 bpm, and follow that speed? that's fast Seems not healthy at all to be honest, well I don't know your endurance or how long you have been working out, but I'm guess almost any reasonable doctor or workout trainer would advise you not to do it...
  22. Of course not, but I' always found them too dark, so we are at a different frequency, I partied a lot at squats, underground basements, no fresh air, very dark, tends to get boring after a while imo...
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