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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. True, Lsd is a super track but for the rest there's imo nothing more special then other goatrance albums in that period on twisted. His second album has some unique tracks and is more a journey starting from track 3 until the end. The first two tracks are pretty ok but don't fit that good in the story. I expect 0 from his third album, protecting myself from disappointing. Not that it would be such a great deal if it was, there's enough fresh goatrance talent going around these days... His side project sphongle is still doing fine in my playlist.
  2. nice one lemmi
  3. SUPER TOPIC Dolmot! You're way of thinking is great Dolmot, I fee exactly the same and would love to see some changes, that's why I opened this topic... http://www.psynews.o...d/#entry1002091 it's almost the same idea as yours, an idea that was floating in my mind for a long time, so big thanx for having the same... Let's see how it goes... Maybe the mod's can combine our topics on in one big thread and a vote (or not)... I'm curious how it will go... It's great to see so many input. Now on topic, don't want to wast your topic Lyctum - Tales From The Universe - 2012 A perfect combination of progressive and fullon. This release has floating melodies but is not based on direct satisfaction when it comes to melodies. Everything is warm and subtle. A crystal clear production with a baseline that creates brain activity and surprises me often. This is an album that will be approachable for those who like progressive but have the need for a stronger touch once and a while, or fullon lovers that prefer it a bit slower once and while. For each it's own. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/yse/yse1cd280.html Sideform - Moving On - 2011 The same goes for sideform as lyctum. The difference is that sideform is less warm and more psychedelic in it's melodies. Again good for progressive and fullon lovers. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/yse/yse1cd265.html Hyperion - Drop Psychosis - 2008 This is very good fullon. The problem is that I guess something went wrong in the mastering or production. The melodies are pretty intelligent and variated but the entire release sound a bit doof with the result that the climaxes aren't represented as they should be. I never equalize but with drop psychosis I have to. As last to be a morning fullon release it's not the typical astrix morning fullon but different. That's why I like it at a certain level and it would be nice to have more fullon releases in that direction http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/yse/yse1cd178.html
  4. It's been a long time that I had this thought and because of this lovely topic, http://www.psynews.o...w/#entry1001967 I was thinking it is time to spread the idea more Dolmot started it good, and see how psynews feels about it. I doubted of posting this in Dolmot's topic, but it's a bit too long imo... and I didn't want it to end wasting his topic... the statement is almost the same, but the more attention, the better I hope In the original review section, the first review section of psynews, users posted an album, wrote some short lines about a release, and people started to debate about the album/compilation/ep. Some wrote long reviews, some a few lines, but the good thing was that almost each release was represented. Sometimes the info was very tiny, what said enough about this release, not being that good, or it just had little fans... Nowdays users only want long detailed reviews (I guess, correct me If I'm wrong), but we all know > 90% off the psytrance listeners don't have the capacity, time, effort to write such a long and detailed reviews. That goes for all music genres. Maybe some people would like to open a topic about a certain release and are only capable of writing a few lines because they aren't writers but are a bit afraid that their review won't be considered as a review and change their mind, following the topic doesn't open. (again correct me If I'm wrong) There for lot's of good releases stay under the radar, like mentioned in the topic I linked above, and I think that's a shame. It would be great to see, that fan's of a release can open a review with just some lines, even it's it's still "I love this album, it's great' and that's it. (well maybe a bit more, but you know what I mean) At the other hand, we may have reviews that are just, "this album sucks" "this albums is great" etc... In the old review section that was often the case, but It had it's charm imo... And more opinions were represented... maybe we can accept that as reality... Some guidelines with minimum input would be great. A review could be just like this for example I think that would be great, and the debate goes on... At the other hand, the review section will be more filled with useless post. (then again what is useless) But I believe that the review section will be more approachable. And we have to accept that at this moment psytrance isn't that popular anymore (I don't mind at all ) so we have less input... What do you guys think? I'll add a poll and see how it goes... Maybe some of you are thinking, nobody ever claimed that it's not ok to open reviews like that. but why don't we see them (maybe I'm overlooking something, again correct me If I'm wrong) It's just a thought, an idea, to increase the debate about releases, but more categorized and not only in random topics. If it's a good idea we can add it to the review guiding lines, and motivate people to start opening more topics about releases. Feel free to debate
  5. take some aspirin and buy tissues +1
  6. I thought Simon posford was feathers
  7. true, the world ends pretty soon, we have to know
  8. not active ( or anymore)
  9. FB on psynews, great, now you're Bill hicks avatar and it's complete And indeed NHJO HYENNRO was rolf
  10. I've got mixed feelings, it's a bit repetitive after a while, it would be better to my ears if the baseline was a bit more variated.
