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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. , the flu got me big time, delay arises
  2. I meant pahtfinder, my mistake
  3. That will be easy, I haven't found much interesting albums in 2012, Then again the ones that I have found were very good, so that counts imo Uptempo: Atmos - 604 Barby - Infiltrator Beat Bizarre - Muhkarv Dimension 5 & Chi A.D. - Blue Moon UK Sampler Va- Shaltu Innerspace - Innerspace Lyctum - Tales From The Universe Mindsphere - Patience for heaven Nova Fractal - Fractal Landscape Shiva Chandra - The Beauty Of Noise Downtempo: Aes Dana - - Pollen Akshan - The Tree of Life VA - A Conversation Between Two Trees (Compiled By DJ Samsara & DJ Furvus 2012 - "is up and downtempo)" Connect.Ohm - 9980 RA - Unearthly Solar Fields - Random Friday E-Mantra - Silence that's it...
  4. For me it looks all the same, I can't read russian, with a translator a bit, So if it's one off the biggest, it should be ok, you will know the answer better then euro-pans or americans etc etc... Good luck!
  5. music.yandex.ru .ru is russian, and those are 99% illegal...
  6. Distance has probably something to do with it
  7. Their are a some website that provide free goatrance, like ektoplazm.com ect, and if people are in such a hunger for music which I understand, just download and don't care. Even persons who spent enough money to the music production according their income would be able to download without worrying (off course how can they check that) Giving max what you have is enough for a license to download imho... And don't think that stopping all canals to download will make releases cheaper, music has been capitalized over the years, And bands like metallica, brithey spears, the rolling stones etc etc ect have made billion of dollars for just releasing some great tunes... I wasn't fair anymore, they fed on the hunger for music at the mob and now they are paying the bill... That's good! They live in fucking castles, have 15 cars (who needs that?) Just a shame for new small labels, they are getting punished for their ancestors capitalism pig behavior, So when I buy new releases it's always from smaller labels. On topic, you? Download what you want my friend Downloading on the internet is like masturbating in real life, Nobody does it, But when the night fall comes they all do it anyway... And some maybe buy all their music original, but then download every movie they have seen. Others buy 50% music, 50% movies and they are the so called bad owns because they download music... How many people have an illegal windows installed, Microsoft office? That's suddenly ok? Download according to your income/month, spend/according to your income (wife, kids etc...) And sleep with your both ears on your pillow...
  8. First listen and it was good next:
  9. I'm checking the post daily morning and evening
  10. , that must a be worldwide record
  11. Excellent! True, where is the master when you need him
  12. +1 We should unite like I mentioned above, Psy solders unite , Spam so much they can't handle it anymore, Everyone takes 5 private lessons, or one group lesson with reger. He's the king and can share it's secrets to create an army!
  13. It will become chaos, if every goa head can start a page, the information will spread all over facebook, with no search function at all, The same spamming over and over! It will become hard to find the essential info people want. A forum like this is much better....
  14. Almost, but nice thinking
  15. Nice pictures
  16. I was just being ironic friend, it's the internet, lighten up , (not meant in a criticism way)
  17. Off course, but you'll have to have to sleep with Goa Gill first, like we all did once in the past, And then you are free to go, good luck my friend , Don't forget the lotion, and he says he's huge , but he's not, so it's pretty ok if you are on Valium, rohypnol, GHB ect..) Then again don't take to much rohypnol, Reger took so much, he forgot he already did it with Goa Gil so on his second interview he got banged a second time, He's mother was furious! We laughed out loud !
  18. I would be great to have on of those, I'm 30 now, I'll better start I guess
  19. Great to hear, I'm visiting a friend next weekend who has then and I can try them for a month. Try before you buy. Can't wait
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