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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. I don't have a TV anymore, I don't need one, there are many media sites online and that's enough for me... I can even input xbox with HDMI, I don't game that much but when I want to I can, And the screen is big enough to lay back and enjoy movies, series... I'm enjoying it daily....
  2. Sensient was indeed the first thing that comes up in my mind, Midi Miliz, , Barby is indeed a great release, but all those are mentioned here... I was thinking of tantrance volume 10... the second cd...
  3. My list... Game of Thrones (loved it) The Wire (loved it ) Sopranos (loved it ) Breaking Bad (still watching season 2, loving it) Band of Brothers (loved it ) Boardwalk empire (starting next month) Carnivale (loved it, a lot) True Blood (still have to watch) The Walking Dead (still have to watch) Twin Peaks (loved it ) Bottom (loved it ) Allo Allo (loved it ) Black Adder (loved it ) Cheers (it's ok) Coupling (it's ok) Curb Your Enthusiasm (still have to watch it) The idiot abroad (still have to watch it) Shameless (the uk version) (loved it ) Dexter (still have to watch it) Fawlty towers (it's ok) Frasier (it's ok) Friends (it's ok) House (I don't think I will ever watch this) How I met your mother (it's ok) Little Britain (it's ok) Modern Family (still have to watch it) Mr. Bean (nostalgia) Rome (didn't like it that much) Spartacus (only liked one season, with the original actor (he died irl) Seinfeld (it's ok) That 70's show (it's ok) The corner (loved it ) Tour of Duty (nostalgia) You rang my lord (loved it )
  4. I still like the infected sound, even in a dub step way, and the guitars but with all the singing or is it rapping, shouting? I don't know, I don't like that. I would love to hear a non vocal dub step album with just the infected sound, twisting around!
  5. Found it, I knew I heard that tune before, I had to find it and I think I did... And it should be Vangelis - End Titles From Blade Runner - 1994 Dimension 5 - Caprica - 2013 - starts in the beginning... Vangelis - End Titles From Blade Runner - 1994 - starts at sec 25.... No harm meant to D5 btw ,
  6. Yes from Mind rewind, but that was also produced in the 90's I guess, I'm looking further from the 80's maybe... or Maybe It's just inside my head
  7. Nice, ovnimoon records has some great releases the latest past year, And you are nova fractal himself probably, I love track 3 from your release, lovely built up, perfect climax, Great I haven't been active on psynews for some months, preciously got some catching up to do, But it all looks very promising what is happening on goatrance level these day, I like it (more then)
  8. Alright I wasn't following, thanx, I can't find a released date? The tracklist seems amazing, can't wait
  9. That's indeed a different site, well not's fight over this, I'm probably mixing them up, therefor I apologize Those links all look the same, but I checked it and some letters are different... My mistake again
  10. Sideffect...


    Great topic guys, most off them I've seen already on FB, but keep them coming Electric Sheep in HD (2-hour 1080p Fractal Animation) Go for the 1080p or al least 720p
  11. I don't know why I said represent something, I more meant what it is, thanx for the info, just marvelous
  12. I've bought myself the same 2 Terra for all my back up, vid's and music For music use flac, that's compressed, if you use flac 5 you go to 1000kps maybe 1200kps (instead of 320kps), That's more then enough, Wave is uncompressed and takes more space but doesn't offer you more quality... I use flac to back up. Just install flax.exe (it's free) and download "foobar 2000, also free), and it goes faster then you think good luck http://www.foobar2000.org/download I bought this screen in January... Love it, especially Blue-ray...
  13. Good one indeed!!!
  14. Not much, but we can try don't you think, better start with yourself then complaining others don't imo BTW: Hasn't Germany a 5-10 years plan (I think I saw it on the news) to create a system that 80% off all house livings would run on "green energy"?
  15. Great pics guys, you make me jealous Can't wait to have enough money to buy a decent camera... Where's this? Amazing pic, or does it represent something?
  16. Thanx for the info , I was hoping for goatrance There are already so much ambient releases / month, and to be honest I'm a big fan off E-mantra trance layers, but not when it comes to ambient. It's not bad at all, but it's not what I want when I'm looking for ambient. I like it more detailed, crunchy and not loaded, like Aes Dana, Solar fields, Asura etc... Don't get me wrong, I will check it without a doubt
  17. Welcome reality and real life Radi. We are all unique and this self extensiveness reality, With the common result that people are shit, and most people think I'm shit... It's a paradox, but also a circle. The older I get, the less I feel connected with people. Everyone has their own choices in this capitalistic system were choice is an illusion but creates again the result, that we don't understand each other anymore. We grow apart because all off the choices that are offered, so that we, they, I can be as happy as we want to. To create the highest level of joy without needing anyone. Which is again off course bullshit, but it gives people a reason to wake up and go to work. I still have some friends where I can connect too and a certain level, friends from my youth, bounded because we know each other from youth, and we know we need each other. I think that's the best security you can have besides parents, family between quotes. For the rest your on your own. Like everyone else here. You'll get there, believe in yourself and never stop doing that
  18. No tendency to sleep toning...
  19. X 10 You freaked me you radi out, when I visited skydrive, I was logged in Changed my password immediately and signed out
  20. How about MOS - bug and maybe sandman - witchcraft. Or is witchcraft too experimental? Or what about, Killing Joke - Love Like Blood (Deedrah RMX) http://youtu.be/2wvV61Ui8io Genetic- floor Or that's to much psytrance? Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (M.O.S.) - Bug http://youtu.be/zE92C7OjzCA
  21. La Chevauchée Fantastique , is one of the best melodic melodies ever made, still doing great imo...
  22. Super! The video is priceless, thanx!
  23. Has it been 10 years already? There were a lot of RIP topics back then... His progressive is timeless!
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