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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. Indeed I lost some fine cds many years ago, you know how it goes. In the week always very gentle with your cd's, but in the weekend you come home and have an afterparty at your place with some friends. And listening to some fine, rare tunes at that moment is the best thing you can do. It's the perfect time for that. But being not that sober switching fast from one cd to another, and friends browsing also not that sober through your cd collection with the result not only a hangover on monday but maybe a scratch, plastic broken (what is pretty ok), or beer spilled etc... One thing I discovered before I downloaded is when I had a scratch and I tried to copy the disc and even the copied disc the scratch is noticeable. Put your disc in a plastic bag. In the freezer for 48hours. The scratch get filled for some hours with ice (I guess) and you can make a perfect copy again Sometimes creativity is needed to survive Those problems are all in the past but I still remember them
  2. One of my favorites is still "love is not a crime" It has again that typical melodic pattern drive, that some describe as repetitive, which I can understand. But it has this motivated tune that I can resist. At the end boris uses some unique spacy tunes that I adore and would love to see more often in goatrance (they start @ 6min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjL5fbKKE6k
  3. That's great news, looking forward to it, cause to be honest, I don't give much attention to EP especially when it comes to psyambient or psydub (call it what you want ) I prefer ambient cds that contain a certain story, that I can relax on with my headphones, closing my eyes for the next hour if you know what I mean... Even now when I'm listening to your soundcloudes, I can't properly judge, It's like, that not how it works for me. I want it on my headphones, no cellphone, no computer, not answering the door, just me and the music, and then I know if the music works. I can easily judge a full melodic or powerfull track through youtube knowing it'll do it's work later, but with ambient, it's harder... Don't get me wrong It's great your posting the soundcloudes , thanx btw!
  4. I got the same problem between quotes, it's often to much and it gives me stress I need controlled chaos... Derango is the only one I could appreciate at a certain level. Krumelur - minimal animal for instance is perfect
  5. Good one On topic, well the topic is impossible but I'll give the ones that I'm liking right now / year. you should have give us at least 3, then again we would have wanted 5 , maybe 7 1993 : Juno reactor - transmissions 1994 : Kode IV - Silicon Civilisation 1995 : Indoor - progressive trance 1996 : Transwave - helium 1997 : Pleiadians - I.F.O. (identified flying object) 1998 : Jaïa- blue energy 1999 : Mystica - Age of innocence 2000 : Dimension 5 - second phase 2001 : Psysex - Hardcore blastoff 2002 : Altom - hologram 2003 : Silicon sound - pure analog 2004 : The misted muppets - from the legend 2005 : Sandman - Witchcraft-Remastered (great I could squeeze this one gently) 2006 : Panick - lab o matic 2007 : Cosmosis - Psychedelica Melodica 2008 : Ra - 9th 2009 : Afgin - Astral Experience 2010 : Hoodwink - Sound Mirrors 2011 : Antares - Exodus 2012 : Mindsphere - patience for heaven (undecided)
  6. Ooze is still alive, good one technosomy
  7. +1 It's good as it is today, and the moderation is great, well done!
  8. Damn, this was to much off an effort, pffffff... (but once started) never again forgive me any writing mistakes, I did it faster along the task. I only found kali and shiva, others I don't know.... Kali Hilight tribe - kaili camino Logic bomb - pure kali Asia 2001 - Kalimba Qautermass - Kali Solar plexus - Kalieda Mystica - Kalimenjaro Transwave - Kalimantan Astrix - kali (+ jaïa and gms rmx) Seahorse transform - satelite of kali Miditec - kalis guitar Goma - kalimba Spectral skunk - kalimist Pantomiman - kalinka Artist : Kalilash, kali, kalimax, kalilaskov as, kalium, kali frogz... Shiva Indoor - shiva space tribe - you can be shiva shiva chandra - shiva shankra 'creature' (remix) Syb unity network - cosmo shiva Shiva shidapu - shiva devotional Tim shuldt - ohn shiva Synsun - dancing shiva steptime - shiva power silverstein - big brother shiva Shiva diablo - pagan Shiva - welder troll scientist - shiva tandada miditec - groovy shiva lucy in space with diamonds - shiva luminus - blue shiva imaginary sight - shiva luna & slide - disco shiva silverstein - shivahida nexus - shiva A-tek - eye of shiva 1200 mic's - shiva's india the endorphin - speed shiva Paraforce - shiva tandava Mantra mai - shivai cosmic tantra - shivas flute alien vs the cat - om nama shiva life extension - shiva Artist : Shiva, Shiva shidapu, shiva azax syndrom , shiva chandra, shivasidpao, Brian shiva, cosma shiva, shiva in exile, sirius shiva, Brian shiva, broken shiva toy... You can check http://www.discogs.com/ for albums, compilation and futher info...
