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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. The flag is from a local football team 'Lierse' in Belgium, nothing compared to Ghent off course (kuch* kuch*)
  2. So true, I always buy BOSE headphones, I'm addicted to them, Don't get me wrong, BOSE is pure ripp off. The wires are so thin that in 3 years I got 2 headphones broken by the wires getting stuck while sitting down, I got up and BAM, wires are broken. The headphones cost 170 euro and just repairing the wires is >90 euros. That kinda sucks. But still after hooking up my mp3 players to other headphones I still end up with the same BOSE headphones. So I've got 3 headphones of BOSE, all the same type, 2 with broken wires and one on my head playing perfectly. And I would buy a fourth If i have to I don't get care, not that I'm rich, but once you are addicted to a certain quality, a certain tone, less is impossible... I never equalize. Releases are what they are and if you listen to original quality you don't have to imo... I like the fact that older goatrance albums sound old, it has a certain atmosphere/magic...
  3. Loud is indeed a very good example, true!
  4. Ah ok, I was wondering what happened, to bad, I liked his input, He'll come back hopefully...
  5. Sideffect...


    I back up everything, but just checked and there are no mixes of you in my stock, sorry mate
  6. It's different from what he is supposed to produce between quotes... I would have loved more tracks like this but It didn't happen...
  7. @ lemmi
  8. Great pictures, keep them coming
  9. becoming 30 this month (20th november)
  10. I understand, but comparing those tracks is almost like comparing different genres,
  11. That psysex track simple!!! this means war, a psychedelic one I'll have to rate your track low, you've asked for it, To bad for me it starts pretty good , I should use lower quality headphones to influence my judgment and hurt you as much as I can Ok the track, This is controlled chaos to me. To be melodic and I'm not meaning it in a morning way it's good psychedelic. It has a south African touch (don't know anything about the artist) and it reminds be a bit of scorb (is it written scorb?) The track name Kinky is well put and the sounds are not to shrill what is often the case with this type of trance to my ears. Ok I'm sold, I've never heard of sick addiction but this is good and would love to hear more. Rating is difficult cause this is not my expertise (fancy word), so I'll go for 7.23/10 I wonder what you'll think of this, that's my kinda favorite melodic night fullon, Fullon has never been more psychedelic in this track in my imo/experience. I had to upload it myself on youtube, strange no one ever did, or maybe the artist doesn't want to so I'll know it pretty fast when it has to be offline... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvkeXBio718&feature=plcp ps: If you rate this below 6/10 you're not coming to my birthday party and I'm getting 30 this month, so it'll be fun, Choose wisely!!
  12. 10minth the track starts probably before that, the climax is after the two women probably on xtc and goes on. it sounds like electric universe and there's more electric universe (morning star) afterwards so it could be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP_zRfyZ6f0
  13. Let's ask boris blenn what he thinks about it, Let's have him the final judgment and see if Radi needs to get punished That will be bring consensus and psynews can be again what is was before this violent thread that I'm not aware of!
  14. So what are you saying? that pop music, the kind of pop music today that uses electronic beats is based on this track? Even the prodigy - Music For The Jilted Generation is from 1994 and some people actually think they were pioneers, but the only thing the prodigy ever did was bringing electronic music/patters/genres that already existed underground for years to the mainstream... It goes way further then that, ever heard of "new beat, house, disco etc.."? So no Radi, I don't know much about pop music but I'm pretty sure the baseline of this track hasn't anything to do with today's pop music, The only connection there is, that's it probably a part or a fraction of the development chain of baselines that was going on way earlier... ps: you are not an idiot for posting that, you just act like one sometimes, that's a huge difference, give yourself some credit
  15. It's good, I haven't heard the typical logic bomb sound and I know they used it in some tracks on that album, but not in this track preciously, still 6.5/10... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLJKZBkh9-g
  16. The quality is bad, but shouldn't be a problem considering recognizing, Indeed, human blue, sensient, lish maybe... sorry mate
  17. The last track Yahel ever made that I loved, the rest of the album is less then mediocre and that goes for all his albums released later... enjoy http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ5JqqAOE_M http://www.discogs.com/Yahel-Hallucinate-Journey-Into-The-Unknown/master/152533
  18. imagine, I already ate this... Dr oetker is the best
  19. I like their album paranoid and play it sometimes... But going to a concert is a bit to close, I'm not such a huge fan but the experience will be major. Enjoy it and it's good you're going cause I don't think Ozzy won't last that long anymore on stage. It's almost now or never I think... Have a good time!
  20. that it's gay probably
  21. After a few more times listening to this album I had to reconsider my thoughts about the baseline and edited my review deleting one line.
  22. Good I never was a big fan of wizzy noise, the atmosphere is creepy and well put. The first melody is gorgeous and it seems like pretty good night fullon, but then those typical flat fullon waves fucks the track entirely. Too bad they should have stayed to the concept that they were building up and it could have been a perfect dark fullon track... So it could be a nice 7/10 but because of the clone waves it drops to 5/10, but it passed... now you mentioned fullon, I prefer this, http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8Q8lani0BM
  23. 2/10? You discriminator, and that for a mod , this is the end of psynews as we write
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