  11. Mine should be on the way by mail, can't wait
  12. This is good fullon. With 7even Sister7 they created fullon that was more goa minded compared to other morning fullon, tracks like "I believe" and "galactic" did great but the baseline was a bit repetitive in the entire album. In this EP that's not the case. The baseline is more variated, a bit stronger and the melodies are more mature. Well done!
  13. aha interesting Now playing
  14. I know, that's why I said the oldest goatrance debate and indeed new users, new opinions...
  15. One of the oldest goatrance debates I guess I'm talking about 90's releases not new stuff.. I've listened tot the 1996-1998 releases again the last 2 weeks and Astral projection is still winning. Tracks like like Axis, people can fly, Mahadeva, Burning Up (Instrumental), Kabalah etc are still doing more then MFG's best tracks. Also the concept of listening to entire albums Astral projection does it more. With MFG I tend to get bored at the end. Of course MFG has it's classics
  16. Psy/Goatrance is between quotes underground music, and that has it charms but I guess it's also a huge downsides for labels. I'm glad there are people still taking the effort.
  17. that's evil it's word against word, and have seen it happen on another forum, it became a huge flame ware, and the money wasn't paid after all, who is going to admit in public? 200 procent sure, no one will!!
  18. Love this one, it's a mwnn rmx, although the original is still better imo... He added but did not change that much. Just played: It has been a psychedelic journey
  19. I reckon that Oopie, I listened to it some days ago and it sounds a bit cheap. At the end I was glad the album was over. The remastering is very sharp and the waves are thin. it's not what I'm looking for when I listen to goatrance. Like I said above, some spirals are ok but it's not good enough. It annoys me at a certain point.
  20. To me I like the fact that I can browse and pre listen tracks from other user, they are listening to, it's a different way of discovering new artist, and it's somehow more reliable because I already know the taste of some users who have been active on this platform for years. And I think it's fun to notice my own library, what music and tracks I prefer... Mostly I know them by head but sometimes LastFm helps. And then there's the social part, mentioned above... It's like a gadget but I a good one for me... For example if you found a new artist and you check it on lastfm, you can already see how many people liked and played their tracks the most. that can be interesting.
  21. Hehe Procyon is a bit hard indeed, but I'm sure he meant it in a good way... it has always been when listeners have enough goatrance they start over analyzing. We had shaltu, crossing mind and then came Innerspace. If Innerspace was the only goatrance/suntrip release this year people would praised cause they were hungry I always try to listen to an album as it was my first, which is obvious impossible. But it's a way of self reflecting that blends away the economic part of over satisfaction. I had a hard time appreciating crossing mind in the beginning because I've listened to shaltu to many. I knew that was the reason. When I listened to shaltu and goatrance entirely less Crossing mind grew on me. It's typical for humans, we always want more (I-phone 5 etc...) Sorry for the off topic, although it's note entirely off topic imo. I've listened to innerspace yesterday evening again and it's sharp melodies did great in my head But like I mentioned in my review this is goatrance that will do it's work on the dancefloor very well, but is less interesting for listening at home. It has less depth then for example crossing mind. Crossing mind creates more brain activity what is more amusing on headphones. My imo, don't shoot me
  22. Maybe Aerospace?
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