  9. considering cd are rotating elements, and all rotating elements fray through, it has to happen some day your grandchildren maybe maybe backing up isn't such a bad idea after all (or just the rare ones)
  10. The delta didn't make that much melodic tracks but if they do it's dark tainted and great... Travelling at the speed of thought is great example and imo excellent goatrance. and don't forget "As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling" (as far you can consider it to be melodic, for the delta it is ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAphLjNVhA Children of paradise is indeed more melodic and still has that that dark forest atmosphere...
  11. At last, my thoughts exactly... I started to think I was the only one Btw this topic reminds me of older psynews off topic, I actually laughed out loud ps: you don't get my facebook radi , some off the psynewers are on it, but only those that I had private messages with, a good feeling and know for a long time... and maybe hope to meet in real life one day.
  12. I can't, you wouldn't believe me, and it would be not wise to put it online, you never know... I have never lost (or deleted) a single track/album/compilation/ep/discography in a format or crash since 1998... I also never listen to original cd's. Once I have a new cd I rip it in flac and listen to it digital. I have no actual cd player anymore, and it annoys me that there is a cd in my cd drive while I'm on my laptop or desktop. (especially on my laptop) Digital loads faster and it's great to create playlist since I and I guess most of us only have one cd-drive, maybe two.
  13. "Although the first cd is a 76min journey, a release never experienced that short" Good work!
  14. I think some people listened to goatrance to much, and now want changes, but I guess they should accept that goatrance is goatrance, and they should self reflect their listening behavior. The problem is not is that artist should change the music if listeners overloaded themselves with goatrance to much so they can't appreciate newer releases that much, that's their mistake. If you you drink 1 liter coca cola all day long, and the taste starts to get boring after some years, you don't ask to the producers to change the taste of coca cola don't you? You start drinking something else. You or they shouldn't haven't drink that much cola To me it's that easy like that. I don't listen to goa that much cause I know otherwise new releases sound dull because goatrance sound dull entirely. It's a pure economic thing. Good advise listen for a while to some other music, like mentioned above, that's what I do to keep goatrance a live in my ears. it keeps me from complaining and I'm glad with that perspective. I follow many other music genres and compared to other music genres the concept goatrance/psytrance has created more subgenres and more variation then any other music genre over the last 15 to 20 years. Reggea is still the same, metal is still the same, acid(house) is still the same etc. Some don't know what they are complaining about. But it doesn't frustrate me, I understand, I used to listen to goatrance to much too, and made the same mistake but nowdays I keep it for the perfect moments and mood, so it keeps alive. Still everyone is entitled to his opinion, just saying I and other have been there. It's more up to you then the artist. Goatrance is what it is and will be (i hope) still the same in 10 years and longer. Peace
  15. Burn In Noise - Passing Clouds (2008) http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/53235-burn-in-noise-passing-clouds/&do=findComment&comment=1004884
  16. +1 and wasn't the entire idea of neo goa bringing the oldschool sound back? I don't get some people!
  17. Indeed a minimum of characters should be required.
  18. + axis is imo one of the purest goatrance productions ever made...
  19. I needed some time to appreciate nothing lasts... but nowdays I think it's good and I play it often, it's like his debut album, not that overloaded, not to many samples, I like that... It's also one story and not track by track... but it's nothing new, what is ok to me, I'm not tired off the sphongle sound...
  20. Indeed, I wonder if it's real or photoshopped...
  21. Never checked those rules properly to be honest but since I have no warning points I guess my reviews are ok
  22. correct, if it's done with respect and not just bashing the artist, that would be suitable, it's up to the fans of the album to disagree and debate and so we go on and on... Then again it's harder to write review guidelines for that, for instance (example), If I should write a review about each album I don't like, I could write a 100 reviews a day, so what about that?
  23. I couldn't have said it better myself. It would be great to have more approachable review guidelines and more opinions. Not that I'm unsatisfied now, psynews is doing great, especially compared to other psy websites when it comes to valuable info. Otherwise I wouldn't be here
  24. True, if the sound is good I don't mind at all. One love is great. I would say cosmix experience released in 2004 is a perfect example of that, or am I getting your statement wrong. Imo cosmic experience is one of the best morning fullon releases ever made. Not entirely, His new EP is called psystep but it's a combination of typical morning fullon and some dubstep moments... I had a quick peak and most of it is still morning fullon. and nothing new by the way. After cosmic experience they reached their hight considering fullon imo. And should accept that it's time for something different, it's very repetitive... So I understand the dubstep idea, liking it is something different http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcCi6oQ378U
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