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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. I'm at track 2 now, it still sound ok... But it has that shakey minimal approach that a lot of progressive artist are using lately. I like that approach in minimal but progressive has to be strong in it's baseline. That's what makes progressive so great and motivated. That's all gone, and it seems it's (becoming) a trend... Damn it
  2. Crab bridge
  3. The only music that creates so much brain activity following the sounds. I would love to see a brain scan from my brain while I'm listening to goa compared to other music. and it's the best music to daydream + I don't worry (train of thoughts) when I'm listening to psychedelic music. and It makes me euphoric (only melodic goatrance) in my body when I'm in the right mood without any substance involved... So you've got 4... 1. Brain activity 2. Daydreaming 3. Euphoric feeling 4. Not worrying There ya go
  4. @ Mars: Barby is great. It was not entirely what I'm looking for but you are 100% right considering the atmosphere. It's cool how the guy changes his baselines from dark tinted, to progressive and a bit fullon. Very variated and a good level off psychedelic. I would love to hear more of this. Thanx for the recommend... @ Anoebis The first Meller was a bit dull to my experience, I'll hope this new one will create more to my ears... Edit: I've listened to it and I'm still having the same problem. The atmosphere is so repetitive. The guy has talent. He has it all but in one way or another he can't express it or how should I put it. His latest album starts good at track 7 which is pretty late imo. Track 8 has some nice tribal influences and that repetitive atmosphere is all gone. The track you posted is not on his new album but probably released on a compilation. He is good in creating a good track but an entire album not imo... @ Padmapani: thanx for the link. I prefer full albums instead of EP's cause I like a story and an EP is pretty short. still thanx off course
  5. +1
  6. I've posted... We'll see... The man has talent!
  7. Indeed, it flows , They have a third album out, called 'sway' from 2011, I didn't know that, I'm checking it this afternoon, I'm curious...
  8. / double post
  9. Flowjob could dot it... http://www.discogs.com/artist/Flowjob
  10. I still can't find my way in progressive released in 2011/2012, Am I missing something? I'm not looking for mindwave, lyctum, sideform fullon minded progressive... But more the beginning of progressive reefer decree (sound frames 2001), Auricalar (audion), Beat Bizarre (lewd), Atmos (headcleaner) less melodic, no house influences... Is that totally gone (not represented)? thanx...
  11. priceless!
  12. my favorite space tribe album, track 5, "who's nutty enough to do a thing like that"
  13. Found it Wizzy noise - Multivitamin http://www.discogs.c...1/master/261992 the soundaholix track is in the set also... Both great fullon tracks...
  14. No offence taken, I didn't check/know there was a full review, I should have searched, my mistake indeed... Then again (the digicult) it isn't a review at all, it's an experience to recommend, that's not how I review at all... A review is more then only an experience to me... I've posted some other albums/comp's today and probably some of them are also reviewed, but those are old. What I wrote is an opinion 5-10 years later... So I prefer it, in that topic, at the moment... EDIT: I'll put a link to the original psynews reviews under the short reviews, that seems like a good short time solution
  15. I've listened to it again this weekend and patience for heaven is to good to be true, there is only one downside to this release, what to play afterwards... It's a dangerous release It strikes me that the second album doesn't get the attention it deserves in my playlist cause I seem to pick the first one always. Time can change that and it's a luxury problem...
  16. Mr Gasmask from Belgium is good, used to be E-metic and made pretty good acid core (I still have some in mp3, I think) I enjoyed his sets many times... The guy is a god when it comes to playing table football and indeed he used to be gabba earlier...
  17. I've listened to some decent albums this weekend, Let's have a quick peak to those that I enjoyed the most and are imo recommended... Silicon sound - pure analog (2003) http://www.psynews.o...g/#entry1004886 Astral projection - Amen (2002) http://www.psynews.o...40#entry1004887 Electric universe - one love (1995) http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/35343-electric-universe-one-love/page__st__20#entry1004946 Electric universe - stardriver 1997) http://www.psynews.o...r/#entry1004891 Gaudium ‎– Session Of Progression (2011) http://www.psynews.o...n/#entry1004888 VA - Chaos Unlimited Rebirth (2000) http://www.psynews.o...h/#entry1004889 Portamento - The portal (2011) http://www.psynews.o...20#entry1004295 Various ‎– Musica Psychedelica Scandinavica (1998) http://www.psynews.o...a/#entry1004890
  18. Maybe it could be handful to pin your topic, Then again I think as long as people post short reviews, they will debate them (what is the purpose) and it'll go very fast off topic....
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